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Everything posted by mampfoid

  1. Now that I finished Awakening for the first time, I wouldn't mind some of them in Heroes. Perhaps even as seasonals.
  2. Sorry, I missed your post since I don't check this topic often. When the wave of defensive matches happened, I was at tier 20, since it was the start of the season. The other time it was similar, but perhaps not the first day of season. The first time I thought it happened because I changed my map, because I got the rush of matches directly after the change. But the second time I didn't change my map the same day. I think you can get 10 random matches max, but you can still get rematches. Did you fodder off your peony? She is a big help for my offensive teams.
  3. While 2 free 5* seem very lucky, I get what you mean. At least both are pretty good fodder for skill inheritance. Good luck getting your Thrasir and Edelgard! (Funny, it looks like the rest of the people (not me) here wants Dimitri and fear to get pity broken by Edelgard)
  4. Galeforce pair-ups! Should have thought of that, unfortunately mine are all ranged. I could pair-up Leif with someone though, even if he needs breakers to quad.
  5. @Zeo Wow, sweet. Free pulling a unit that you use in your clears is great, but also getting a better boon is awesome, congrats! Meanwhile I got Celica to +2 with this mornings orbs.
  6. Yup, that's what I usually do. I'm running Eenewal and seal ATK/DEF instead of Knock Back though, cornering still works. Since Cherche is my bulky flier, I need to get her into quad range first, before using sturdy blow.
  7. Already finished the last map some time ago, but I'm sad Marth can't get heavy blade and Galeforce. Caeda got great skills, but Draug and Merric are ... well Draug and Merric.
  8. Still thinking how to build my team for round three. Usually I bring two TA Brave+ Galeforcers for the damage, but TA is useless against colorless and with the debuffs I need to pay attention to their bulk.
  9. Zeglius and BK are easy, but next round of Røkkr will be annoying with two dagger units ...
  10. Ok, follow-up to my last post. Like so often, I used up all my orbs on the legendary banner. After Dimitri I got these pulling blue and green: Still no Naga and no Peony merge, also (both) Dimitri(s) and Edelgart are only of very limited use to me. But overall six 5* in ~300 orbs on this banner is decent. Especially since I got 2 Celicas and a Thrasir.
  11. I was out of things to do in FEH and got bored, which is always dangerous for my orbs. Yolo'd for Naga and got this instead (9 orbs): +DEF/-SPD, nice! So I can savely fodder off the -DEF copy I got earlier. Does this mean I have to support him in the VG?
  12. I just did a YOLO pull and got a random Dimitri ... almost considering to switch teams. Still alone in Wally's team ...
  13. Seems I lucked out getting Celica, looking forward to use her in arena.
  14. Haha, I had the same plan, but I was lucky and foddered Summer Gunnthrà and Quan instead for their Rally+ skills. Really strange it took them so long to give us seasonal beasts and TTs with beast bonus units.
  15. Lethe and Ranulf are probably the only ones of my beasts which I'm not using at all. I'll try them out a bit, but won't invest much into them. Sadly I don't have Selkie and I don't plan to pull on the NY banner.
  16. Yay, your husbando! Hope they came fast, but I think Dimitri is gentlemen enough to let you have some orbs remaining.
  17. Congrats! I can't see the image, but I guess it's Dimitri?
  18. Had some mixed feelings yesterday. One the one hand I wanted Celica and the +SPD/-HP I got is pretty perfect, also Dimitri is great Fodder. On the other hand free pull, 9 tickets and 156 orbs is way more I had planned to spend. Would have been nice to get Naga, Thrasir, Eirika or some merges. At least I got my first 4* Python and the +ATK Clair I've been waiting for. No Cordelia though. Merry Christmas and congrats everyone to their great pulls! Quotes in spoilers because of their length:
  19. I love his voice. Exactly the confused badass you'd expect when you put a killer into such a costume. As soon as someone reaches a certain age in his/her teens, I find it hard to estimate the age from the voice only. Even very young people can have a deep or rough voice.
  20. Same ... getting tickets for old banners is odd enough.
  21. That's a great free pull, congrats! Also proof that we can be relaxed with most shiny B priority banners. Sadly I didn't get her with my free pull. Tickets for old banners? Odd.
  22. Last week, I had ten matches in few minutes: The rest of the week I only got few rematches. That happened to me the second time already.
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