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Everything posted by Hilda

  1. Anna fails to one shot the Pegasus Lance without Deathblow 3, as you can see she does 53 damage and he has 52 HP. Since she moves around freely due to her Weapon Noatun giving her buffs is quite difficult at times. Besides it would have meant i would have needed to inherit skills to the other 3. With this way i only needed to give Sharena Smite/Pain. Dont get me wrong, there is different ways to go about this. However Pain is definitly a key point to get Anna close enough to kill the blue cavalry, otherwise you will get obliteratet at the next turn. There are plenty of skills in this run that were basicly useless (Sharenas Wings of Mercy for example) I also restrict myself to use a Dancer, because i love healers. I also restrict myself on useing my +10 5 Star Azama or any merged units, because i want to keep it as free play as possible. I also like to work around the default Weapon the Askr Trio gets if possible (Alfonse i tough quite shit really). Since i tend to upgrade GHB units to 5 Star and merge them I cant use them either lol. Anna imho is usually the unit that brings in the most work due to her Legendary Weapon in almost all GHB BHB i did with the Aksr Trio. She is usually the bait or the unit that goes in first because she can retreat so easily backwards and buys this way alot of time or additional turn for the other units to clear the path behind.
  2. CHALLENGE COMPLETE!!! (with Infernal now) Keyskills: Anna: Needs her 5 turn cooldown Astra otherwise you cant one shot the archer later Needs Deathblow 3 so she can ORKO the Lance Cavalier and later the Pegasus Lancer Needs Sacred Seal Atk Smoke 1 so the Red mage doesnt kill her Alfonse: Needs Triangle advantage so he takes very little damage from Cecilia Needs Red Tome Breaker so he doesnt get ORKO by Lilina or the Red mage Needs Reposition to get Wrys or Sharena out of Danger and put Anna into the right position Sharena: Needs Smite to bring Anna into position use her default A skill SPD+3, Furys -HP cost might get her killed towards the end Needs Sacred Seal Distant Def 3 (actually distant def 1 seal is good too) so she can survive the rampage of the archer and the Red mage towards the end Wrys: Needs wings of mercy to heal the people that are too far away Enjoy:
  3. Actually i dont, only on Anna. But i am building up Alfonse and Sharena next. Alfonse only have like 5 or so total new Skills inherited. Anna has all inherited (ecxept for rare ones) and she needs to learn all specials (lack of SP, i need those Warrior maps back ._.) I inherited Pain to Sharena just for pushing Anna into the Cavalier range. This is the first time Pain has been usefull for me lol
  4. Awww i missread, should have done Infernal, in any case here is Lunatic with all Quests done. Important skills: Pain + Fury + Distant Def Seal on Sharena, Alfonse needs Reposition, Wrys needs wings of Mercy, Anna needs Shield Pulse and Arkanum. Those are crucial rest is meh
  5. well your reinhardt is 1 point short of killing Lyn, assuming my calculations are correct she will outlive him by 1 HP and kill him on the counter. Well you are fucked, you can win this but without death not so sure. Atm i dont see another plan ecxept for the one i told you, but if Elidgan doesnt double Cecilia its kinda fucked lol
  6. @DLNarshen Attack Cecilia with Edligan, he will kill her (he can double her) and it will make his Special charge ready Dance Eldigan with Azura and proceed to kill Brave Lyn with his beefed up charge. Proceed to kill Ninian with your Reinhardt Reposition Azura with BLyn outside of Annas attack range.
  7. Not sure how the mode can be fun seriously. And as i said "imho". In my opinion, doesnt mean everyone else shares the opinion and how i think about it. I really dont see how it is fun compared to Tempest Trials and GHB/BHB battles or Arena assault.
  8. At this point of the game i dont even care who wins lol. Honestly voting gauntlet is so tedious i just do the 4 battles for the coins and call it a day. The mode should imho be delteed. Its not difficult and its bleh. The only reason i am touching it is because of Coins thats it.
  9. CYL Sharena: Meh i forgot to change her icon, she is of course not a staff user but a Lance user... BST: 163 HP: 43 Atk: 34 Spd: 39 Def: 29 Res: 18 Weapon: Divine Fensalir: Mt. 16, Range 1. Inflicts -5 Atk on foes in cardinal direction at start of each turn. Unit can move to a space adjacent to a flier ally within 2 spaces. Special: Triangle Attack, Cooldown 2 Grants +20% Atk. If flieing allys are adjacent to unit, each flieing ally grants additional +10% Atk. [Inherit restriction: Flyers only] A: Atk Spd Bond, Grants Atk/Spd +5 during combat if unit is adjacent to an ally. B: Askr's Revolution, Triangle advantage is reversed for allys and enemys at start of each Turn. If enemy uses bows, enemy gets Triangle disadvantage against Flying units. [Example: Swords will gaint Triangle Advantage against Lances, but will loose against Axes. Axes will gain Triangle Advantage against Swords, but loose to Lances etc etc . Affects Tomes too. All Bow users will gain Triangle Disadvantage when fighting Flying units.] [Exclusiv, cant be inherited ] C: Phalanx, Grants adjacent allies who use swords, axes, lances, or dragonstones DEF+6 through their next actions at the start of each turn.
  10. Lets not pretend that the Storyline in Heroes is strong and they havent used alot of "Plot-no-Jutsu" stuff ¬.¬. I mean just look at the recent Tempest Trial story lulz or the Sidequest storys
  11. I wouldnt mind seeing 4 Star Askr trio rewards from BHB quests. Along the lines complete infernal with Anna & Alfonse & Sharena in your Team to get a 4 Star copy. Sadly they missed the opportunity to do that with the BHB return of Alm & Celica
  12. Sending in my +10 5Star Azama with candlelight, rehabilitate steady mind dazzling staff infantery pulse and distant def 3, giving a whooping 39 close def 45 distand def, 36 close res and 42 distant res. Lets see if people on the Friendlist can use him
  13. There was also the Hero Feast banner with Azura Ryoma Takumi and Hector. Granted they werent new units at the time, none of them droped to 4 star rarity. We had handfull of banners where none of the units ever droped to 4 Star rarity. (2x Hero Feast, CYL, the starting banners at start etc. )
  14. Alfonse is in general very shit for this. 5 Star Alfonse can tank the blue mage cavalier, but i am not sure how a 4 Star alfonse fairs against him. In other words. he usullay is just there for buffing and repositioning and baiting maybe 1-2 units. He gets to kill units towards the end only (Celica lulz)
  15. I didnt pull for Ayra, nor will I. I will let my wallet speak, and i havent pulled much for the Halloween banner either. 2 Sakuras thats it. I will let my wallet speak. What I am not okay with: - Haveing an uninheritable Special that makes her auto outclass all other Myrmidons. Skills should be inheritable so other units can catch up too - A special that is absurdly godlike (40% SPD modifier on 2 charge cooldown, vs 50% Def modifier on 3 charg dooldown, something doesnt ad up her mathematicly!) - on top of that Higher BST. The BST wouldnt mind me if her Special was a bit toned down and inheritable - Being on a seperate banner off from Sigurd Deirdre etc.... What I am ok with: - Her weapon is in my eyes good, but i am ok with that - Her BST if the special wasnt exclusiv (see above) in Short: I am very very hesitant to pull at the moment and prolly wont pull much for the next 2-3 months, i want to see first where this new CYL trend is going. Is she powercreep: definityl does she break the game: nope, but she is annoying to face without a Blue mage/very tanky blue unit (which is my case)
  16. Another thing woudl be player made maps ala Mario Maker with potential rewards or so, that you can upload online if you beat them yourself first.
  17. mmmmm I don think adding more and more units is gonna go well Instead of working on how to solve the pool, A very good child system with the current pool would work better. For example: Look&gender, Weapon Type and Boon Banes are tied to the father while Haircolor, Movement Type and BST are tied to the mother. further you can pick 1 of 3 skills/abilitys tied to the father or mother (example youvan pick urvan for your child)
  18. Here small update just for you Sastuma, same strategy just different positioning at the end fullfilling all conditions:
  19. Just for you: In the end just kill Alm with Sharena and tank the Green mage, finish it off. (I forgot to kill him with Sharena and went with Alfonse by mistake)
  20. Because Alm is blocking the spot for her to attack and she is moveing first. @SatsumaFSoysoy and i just one shot Infernal with Askr Trio + Wrys, with Full skill inheritance and upgraded Seals.
  21. Its not really a forcing if the Quests are optional to complete tough. In that regard i dont see a problem with that.
  22. Bound Hero Battle Alm & Celica Lunatic vs Askr Trio & Wrys Complete Quest finisher in one battle 2x Skill Inheritance used: Red Tome Breaker on Alfonse [4* Odin] Miracle on Anna [4* Lucius, 4* Maria] Vanilla Tier 1 seals used (but they might not be necesseray ecxept for HP+3 on Anna) Everything else is Vanilla kit. Enjoy!
  23. I wish they would have included Anna in the Quest too and made it so all 3 units need to be on the Team at the same time to get the orbs. Forces people to move out of their Lamehardt/Crydelia/FartLyn comfort zone and think outside the box. Thats for Extreme to get orb rewards For Infernal the same thing but as a reward you get a 4 Star copy each of the Askr Trio so you can actually start to merge them!
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