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Von Ithipathachai

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Posts posted by Von Ithipathachai

  1. 4 hours ago, Fenreir said:

    as for battle animations, i can tell you that it probably wouldn't take much to improve them, because the problem is not the basic sprites, those are more than fine by themself. the issue is that those presets just lack additional frames in order to make the whole animation more fluid and run smoother.

    I'm not so certain.  Looking back at all the comments I got that were actually helpful, there seems to be as much disdain for the look of the default assets themselves as there is for the way they're animated.

  2. I guess now is a good time to tell you guys the results so far.  As of this writing, 45 people have responded: 28 from FEUniverse (62.2%), 9 from Serenes Forest (20%), 5 from Mekkah's Keep (11.1%), and 3 from Ft. Mangs (6.7%).

    42 respondents (93.3%) have Windows machines that they can use to play SRPG Studio games, so system compatibility is a negligible issue.

    The reasons people have given for being put off from Fire Emblem fangames/clones made with SRPG Studio have had overwhelmingly to do with the perceived bad graphics.  Some sample responses:


    The aesthetics (graphics, UI, etc.) just feel very bland. It's hard for SRPG Studio games to stand out as "unique" because they all have this generic look to them.


    SRPG Studio is a bit clunky in my opinion. Everything feels like a prototype rather than an actual finished game. The music cuts off constantly when switching between scenes, the default animations are drab... It's not really the gameplay of the game so much as the aesthetics, which I know might sound petty but that's how I feel.


    The default art assets are ugly, and people rarely replace them. SRPG Studio games generally don't get much attention, so I don't know if a game is any good or not. I don't like taking risks on unknowns. In other words, promotion of a game helps it.


    Well if anything it's the visuals, Really SPRG Studio is a powerful Engine, Even stronger then FEGBA from what i've seen. the real problem comes from SRPG Studio lack of support by fans, there are barely if any Fan-made assets. Compare to the GBA Games which have been hacked to death and it being the first game in the west made people want to make there own using the engine. SRPG Studio comparatively doesn't have this and visuals are a huge part of this. They aren't nearly as bad as some made them out but they have there problems, mostly that there slow and aren't the most fluid compare to the GBA Animations.


    The default map tiles and animations look terrible and most projects don't seem to replace them. Many also use either the default portraits or gba splices, which looks very unprofessional. They don't seem to have interesting stories but I think that's also true of most rom hacks.


    The assets that most SRPG Studio projects use do not look good, including the default map tilesets, UI elements, etc. I do not know how in-depth the remaining systems are, but the entire engine gives off the impression of being very archaic - like, FE3-like levels of archaic. I have not seen a single project using SRPG Studio that has interested me in all facets (story, graphics, etc.). Outside of being able to release as a commercial product, I cannot think of a reason that I would use the engine at all, which does not inspire me to want to play anything made with it, either.

    I could go on, but I think you get the idea.

    All this said, despite the misgivings people have had about the graphics, 34 responders (so far, 75.6%) have said that they ARE willing to play a completed, full-length Fire Emblem fangame or clone made in SRPG Studio.  So I think it's still just as important to get a nice, full-length, decently well-made (in the context of mainly using RTP assets) game finished as it is to dump money into improved assets.  Therefore, I’ve concluded the SRPG Studio community has two goals.  The first is to figure out some way of procuring better-looking assets for use with the software, and the second is to get more full-length finished games out there.

    MarkyJoe is one of the English SRPG Studio community's greatest allies, and so he is planning at the conclusion of another project of his for his artists to start working on a set of enhanced assets (mainly class graphics) for use with the software.  We're still trying to decide what they need to include and how they should be paid for.

    I for my part just finished work on my MAFC project after fixing some bugs with the Weapon Ranks plugins, so I should be able to resume work on Sanctaea Chronicles soon.  It has 21 of 28 planned chapters finished, so hopefully I should be able to finish the rest of it soon.

  3. Hey again, everyone.  So Mangs recently said on Discord that he was unwilling to Let's Play SRPG Studio games other than Vestaria Saga simply because they were SRPG Studio games.  Sometime earlier, Ghast said that he would eventually start doing Let's Plays again, but would probably place SRPG Studio games in low priority outside of MAFC simply due to all the other hacks he wants to play first.

    I do not agree with these decisions, but I ultimately respect them.  I'm not the one to tell them how they should be making content for their channels.  That said, this is very bad for people like me who are making Fire Emblem fangames/clones with the software and hoping for them to gain some respect and recognition from the fan project community at large, as we have now been largely denied two of the most effective sources of project exposure.  I have heard various reasons for this lack of acceptance such as perceived graphical inferiority to GBAFE hacks and framerate issues.  This survey is intended to gauge precisely the scale of the problem and how it can be addressed.

    The survey

    While I'm still here, I want to stress a few things:

    • This is not about converting people who are already using FEBuilder or buildfiles or whatnot for making hacks to SRPG Studio.  I simply feel that a well-made Fire Emblem clone/fangame made with SRPG Studio should be just as deserving of attention as a well-made GBAFE hack.
    • I acknowledge that I have a personal stake in this as somebody making a Fire Emblem clone with SRPG Studio himself.  But I do this in hopes that it will benefit the rest of the SRPG Studio community and help us determine an appropriate course of action.
    • DO NOT ATTACK ANYBODY ON THE BASIS OF THEIR DECISION.  You probably won't change their mind and it's just a crass thing to do.

    With that, thank you, and good evening.

  4. 4 hours ago, ping said:

    Speaking of PoR (and I agree with Stefan and Boyd): Ike's Hero class is practically a Swordmaster with slightly better caps (+2 Str > +2 Skl/Spd), as it still combines the two most horrible fates that a PoR character can face - swordlock and no mount. And while Ike certainly suffers from those two, he's an OK unit thanks to earlygame utility and pretty good stats once he promotes. Not phantastic, but significantly better than Mia and Zihark.

    Funny.  I simultaneously got a stat-screwed Ike and a stat-blessed Mia when I played Path of Radiance.  I still dropped her for Stefan, though.

  5. Can't really give much feedback on Chapter 1 yet with the severe lack of enemies other than (presumably) the boss.

    The portraits look relatively decent for being made in CharacterCreator, but you'll have to make mini portraits and talking+blinking frames for them unless you switch over to SRPG Studio.  You could use these as-is there after resizing them to fit in 96 x 96 squares, but you will have to do a lot more from the ground up, such as modifying the existing default classes, to make things more GBA-like.

  6. 1 minute ago, Shadow Mir said:

    I agree Sophia sucks, but imho, Wendy has it far worse owing to her class. This game is one of the worst to be an armored knight in thanks to giant maps. Then consider that she joins right before the Western Isles, where she's constantly facing WTD. Then consider that she's a melee class. Yeah... it ain't looking good.

    RE: growths, this is what Wendy's got:

    Wendy 85 40 40 40 45 30 10

    That's... not exactly what I call "good growths".

    Fffffff....  I was about to say this, but you beat me to the punch.

    If there's one thing I can add onto this, it's not to put too much stock in growth rates.  RNG screwage is a thing that exists, which is why base stats are generally held in higher importance.  Of course, if both your base stats AND your growth rates are satisfactory, then all the more power to you.

  7. 19 minutes ago, forsettipatty said:

    damn everyone saying "just use niime" but literally forgetting Raigh exists


    raigh actually has good growths if yyou use him plus he's really cool and i like him so he is better than niime

    Niime's main draw is her high base Mag and A Rank in Staves.  Neither Raigh nor Sophia is likely to attain that Staff Rank unless you spend way too long grinding.  She probably won't be as good in combat as a sufficiently trained Raigh, but then she doesn't need to be if you use her mainly for healing.

  8. SRPG Studio has worked very well for me and what I'm doing, but if you're not intending to deviate too far from GBAFE conventions, then FEBuilder may work just as well for you.

    As with anything, I recommend getting it on sale if at all possible.

  9. I think you have to post a certain number of replies in other threads in order to be able to post your own.  This is meant to deter spambots.

    Though, I will say that I've also seen ordinary guests start threads here before.

    If you aren't able to do that here, I recommend posting your game on FEUniverse.

  10. Hey, everyone.  I'm currently playing Command & Conquer: Red Alert.  I've beaten the Allied campaign and am now about halfway through the Soviet campaign.

    I intend to keep playing the Command & Conquer series at least up to and including Red Alert 2 + Yuri's Revenge, but not long ago I became aware that Definitive Editions of Age of Empires and Age of Empires II were a thing, with one for Age of Empires III also currently in the works.  The Age of Empires series holds a lot more nostalgic value for me, and the original is the only one I don't own in any shape or form.

    Which one do you guys think I should get next?

  11. Is this thread going to be specifically for Fire Emblem opinions, or will it include opinions on other stuff as well?

    If it's focusing specifically on Fire Emblem, you may want to get this thread moved to a more relevant subforum.

  12. Hey, again.  I was in the mood to annoy amuse a couple of Discord buddies, so I went and rated every Genesis studio album out of 100.


    How these calculation work for each album is that each song is given a quality length equal to a rating I give it from 1 to 10 multiplied by that song's length in seconds.  All these quality lengths are added together and divided by the total length of the album in seconds to get the song-by-song score.  The song-by-song score is further increased/decreased based on my personal preferences to get the final score.

    The rankings are:

    1. A Trick of the Tail (94)
    2. Trespass (91)
    3. Foxtrot (88)
    4. The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway (82)
    5. ...And Then There Were Three... (80)
    6. Duke (77)
    7. (Tie) Selling England by the Pound/Genesis (76)
    8. Abacab (74)
    9. (Tie) Nursery Cryme/Wind & Wuthering/Invisible Touch (72)
    10. We Can't Dance (69)
    11. Calling All Stations (58)
    12. From Genesis to Revelation (54)

    Feel free to respond below.

  13. Hey, everyone.  Sorry for the general lack of updates.  I've been busy working on a side project for Ghast's Make a Fun Chapter contest, but hopefully that should be wrapping up soon.

    In the meantime, I've decided to separate the "favorite character" questions from the feedback survey since turnout for the survey has been poor.  Please fill it out, if you can.  Note that you will need to sign into your Google account to do so.


  14. Whoa, Eclipse beat me to the punch in SRPG Studio shilling?  What kind of timeline is this?

    But yeah, adding in new weapon types like Tonfas at least is something SRPG Studio can do with great ease.  Alternatively, you could just have Tonfas as a character's personal weapon and treat them as Swords or something.

    You can't really do a full-on FE8-style world map in SRPG Studio, but there are plugins for free-roaming maps similar to what Gaiden has, so maybe you could do something with that.

    SRPG Studio may also lend itself more easily to stat inflation and other unusual approaches to Leveling, such as Genealogy of the Holy War's of the Level cap being 30 and not resetting on promotion.  Your game also sounds like a Radiant Dawn-style class system would be a good fit for it, but unfortunately neither the hacking nor SRPG Studio communities have figured out how to make adequate-quality three-tier class systems yet.

    I guess just think about it.

  15. You may want to consult FEUniverse about something like this if you insist on sticking with hacking.  It sounds like something that might require ASM if it's not something FEBuilder is capable of doing natively.

    Alternatively, if you're willing to spend $60 and/or wait for it to go on sale on Steam, RNG-based chapter progression is something SRPG Studio can do easily.  I also know of maybe one or two roguelike SRPG Studio projects in the works by members of the English SRPG Studio community.  Heck, even the project I'm working on for Ghast's Make a Fun Chapter contest works on similar principles of RNG-determined environment types.

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