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Posts posted by YotsuMaboroshi

  1. 3 hours ago, DefyingFates said:

    FWIW, I also asked how the 4* Focus was going to work. Maybe I wasn't listening properly, but the Feh Channel seemed to suggest only Seasonals would get them. The rep told me we would get non-Seasonal 4*s too, but didn't say if all banners would have them. Considering how quickly the insta-demote feature died off this doesn't give me much hope.

    The FEH channel stated that going forward both Special Hero banners and New Hero banners would have 4 star focus.  So it's unlikely that rerun focuses like BHB or skill banners will have a 4 star focus, but all banners with new units should.

  2. It's nice to see TMS getting repped here, with permanent units even.  I guess they finally figured out how Mirages should work in game, and decided that the characters weren't too out of place.

    Also, for those complaining about the differences between the release of Warriors and the release of Encore, keep in mind that TMS has been out for 4 years now, rather than being a completely new spinoff with OC characters no one knows much about.

  3. 48 minutes ago, Water Mage said:

    You know, I really wish they made either Europa or Mandricardo a 4 star rider, because damn, when was the last time Rider was added to the general 4 star pool?

    Astolfo was the last SR Rider added to the general pool.

  4. Marie is finally getting an animation update!

    Of course, since I don't actually play JP, I have to wait for 2 years, but hey, at least I have a concrete date to look forward to now, rather than it just being sometime in the future.  Now if only she could get some more strengthenings...

  5. 1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

    Furthermore, the Japanese name of the skill is 剣皇の流星, "Sword Emperor's Astra", which follows the same pattern as Regnal Astra's 剣姫の流星, "Sword Princess's Astra", referencing the characters specifically. (Never mind that Isaac is a kingdom and not an empire...)

    Isn't 'Sword Emperor' just a title indicating great skill with a sword, like sword saint or similar titles?  I'm pretty certain I've seen in used in other works, and those characters had nothing to do with empires either.

  6. 5 hours ago, Water Mage said:

    One thing I don’t get, does Hokusai’s anti-human NP works against Servants or just regular enemies?

    It's specifically enemies with the Man Attribute (which I guess the localization is calling the Human Attribute).  It works on both Servants and regular enemies with this attribute.  Note that this is different from Sanson's third ability, which gives him bonus damage against enemies with the Human trait (which is entirely non-Servant enemies, since Servants aren't human), as attributes and traits are two different things.


  7. 2 minutes ago, XRay said:

    Gross income simply means the remaining revenue after you take away certain expenses; whether or not someone spits on their check or wipes their butthole with a Benjamin does not matter.

    That's net income.  Gross income is revenue before expenses and taxes.

    Edit:  To be more on topic, I'll probably pull a bit for Xmas Sothis, with Nino and Marth as secondary goals.  Seasonal armors don't really bother me, because there'd be less variety in armors if they didn't exist.

  8. 12 hours ago, DehNutCase said:

    Liked the music for the final fight in Salem a lot, although the fact that they didn't use break-bars to reflect that time shenanigans was going on was a bit

    I think they opted not to use break bars to mimic the fact that in-story you don't know how long you have to beat Abby up in order to make Yog-Sothoth withdraw.  It gives the feeling that there's no sign of that the entity empowering her is weakening, or that she's losing access to it.

  9. 3 hours ago, redlight said:

    Ok then. For the most part. But is the same servant as in is he just changing outfits or being summoned under a different class? From what I understand the seasonals in the game are the servants we already have, just that because of plot reasons they change classes, but they're more or less the same. I know that he changed outfits in the Final Singularity so he's probably the same servant.

    @YotsuMaboroshiReanalyzing what I said and I'm right. Madness Enhancement for servants who were originally Berserkers does carry on to their alts if it's just a seasonal. However there are rules that the devs have followed. It either diminishes or just stays the same (I'll take an L if people interpreted "relatively close to it's original rank" as "it will still exist no matter"). The thing with Kintoki is that his Madness Enhancement is a miserable E so him losing it makes sense because it was so weak that him changing classes caused it to disappear.

    Berserker Kintoki actually has a unique ME lorewise.  Most of the time he's sane, but taking damage has a chance to make him go berserk.  This is the reason his ME is relatively low, though the lore isn't really reflected in-game otherwise.  That said, as far as I know, everything in-game treats Rider and Berserker as the same individual, and the two show up interchangeably.  You and Rider Kintoki even recognize each other when we first see him in Onigashima, and Rider refers back to events that occurred during Rashomon, where Berserker was present.

    Aside from which, Beowulf has E- ME, which does pretty much nothing in lore except make him a bit fiercer, so if they wanted Kintoki to keep his ME at a diminished level Rider could have had E- ME as well.

    Edit:  I think it's likely she keeps her ME, but it's not really a rule that has to be followed.  You had to change your argument to 'seasonal class change' to try and avoid Kintoki, and I don't think that really works given the above, since his class change is basically the same as most seasonals.


  10. 3 hours ago, redlight said:

    Zerkers that class change keep their ME Buster passive

    Kintoki says hi, as the original Berserker class change. 

    Arguably, Vlad III counts too, though I know a lot of people count Vlad Extra as a separate character from Vlad Apocrypha.

  11. 1 minute ago, Jave said:

    Colorless looks pretty good so I'll probably used my saved orbs for that.

    Also @mampfoid might want to check out Legendary Leif, his special is pretty much a buffed Galeforce.

    Debatable.  It's a shorter CD than Galeforce, but he can only move one space when it activates because it inflicts Gravity on him and his pair-up buddy (so you can't get around it using Pair-Up).

  12. On 10/25/2019 at 11:53 AM, Mercakete said:

    Oh. You're right. In Askr, they can't be next to a Beorc without staying in their semi-Beorc forms. Good catch!

    Sure they can.  Obviously at the start of turn they weren't next to Leif and Seliph, who used their actions to mount after the Laguz shifted.  So they're still good until the beginning of next turn.

  13. 34 minutes ago, Sentinel07 said:

    We honestly don't know at this point. Granted, the Duo skill is in the same place where blessings usually are so perhaps they won't have access to those.

    Legendary and Mythic Heroes have both the icon for their element, and the icon representing their ability on their portrait.  The Blessing icon could just appear attached to the upper right of the Duo icon, or the Duo icon could move to that spot when they get blessed.

  14. 2 minutes ago, Water Mage said:

    Looks like there’s quite the glitch in the NA version, with one of the Halloween’s CQ not working. People won’t be able to NP5 Brave Eli so they have to fix it, but it’s almost a full day since it appeared. I wonder what’s taking them so long.

    It's either because they have to wait for the JP devs to be in office (and today is a holiday in Japan), or because the bug is elusive.

  15. 1 hour ago, Water Mage said:

    Even so, it feels like only Kagetora really stands out as a Servant from the Koha-Ace bunch. It helps that she is a welfare Lancer, which are rare.

    Okita is still a good ST Saber, despite no interlude and fairly bland skills (arguably one of the best ST Sabers due to Skadi existing).  Her only real problem is the same problem any ST Servant has, which is the abundance of AOE quests.

  16. 28 minutes ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

    I actually had a discussion about that yesterday and i kinda disagree. To put it into tl;dr, after year 1, FGO averages 8 SSR released on the first half of the year before Summer season which had the highest unit release concentration in the game, before it wane off again. We can agree here SSR is the best "power ceiling" viewpoint besides whackfest like Kintoki and Parvati, so heres the point with it.


    Assuming that, they only have to release 1 servant of every class + 1 Extra class and call it a day per year before moving into Summer + leftovers phase


    Its not so much that DW tend to play save nor controlling power creep(i know you didn't bring it up ever but eh) really well. The slow release of this game is such that they'd take very long just to do what i'd like to call "niche inclusion" so theyre not as easilly have to went back towards crazy releases. 2018-2019 introduction of the Lost Belt Monarch series was a major upscale in strong releases, and between LB3 to LB4 is half a year and then some. The only Lost Belt tier upscale in the game's run was the Camelot cycle that released a servant so good it killed the entire rarity he's in for 3 years and then majorly revamps every servant on his category for years to come, and then some insanely good SSR which may or may not includes Summer servant, and the stretch between Babylon into New Year that closes out Part 1, that really started with Solomon

    Point taken regarding the slow release, but I wasn't actually referring to SSR when talking about 'safe' releases.  The R and SR Servants are where you'd expect them to try experimenting more, because in general they pull less money.  By game design they also facilitate niche team building a bit more, due to lower cost allowing greater flexibility for the rest of the team and CEs.

    On one hand, your point about the slow releases applies even more for R and SR, because there are generally fewer of them, and they come in bursts, rather than the steady stream SSRs do.  On the other hand, because they release things slow, you'd expect more experimental designs to end up as R and SR because they'd be unsure of player reaction.  The second is admittedly less of an issue this year, as we've definitely gotten more experimental R and SR servants than before, along with the new bronzes.

    CEs tend to suffer from this too, as we hardly see much variety.  They just tend to recombine the same effects in different quantities.

  17. I think I get where you're coming from now.  Too used to people complaining about things being overpowered rather than the reverse.

    On the other hand, higher availability of the effect opens design space for more buff removal demerits like Yu and Salome.  DW tends to play safe with Servant design though, so I'm not sure I expect them to try and make use of that.

  18. 4 hours ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

    I dont hate it because it affect bossfights otherwise i would hate Miyu


    No i simply hate it because its FGO's equivalent of Yugioh shortprintI.

    m ok with it when it was on birb(its the first time so theres "experimentation" excuse and Benienma seems to be designed for checking purpose anyway), indiffernet on Semiramis(seems to be done in wake of Yu), but went apeshit when its included on Nobuvenger - which bad as she is im ok with EXCEPT her 2nd skill. Medea Lilly is the straw that broke it since its really clear now thats EXACTLY what they do

    I'm not sure I understand your complaint then, because I don't get the comparison to short prints.  From what I understand, short prints were basically unmarked rare cards that were supposed to be commons (I'm not familiar with Yu-gi-oh, so this is just what I got from Google).  But the comparison doesn't make sense to me, because they've been introducing more buff removal resistance recently (both self only and team).

    Also, Nobuvenger doesn't seem to fit with the rest of those you brought up.  Beni-enma, Semiramis, Murasaki and Medea Lily are team buffs, while Nobuvenger, Ereshkigal, Hokusai, Yu, and Qin Liangyu are selfish.  The only way Beni-enma can be the first time for it is if you're referring to the team buff, but Nobuvenger's isn't a team buff, it's a selfish "I'm invincible this turn and there's nothing you can do about it".

    Edit:  Wait, is your issue with the effect that it's primarily available on "limited" Servants (insofar as no one is likely to roll on Story for Medea Lily)?  Would you no longer have an issue if more permanent Servants started getting the effect like Liangyu?

  19. 13 minutes ago, Jingle Jangle said:

    @JSND Alter Dragon Boner I don't understand your point. What is the issue with Medea's lily buff? Is it fear of later challenge maps having more buff removal tools?

    Given the reference to Nobuvenger, it's likely the possibility of future boss fights being able to randomly gain buff removal immunity, potentially throwing a wrench in whatever strategy you're using, especially if they also have an invincible or evade up (though it does make Invincibility Ignore and Sure Hit potentially more useful).

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