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Everything posted by Seazas

  1. Hopefully no one. I want it to be like that one Blade of Light manga where it simply ups the roles of the side characters. Give them IMPORTANCE. It was badass that instead of killing off Cain, Draug, Gordin and whoever... They made them more important especially Abel.
  2. Dude.... Elice literally disses Marth the second you meet her in FE12 when she's one of the people who should be praising Marth most. Marth was undermined in FE12.
  3. So much this! She's a blatant parody of female lords it's not even funny. Easily the worst lords ever in this franchise.
  4. Celica is foil to Alm, Alm completely has Duma's Ideals, Celica has Mila's. They both come to have some of the respective gods' traits (Celica coming to accept Duma's Ideals, Alm having the kindness of Mila). Alm even says with Act 5 without Celica that he can only see what's right in front of him too. Alm is quick to resort to violence, Celica is not unless there's truly a no talking situation.
  5. Lmao what the fuck. NONE of the DLC belongs in the base game. Cipher DLC only exists because of a collab between Cipher and Echoes which was really recent after Echoes released. The Deliverance DLC was an afterthought.
  6. Thank the gods the awful twins didn't get an amiibo
  7. YES! I don't care what the others have been saying. I like the fact it payed homage to everything the character had like giving Ike his sword beams. Roy needs this, he deserves the call back with animations representing his Binding Blade and Smash animations. Plus we can finally see Binding Blade have two range again! We'd also get Tiki, Chrom, Corrin(s), Alm and Celica in the game. Fuck yes!
  8. Nope nope nope. The entire point of Berkut was being a victim of Rigel and falling from grace. Not being this feared badass. Him being "finest general" was an ego boosting title and there's ways to get that title outside of just battle. Like oh I dunno... being the nephew of the emperor himself. His entire theme is "pride and arrogance". Said pride and arrogance crafted by Rigel is the cause of his downfall. Berkut saying himself these standards were forced on by his parents in game. The developers say themselves that if Alm was raised in Rigel he would be no different from Berkut... http://www.usgamer.net/articles/fire-emblem-echoes-shadows-of-valentia-interview "I was thinking perhaps that if Alm did grow up in the Rigelian Empire, he might turn into someone like Berkut." which explains everything and what Berkut was saying. Berkut's not supposed to be this typical badass with an awesome voice we have tons of those in this franchise, that's what makes Berkut so refreshing and great.
  9. No that's exactly right. Alm was used as blackmail causing Celica to be in peril and need his help. That's way worse than Echoes Celica who did it because of her upbringing teaching her to put gods over her own personal safety and she was doing it for everyone INCLUDING Alm.
  10. Gaiden Celica didn't avoid it. She was in hot water and NEEDED Alm. She was done for if Alm didn't show up. It's literally no different than Echoes Celica. They're both in peril it doesn't matter the circumstance. Echoes Celica was following her birthright, if Mila couldn't spoon-feed them, Duma was the next best option since Valentia REVOLVED around gods. She is in no way worse than her original, I call bullshit on that one. Especially since Celica after that fuck up, that the story doesn't let slide and she gets shit from her companions with her getting a falchion to the gut too. Sure she's revived but the memories of it didn't automatically disappear. Celica shows clear as day regret from following the way she was born and she develops Duma's ideals just like Alm had developed Mila's. Echoes Celica gets development, Gaiden Celica does not. Echoes Celica >>>> Gaiden Celica. Stop the circlejerk. I'll tolerate her being called dumb than her "being worse than the original" which is such blatant bull I can't even-
  11. Didn't Celica show not to trust him and specifically points out he'll need to show Mila? Leading to them being trapped in Duma Tower because they had a lead with something. Plus it's canon that Celica didn't know how to kill Jedah but she tried when he attacked them. "Kehehehehehe your struggling is most precious!"
  12. If it was it would've prevented her from going mad. Dragonstones must be extremely specific. No they couldn't have. It worked in Tellius because the story is revolved around it. It would be forced to make ACTUAL gods and would make zero sense. God no. Would fuck up the non-Tellius lore too, fuck that noise. Gaiden has an established story and they weren't going to ruin it by trying to explain how they're gods when divine dragon gods exist in Marth's world and make more sense. Duma and Mila have free will to change into human forms and so does Tiki. When they're mad (not the emotion like actual mad) that's when dragons lose all control and fully become feral and a dragon. Echoes has flaws but some flaws that being nitpicked are downright subjective.
  13. I think it's what gives her power, it doesn't seem to be a dragonstone. The majority would find them being dragons is better than trying to force actual gods into SOV. Lmao no thank you. Then why would Naga let him SPECIFICALLY rule over humans? That's destructive asf.
  14. I see! I just don't agree on that viewpoint. That was back in Gaiden where Duma had no actual dialogue. Even then when you defeat him it showed he wasn't like Grima with his only dialogue in the OG Gaiden. Duma did it because he wanted to MAKE humans strong and he cared about them clearly so giving them a strict teaching was good for him. Plus he couldn't go back to the dragon tribe he was banished. You missed the lore, dragons can change forms but only dragonstones can prevent madness. Mila truly didn't have a dragonstone and neither did Duma. Who cares? It makes them and the story way better. You're acting like Naga dismissed them. Naga gave them a falchion (one of the two. The other going to Archanea) so they can be prepared for the day they go mad. Also you said it already. Loptyr hates humans and is evil. Duma and Mila are good dragon-people and care about humanity.
  15. Duma was mad in that time you know that right? Also Alm wants humanity so stand strong and that's all what Duma wanted. The shit that happens in Echoes was out of Duma's control. Mila occasionally pops up here and there voice wise but she doesn't have much control either.
  16. Duma's entire purpose and what he does is he wants for humanity to stand strong without gods, Alm is the exact same as Duma regarding that idea. There isn't supposed to be a Zofia and Rigel contrast, the only contrast was how different their kingdoms were truly. Alm and Celica play no part of that specific kingdom contrast. Alm was a nice guy even in Gaiden.
  17. The story can still be good without forcing the lord to be a commoner. Look at Genealogy they literally have the brand in their game and the story is still fantastic.
  18. Like coming to an understanding that Celica fucked up because of the way she was born and letting it go? Especially since she moves past it and grows and comes to regret that. She even believes in Duma's ideals at the end.
  19. Yes but at least we can come up with a solid conclusion with Celica regardless than just writing her off as dumb which is really unfair if you refuse to see it from her perspective.
  20. He wouldn't of got as far as he did if it wasn't for his skill taught by Mycen. the only thing the brand does is give him access to Falchion which is irrelevant to Alm's abilities until late in. Also wrong, Lukas and Forsyth rose on their own morals to become a vital part of the deliverance without Alm. Mycen isn't a noble either and he's considered a legendary war hero. Alm has Duma's ideals with a bit of Mila's. Celica has Mila's ideals and she grows to get some of Duma's in Act 5. It's more balanced than you give it credit for. Alm even says without Celica he can only charge in without thinking what's in front of him. Shall I quote Alm's exact words? Also I'll quote some of another post of mind that addresses this very point. ^^^^ I'll quote myself since I addressed that point before.
  21. This so much Though the latter is quite an interpretation! Revelation is pushed and preferred over every route and it's treated as the canon one. Hell, the way IS characterizes Corrin outside of Fates is Revelations Corrin. You do know Gray meant that as Alm has a passion that Gray and Tobin don't right? Look at his base conversation. Still better than Corrin though. Nope, he shows moral gray during Act 5. He genuinely cared about Duma and actually believed Valentia wouldn't last without the gods. He just wasn't used to his full potential. Wish I can say the same to Garon, he NEVER showed moral gray. Shit reason for a shit plot point tbh. They could've done better than relying on a cliff to begin with. Again, Hinoka has more experience than Corrin. I already said as such.
  22. Yet Faye was forced into Echoes and she'd be the only one doing it. Nobody else. Your assumptions are far from justified. The characters from Echoes' existence doesn't revolve around Alm like Faye does. If Gray thought Alm was crazy from saying his adventure was like a voice calling out to him no way in hell is Gray jumping off a cliff for Alm. Kliff's extremely pessimistic while being realistic and a snarker. He's not doing it. The Deliverance gang (before Alm) all have lives and goals and they wouldn't want that cut short, Tobin, Zeke, Tatiana, Luthier, Delthea, hell the entire Celica party wouldn't do it for similar reasons to the Deliverance gang. This is just blatant circlejerking to try to bash Alm as hard as you can. That just... really annoys me Fair point about Anthony I guess.
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