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Everything posted by YingofDarkness

  1. I'd say about as long as Radiant Dawn plus paralogues since it is a console game. It would give them plenty of time to flesh out the world and characters as well.
  2. Technically Corrin is also an anti-hero during the Conquest route, or at least that is what IS wanted them to be. You are probably right about not choosing sides, but I still don't see IS doing this well as the settings seem to similar to Hoshido and Nohr from the small amount we know, and FE lore. In FE was there ever a time where monsters where anything other then evil? I don't know much about anything pre-GBA era so I sincerely don't know.
  3. The whole premise sounded way too odd until I remembered Nohr's atmosphere would probably be the basis for this new game. Didn't change my opinion on it being fake though. I just don't think IS can make a good villainous protagonist without making Corrin 2.0. They just don't have a good track record with making villain characters, and if they are meant to be a Camus character then I have a feeling we are going to be choosing between Hosido 2.0 (the good humans who use the power of light to wipe out the obvious bad guy kingdom) and Nohr 2.0 (the literally monstrous kingdom with a obvious bad guy we are going to eventually have to fight because they are EVOL). Maybe I should have a little more faith in IS though...
  4. I'm going Team MCorrin first, and then switching to Ninian. She has been my team's main dancer since her banner showed up, and has helped out so much there is no way I can't support her!
  5. Okay that isn't that bad. It would be odd for someone to miss that in an SRPG for sure.
  6. I guess not, but I don't seen guns being a one time only thing. After thinking about it for a while I've come to realize that it is because of how prolific firearms are in practically every kind of genre of gaming. It may be a form of variety of FE but not for gaming in general so it just doesn't appeal to me at all. I also don't see how it would work alongside archers. Gunner classes can only function just like a better form of the archer class. Less accuracy didn't kill the archers in Echoes (and their accuracy their is horrible), they are bound to do more damage, they can shoot from at least a second range and maybe even from the direct attacks. Just my opinion though.
  7. I haven't played Xenoblade Chronicles but how big is this little notification? In Awakening I remember that the title of the tutorial would appear on the bottom-right (?) of the screen on the harder difficulties but it wasn't very noticeable and disappeared quickly. If this is easily missable as well then we have the problem of not many newcomes understanding the main mechanics of the game. I don't know how to fix this though. I've just realized discussing this that I don't pay attention to tutorials in games much.
  8. I liked how Awakening did them with the little slates, and instead of having it appear on the bottom screen (since the Switch doesn't have that) just have them pop up on the TV or gamepad and everyone that doesn't need the instructions can just click close immediately and move on with the game. The only problem I see is that it can get annoying to have to keep closing the slates, but they could have an option in the menu to toggle them on or off. They should also be available regardless of difficulty, unless turned off, because some people will naturally skip the easiest mode. My brothers themselves went straight to Lunatic without ever having played another FE game because they like to play on the hardest difficulty for everything. It was also their first SRPG so that was fun for them...
  9. No, I really don't think their should be a firearm class and if they do bring one in it is going to take some getting used to for me. First they'd have to balance it really well, and although some people here have come up with some good ideas, there is no guaranteeing that IS will actually do any of those things. They could mess it up the first time, and then re-balance it in a later game like pair up. The thing about firearms though is that they always feel like a that line that once crossed you can never turn back from. I don't understand why the majority of people are so eager to have them in the game either. Can they work? Yeah, but can someone explain why FE needs them? I really am curious why everybody wants them so much.
  10. I know this has been said before but the Knights and General classes low movement make me never want to field them even though I like using them in the chapter they are introduced. I also loved Lukas and Forsyth in Echoes but if they hadn't been fielded automatically then I would have never actually gotten a chance to experience their characters because they would have just been warming the bench along with Phyton.
  11. No lie I would love that. Having them do light magic makes the most sense, and it would make them easier to level up then just running around healing everybody since they could net some kills.
  12. I wouldn't mind skills working like in heroes. Alternatively we can lock some of the more overpowered skills to only the specific class that you can earn them from, or combine them with arts from Echoes except instead of locking them to a weapon they are locked to the characters class.
  13. Choose January since I'm expecting Nintendo to do a huge direct about all their upcoming games for the year, and October because idk I just figured that it would come out late in the year. It is going to be the first FE to release on a home console since RD so I figured it would need a little more time to be worked on since they can do a lot more with the Switch then with the 3DS.
  14. I find children units to be a nuisance more than anything. I don't want to have to think about how I need to pair up unit x with y to get the best version of their kid, and then put in the work on all units to make them get all their best skills just to replace them with their kid. It renders the first generation completely unnecessary from a gameplay perspective in Awakening. In Fates it isn't that bad, but it was still annoying to have it in the back of my mind at all times (except in Conquest). It is a waste of resources that they could have used to just give us new characters, and even have some of them as awesome late game prepromotes if they want to give us the option of using an overpowered unit.
  15. I was going to say there aren't any weapons that IS hasn't done, but then somebody brought up fists and I would just love to see that. It could be the character's default attack if they don't have a weapon equipped or if it breaks. It would be completely useless against any armored units because no fist is actually going to be able to harm someone in armor, and its actual might would be dependent on the characters strength when they are using it. I was thinking it would be like their current strength stat divided in half. The attack itself wouldn't really be very useful, but just be there as a funny joke weapon sort of. This would be amazing though.
  16. Going down that list: No to shrines because it was annoying having to hold off on promoting someone, and then have to run past multiple enemies just because only this one special place can give somebody more armor/a horse. I like the idea of arts, but hate how they are tied to the weapons and have to be relearned by every character that holds it. Yes please to villages. They were a nice breather in between the action, and I loved talking to everybody and tapping on every little thing to see what Alm and Celica had to say about it. The base conversations were also amazing for fleshing out the characters themselves. Not a fan of spells costing HP. It was well implemented in SoV and I didn't mind it all there, but I wouldn't want it to be the way magic was done from here on out. Hahahahaha no. They aren't even good for grinding. As long as they nerf where they can warp too, and the area shows up just like stave effects do when you toggle on the danger area. They were a cool idea for an enemy and it is surprising that they weren't included in some of the other games where sacrifices where a thing. They would have felt right at home with the Grimleal at any rate. Sure why not. I don't really care about this one much one way or the other. I really liked third tier promotions and would like this to return in future games if they can make it work. No. Some of the terrain effects were way too much, and made fighting some enemies annoying until my mages arrived. Only if we have more then one inventory slot, or weapons don't take up an inventory slot. I didn't use most rings or shields because putting a weapon on a unit was the better option the majority of the time. They just sat there until I started selling some of them off because I knew I wasn't going to use all of them. Yes! I feel like we can learn so much more about the world when we get it from two people who have different views on what is going on, and what their differing objectives are. No. I didn't mind forging until I realized I either had to look up what every weapon can be forged or gamble with my gold coins. I think that if they want to bring back this type of forging again they should just make it transparent what weapon you are going to get from it. That having been said I think this type of forging only works in SoV because they don't have a dedicated weapon shop. In a game were they have one I don't see why the majority of the advanced weaponry can't just be bought (steel, silver, and killer variations for instance). I guess it could be used to create the most powerful weapons in the game? I'm the kind of person that like having the opportunity to grind whenever possible, but some of these skirmishes were so annoying. I hated how if I backtracked even a little bit just to finish a subquest a dragon or a witch would be waiting for me in the later parts of the game, and I'd have to fight them or I can't get past. This isn't even mentioning how they will follow you until you reach a certain point. Honorable mentions go to the turnwheel and subquests. I loved the idea of the turnwheel and really hope they bring it back next game, but with a lot fewer refreshes. I think the only reason they had so many this time around was because of the post game dungeon. I also loved the idea of subquests. They fleshed out the world a little bit and gave some of the villagers a role outside of just remarking about what happened.
  17. I love when people take fantasy weapons and make them in real life. Kudos for this guy for also making it more practical, and talking in depth about its pros and cons.
  18. I voted Caeda, Camus, and Tiki. Tiki because of the amiibo, Caeda because she is Marth's wife, and Camus because he is popular. I also think Minerva could get in because of the weapon triangle, and her being an important character in the story. It would also be a good way to introduce the Whitewing sisters as NPC's. I doubt they would all get in otherwise because that would make the game have 4-5 pegasus knights. After all, you can't really include just one of the sisters and then ignore the other two without starting a best gurl competition online. We are also probably going to get Hinoka, although I'm not sure if Awakening will get one.
  19. I really wouldn't like this...They would have to change a lot to fit this I think, and at that point they should just make it its own franchise (or bring back Advance Wars). I'm hoping it takes place in an entirely new world, and then have any other FE games on the Switch expand on that. I actually had an idea of having the 2018 game having a later sequel that would star the children of the characters of the first game (like FE6 and 7 but in reverse order). The hair colors and stuff can be changed by choosing a preexisting save file from the first game and having that data transfer over to the eventual second game. It would satisfy the people that want the kids in the game, but not have them shoved in unnecessarily in my opinion. I don't know how possible this would be though.
  20. Nah. I have gotten into the habit of skipping the animations during enemy phase, but the few times that I have skipped it entirely I find myself confused for a bit until I figure out just what happened.
  21. I barley used Mila's Turnwheel, but I was happy to have it when those few times did occur. I know I am going to be using it a lot when I eventually get around to doing the last dungeon. We did get a lot of uses by the end though so maybe just have it so that you only get three permanent uses of the turnwheel, and every time you use one you can't get it back. I feel like they only gave us so many in Echoes because of the Thabes dungeon, kind of like how the Overclasses are also there to help cheese it. Maybe they won't give us as many in the next game if it comes back. In future installments they can also do it like the Light's Blessings in Heroes. The extra cogs work like a consumable item you can collect throughout your journey, but instead of only activating it when all your units are dead, only the main lord/s will be able to use it from the convoy. That might make players horde them till the final battle, but the option is still there.
  22. Eh depends. I used Azura a lot because she can fight back without much extra work, but I didn't really use Olivia much after a couple of maps because I preferred having somebody that could do more damage without needing to put the extra work into them.
  23. I feel like this might have the same problem that we have now in a way. All the opposite sex supports will still have to follow a similar pattern because they are all leading up to the same conclusion. I feel like combining this with Enaluxeme's idea works a bit better. Don't have everybody in the army be able to talk to each other, but also don't have every member of the opposite sex romanceable. Not everybody is going to want to marry every member of the opposite sex, but not everybody is going to want to become friends with everybody either. Ideally I'd love it if they had 6 supports for all of them, but for the romanceable options the last 3 can be split off into either lovers dialogue or friendship depending on whether the other character confessed to them or not. Hold up NinjaMonkey. Are we sure we are playing the same Fates and Awakening games because you can practically marry whoever you want in those games to whoever else. In Awakening the only exceptions are the few Avatarsexuals, Chrom, and Sumia. Everybody else can marry whoever they wanted even when they didn't make sense. Same thing in Fates where for each game you can marry whoever to whoever except the, again, few Avatarsexuals in each route. In Birthright, you can marry practically everybody to everybody else in the Hoshidan army. In Conquest, you can marry practically every Nohrian to every other Nohrian in the army. Revelation is the only technical exception where you can't marry everybody in the Hoshidan army to everybody in the Nohrian army, but even then the few that you can marry to each other just add to those characters already bloated support lists.
  24. Yes, but I'm not one of those people which is why it doesn't bother me as much. To me Alm is his own character because we can't customize him and we can't choose who he marries like with the other Fire Emblem Avatars minus Mark. Again that is all based on my personal views on these characters. That having been said I know that there are problems with him being made to basically be an Avatar without the customization. I like him, but they really should have made him more like FE:A's DLC version of him for the sake of the theme of the game and its female protagonist. You are right in saying that it isn't just an Avatar issue, and you also pointed out a worrying trend that IS hopefully bucks for the Switch game. Every recent FE game, except for FE11, has had this type of character whether they are the main lord or not. I feel like there is some internal conflict going on in IS in regards to this. All of these character's roles in the story where done the way they were because of player pandering to an extent. It seems like the theme of the stories is decided upon and then it changes during development so they can have these characters put in.
  25. You are right that player worship isn't exclusive to an Avatar character, but I always feel it is worse when an Avatar is involved. I didn't mind Alm as much as Corrin even though the levels of player worship are similar (although I feel like Corrin is still worse). I don't know how to describe this exactly but with Corrin they are meant to be us. So all the compliments and hand waving that Fates does feels worse then if Corrin had not been meant to be an Avatar. Nothing really would have changed of course, but since it isn't supposed to be directed towards me as a player it wouldn't come off as terrible (just bad). This is all however how I personally react to player worship, and it honestly doesn't bother me until it gets to the point that Fates did it. I haven't played Radiant Dawn so I can't really say how I would feel about it.
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