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Everything posted by Hilda

  1. yes but Ninian brings more utility to the table. Her High HP lets her run Infantry pulse in the C-Slot and Panic in the B-Slot. Azura is limited in that regard alot. Her HP is trash to run any of the skills and her Res is too low to run any ploy or sabotage skills. She can only use chills. Thats it. My Ninian is HP+ luckily!
  2. Which was made alot easier thanks to the nerfing of the maps
  3. i agree this is a good solution to olde 5 Stars. Only gripe i have is, that they should have run 2 banners per week, So they rotate sooner. If rotation and restarr is even a thing!
  4. not fond of the defense nerfs. All I am reading is: please summon dark and anima mythics. there is no legit defense map left
  5. was hoping for a co-op mode. But this isnt it:/ lame. Why not let us tackle the map as 4 summoners with their favourite units or with friends. So much potential wasted ._.
  6. Her Inf effectivness and some other effect on her weapon as a 14 MT Weapon.
  7. dont enemy phase LAlm, Player phase him. Most supertanks dont survive him or even kill him in their first counter.
  8. No this is a case of: you didnt know of it and didnt check on it. So now you know that they count as debuffs too.
  9. This isnt bad game design. They are DEBUFFS. just not stat debuffs, hence they allow Hrid or in your case Yune to double! This is also the reason why my Hrid runs with Wrys-Trilemma and Cancel Affinity.
  10. I would like to note that the following count as debuffs even if none of your stats are affected by it: - Panic - Movement reduction - Trilemma Triangle adept status - Non counter - no Assist (from bride Fjorm) etc. Those count as debuffs too, because they also let Hrid double.
  11. I am talking about legendary Alm! Next week he even is a bonus. oh boy lol Next week will ne a nightmare lulz. Alms everywhere!
  12. Seeing people put up BrideFjorm against my Infantry pulse Team, which seems to work abitish. first day i got 2 wins because Alm basicly shot everything down. 2. day 1. loss was -40 lift (they lost 2 units) and 2. loss was 4 enemys defeated. Yeah Ima stick with this Team even with Fjorm, they will almost allways loose 1 unit at least or so and yes I am an evil bitch for putting up such a Team but IS designed AR to be this shithole it is...
  13. So Far I am running ok with double Naga, Marth, Beast dancer (forgot name colorless) and my Flashing Blade 4 Pulse Smoke Galeforce Anna. Basicly Anna goes in Galeforce kills the most threating unit and reduces special counter by 1 and then retreats with her escape route letting my DC Naga super Tank the rest with ward flier support + Marth buffs + Her weapon buffs. I switched Anna to Astra bonus because Sharena runs Light Bonus. Not sure where to stuff Alfonse in lol
  14. Well Smoke Pulse and Witchy Wand are hard to get too... soo again contradiction? You cant have it both ways, ignoreing my argument and throwing in basicly the same argument. And there exist enough counters to Kagero with an effectiv Inf. weapon. Raventomes and basicly almost everything that isnt an Infantery unit. Hell even Infantery units can counter her you just need to initiate on her. Banning a refine just because of one gamemode (AR) is nuts, especially when there are ways around that refine.
  15. I am well aware how hard Sothe can hit on an Infantry pulse Team, but anyone can hit hard in that Team. And yet Sothe still dies fast. Smoke Pulse is a thing Witchy Wand is a thing Galeforce is also a thing You make it sound like there is no counter to that, which i disagree hardly. A competent Galeforce unit with Smoke Pulse will annihilate a Infantry Pulse Team and render it less effectiv. And even now you are kinda contradicting yourself, didnt you say that Daggers only needed a way to safely attack and Sturdy Impact, Null Follow up fixed that? So what are they now bulky and not easy to kill or killable?
  16. Kagero has the bulk of a wet noodle. I really dont see nowadays the issue with her Inf. effectivness. there are other classes that can enemy bait her and she dies really easy when you initiate on her. You dont hear horse or Armor users complain about Micaiah? Its the same situation like with Legendary Alm, you dont bait here you just go and murder her on playerphase, ecxept that you can bait her with a non Infantry movement types! I mean 1 year ago i was against Kageros Inf. effectivness refine, but times have changed and BST has gone up and stuff like Legendary Alm and Surtrs etc. has come out. I really dont see the issue with Kagero haveing personal inf. effectiv dmg, considering all the other crazy stuff that got implemented.
  17. Obligatory Askrtrio clear of Abyssal: Obligatory Nifl clear of Abyssal: Team Legendary Marth clear of Abyssal, because it is Naga, and i started to really like this Team: Various Team clears of Abyssal: (I also love alot my Cancel Affinity-Trifuckta Wrys-Hrid setup, i love running stuff with that) Azama trolling a goddess with his Team!!
  18. Actually to my experience AR has more Infantry pulse Teams or mixed Infantry pulse with sprinkled armors horses etc then anything. So in that regard i think inf. eff would be good for an offense Kagero. I would like them to kerp inf effectivness on on her. I mean Alm has basicly effectivness against anything when he initiates lol
  19. What old Dagger units like Gaius and co need is a Dagger refine that gives their daggers the effect of Legendary Alms weapon lol I would kill for such an effect on a personal Staff for Azama ._. coupled with a Splash AoE that follows the same rules ._. omg IS make it happen so Azama stops hitting for 0!!!
  20. Not sure if Naga has much of a meta impact in AR. As an offensiv mythic boosting unit she doesnt fit the bill very good. Her Unique C Support Skill doesnt help the allies or the supertank much unless you are fighting Dragons. She cant use Galeforce because she is a Dragon (and she is too slow) and her Blessing boosts DEF which is kinda not exactly what you need + the fact that she isnt Ranged means she cant reach shit and reatreat. She could be turned into a supertank, but that only works when she is a bonus unti herself, because she doesnt benefit from the blessing. I am sad to say this, but IS dropped the ball on Naga like they did with Duma and i am thinking running dual Nagas is not feasable. I can only see Micaiah work well with her to an extend with Vantage and triple effectivness.
  21. my +10 Kagero and Saizo are ready. What I am hoping for: Saizo : same as smoke but with adjusted dmg (targeting lower def or res) and added special refine special charge when initiating on foes that use bow daggers sword and lance. Basicly almost the reverse of Felicia Kagero: eff against infantry swift spartow special refine: Desperation
  22. I think they should reduce the amount of AA battles. 7 is with AR and pair up etc just too long. They should reduce it to 4. I barely do AA because it takes too much time to do all 7 battles in a row.
  23. It would make defense Teams actually pointless, because the AI is just dumb. The reason why we have 6 on defense and 5 on offense is to even out the dumb behaviour of the AI. So in that case you might as well delete the whole defense ordeal crap. In general AR is not very well thought out imho.
  24. Tbh super Tanks like Surtr, Caneighis and co. are a thing of the past as soon as you run into a rally trap Alm beefed up with Infantry pulse and Sturdy impact. Unless you have Bride Fjorm to dismantle the Rally Trap. All Super tank attempts this and last weak were wins for my Defense Team because of that, the only one that lost, was this week with a Bride Fjorm Dismantling the Rally Trap. There is not much you can do against an Infantry Pulse Team with a Sturdy Impact LAlm and 3 beefed up Wings of Mercy Mages (Ophelia, Lilina and Sonya). If he attacks your tank will die, if your tank survives, he is in wings of mercy range and will get danced by the 2. Dancer which means either your super tank dies or one of the other units, which triggers a chain reaction of Wings of Mercy procs and results in 3-4 units lost that round. Only successfull attempts were with Bride Fjorm, or offensiv tactics, which used Vantage tanking (taking out Ophelia first) or Galeforce. Although i doubt one counters many of this setups until Tier 21
  25. why 3 manaeketes, FGrima and Myrrh have no Dragon effectivness, so they need to stick close to Naga. So in that case you could go with any Flier that has a good support weapon or offense weapon etc. In any case if you want an optimum scoring offense Team you will run 2 Nagas which will support itself. I am planning to run double Nagas + Dancing Dagger Olivia with her Water bucket (effectiv against Dragon) + Regular Marth (Falchion refine with a fantastic support), no position restrictions there and still place for one bonus unit.
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