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Everything posted by YingofDarkness

  1. I don't think so. I'd imagine they would save that for when Animal Crossing comes out since that is their next biggest success in the making. FE just isn't to the point where it would justify doing so. I'd imagine we would get the game bundles with an artbook and some other little things that I won't use. That is about it. Might be better to just buy the Switch now, and save yourself that cost in the long run.
  2. A January direct is expected since I think they've been doing them for two years already. January is the perfect month to show off what new games are going to their system that year and drum up hype. I'm sure FE will get a small teaser after which we can expect more news to slowly come out from the Famitsu articles and little gameplay videos they've been giving us. We might get something more substantial if it is coming out in spring though. Correct me if I'm wrong, but this game has already been cooking for about 2-3 years right? Might be almost done.
  3. No but I would be very tempted to do so. They are just so expensive.
  4. Yes! I'd love to have a male dancer especially after seeing PAInigo and PAShigure. I always thought it was weird that even though Inigo wants to be a dancer so badly he can't reclass to one, and Shigure can sing but can't switch to that class either. I really like this idea.
  5. At 82k and chugging down stamina potions to reach 99k by the end of today. Personally, I am just trying to get this over with so then I can concentrate on the Book II stuff as well as finally get to doing the Michalis GHB quests. TT takes up so much of your time and stamina after all.
  6. I feel I have worse luck when I spend money, but that is probably just the guilt talking. I've gotten 5 stars I've wanted from first time pulls, spending more then I'd like to admit, and just using the free ones we get. It all depends on how the RNG wants to treat you that day.
  7. They were easy (especially since mine is 5* and built up) but I was expecting it. With how badly everyone memes Alfonse I doubt IS was going to suddenly give more challenging quests. Why bother if everybody is always talking about how they don't want to use him?
  8. Hector and that is about it. I'm only even going for Hector to get DC fodder. I either have the others or am not interested in getting them.
  9. I think this Tempest Trial came too soon after the last one because I feel no desire to grind. Yeah I want the orbs, and Joshua is cool but even if I'm just auto-playing it seems like a chore. I'm still at 25k and am probably going to bust out the stamina potions over the weekend to get this done and over with. I feel no desire to stay in the top 10k like the last couple of ones. Wish they had just made this a mini one.
  10. No, I'd prefer it not come back because then it would mean another game being set in the Archanea world. I'd prefer if they created another world or worked on one of the other ones.
  11. Fjorm looks nice although severely under dressed for someone who is supposed to be running and ice kingdom, but if they didn't give the pegasus knights from the kingdom so cold they have to rely on mercenary work to survive I don't expect any other women to be given pants if they come from a cold country. I feel like her personality is going to be similar to Alfonse's. She is going to be more serious and proper. Surtr looks like a generic bad guy. In fact I swear I've seen somebody similar to this somewhere else before, but I can't remember where. Probably going to be either serious or pure in your face EVUL!!! Because we don't have enough villains like that. Laevateinn has my favorite design of the bunch tbh. She looks like she has a bored with everything and couldn't give much of a damn personality as well from her expression. Loki's outfit makes no sense, and I hate it. It is obviously going the cheap fanservice route, and I really hope they dial it back in the Switch game. Looks like she is going to be the classic seductress too.
  12. Yay I got a 40% unit in BIke. I will just substitute him for my PInigo and just use my normal team of Reinhardt, Klein, and Alfonse (yes I use him, shut up :P). Going to have to think about what my second team is going to be for when I start spamming autoplay.
  13. I'd prefer the Elibe saga being remade but wouldn't mind if the Jugdral games get remade. The Jugdral games need the remake more, but they are also seem to be more complicated to remake. Preferably they go with the Elibe saga and remake Blazing sword first, then do Binding Blade later.
  14. I really don't mind the seasonal banners although I guess I am getting a little fatigued from them. I am guessing next year we will get more pre-3DS characters in the seasonal banners since these seemed to be planned out in advance. I can see why they wouldn't want to touch any of the pre-3DS characters unless the fanbase gave the go ahead. The Awakening and Fates fansbase is used to seeing the characters in swimsuits and some sort of fall variant because of the DLC, but there is no way for IS to know what the older games fanbase reactions would be to having their favorite characters put in those situations. There could have been massive backlash.
  15. I'm currently working on a Subaki. The guy is at 40+9 (+Atk-Res or -Spd I don't remember), and I've built him up a bit. At first I didn't like him, but once MKV starting using him in their videos I got more attached to him, and have kind of been working on him since. It helps that he keeps showing up. Everytime I'm sniping for a new blue unit that has come out he usually shows up a couple of times. I do send the 3 star versions of him home because I don't want to spend the feathers which is why he is still only +9. He has Bonfire, Fury 3, and Fortify Fliers since I figured I might as well use him on a flier team since he is on the few fliers I have SI anything on.
  16. I'm going to echo everyone else and say that it would be too much. Just making those extra kids (which may or may not ever be seen) would be a huge strain on the budget alone. All of them would require art assets, voice clips, supports need to be written for them, and then there is their backstory and motivations that need to be written as well. It is too much work and money being put into parts of the game that a lot of people aren't going to really see. Preferably if you are going to want to make the kids relationship with the mother/father they aren't attached to less generic it would be better to create a generic template about what the conversation will be about, and then change some lines here and there to reflect the unattached parents personality better. Even with these small changes the romantic support pool would have to be trimmed down quite a bit to make it feasible.
  17. If I remember correctly, Gangrel wanted it because the Grimleal told him it could grant him any one wish, but what they forgot to mention is that it only works if you put all five gemstones into the shield first. Also, that its actual purpose is to either revive or seal away Grima. I think they only explained this part way through the Valm arc and into the last arc of the game though? That is why we never really had any need to use it against him. Someone correct me if I'm wrong though.
  18. I chose Awakening/Fates, but I'd prefer if they did something new. I would think that they would keep some of the things that made those two more popular. Well I mean besides the advertising. Keeping Casual mode (like it or not), the S-support system with marriage being left for the end slate (hopefully), no children if they can't do it right (preferably none though), lower the amount of supports but put no limit on them, and the hub world from Fates but maybe have it as a group of caravans or something more mobile. I mean the army is lugging around weapons, multiple soldiers, feed for the animals, water, food, tents, and everything else soldiers would need to survive around. Realistically they would be doing this using horses and caravans, carriages, or something similar. So why not use that to create a hub world? We can spend money to create shops in them or in tents. Maybe have small touches of decoration around the area, or customize our tent personally because why not. I feel like a bit of an idiot asking this, but what do you mean by removing the overworld? I thought most games had some sort of overworld, or do you mean the free roaming we can do in Awakening and Fates, and instead just go chapter to chapter?
  19. I'm going to echo the others that have said they want the fire emblem to be plot-relevant. I think it is kind of weird when the namesake of the game has almost nothing to do with the plot. It isn't a bad thing just a little weird to me is all.
  20. I would be cool with Hidari coming up with original designs not based off anything. I also like the person who did Roy's artwork in Heroes (Bunbun seems to be their pen name), Wada Sachiko, Tobi (Klein), Cuboon (Tana), or Asatani Tomoyo (Ephraim). Those are just from a quick scan of the heroes I've gotten so far in the game, but it made me realize just how many godo artists IS seems to be in contact with. At least enough to commission them for Heroes, so we should be okay on the art front as long as they don't go too fanservicey on the girls like Kozaki did.
  21. I'd imagine they would have to make a new engine because of how different the technology is between the Switch and the 3DS. Some things would be carried over from the old engine to save time or course, but most things would be updated. It would benefit them greater in the long run since the engine used for FE16 is going to be the same one used for any future games/remakes, and the 3DS engine is only going to hold them back.
  22. I would like it if IS gave us a break from child units for a bit. I was never a big fan of them in Awakening, and didn't even bother to try to collect them in Fates. Just a few in the Conquest route just to use their maps as grinding areas for some of my under leveled units. It made the games less fun for me, but if they bring it back I'd prefer if they did it like Awakening or Genealogy where the kids had some importance to the story.
  23. I had 80k+ before tempest trial, but towards the end of it I went down to 13k and am only now sitting at 31k. I got this idea in my head to promote a bunch of MRobins to 5 star so I can merge them as well as a Nino to build her since I see everyone else using her. Of course now that I need feathers for skill inheritance on my Inigo I don't have enough to put anything on him and kind of regret doing that.
  24. Took me a little while to think about how to word this, but the main lord is supposed to be with the religious kingdom right? A kingdom that will no doubt use light magic and be portrayed as the good guys fighting against the monsters. While the Avatar is supposed to be an illegitimate child from a kingdom of monsters right? The key to how good this will work out is how the Kibaire's kingdom is portrayed. However, looking at how they did the bad kingdom in Echoes makes me believe they will just pull a Hoshido 2.0 kingdom with the religious kingdom, and a Nohr 2.0 with the avatar's kingdom. They don't have a good track record so far with the 3DS games, and having a kingdom of literal monsters makes it just that much easier to fall into the same type of bad writing. You could say that it was because of the main writer in Fates that it came out that bad, but I remember reading an interview where the guy said he wrote 300 pages for each route, and then the people at IS were tasked with shortening that for the games (and they butchered it). I'm also having a hard time wrapping my head around how this could work like Echoes with its two protagonists. It is probably because we don't have enough information, but I don't see a common enemy between these two kingdoms except each other. Unless another dragon appears at the end that threatens both their kingdoms so they have no choice but to work together this could only end up with us having to choose a side (a la Birthright and Conquest) to defeat the other. I guess it would help flesh out the opposing sides if we see both of them at the same time, but I'm getting some flashbacks to Fates here with this concept so I'd prefer to believe this is all fake until proven otherwise.
  25. I'd love to have another male manakete instead of another loli one. Never really thought of it like that. I just thought she was the one who got the transformation because most male lords are sword units. I wouldn't be surprised (especially since they gave her a little fang that I don't remember her having in Fates), but it is worth pointing out that MCorrin does semi-transform when his special activates. He gets his dragon tail, so that probably isn't the case.
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