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Everything posted by Seazas

  1. If they didn't lie to the fans it wouldn't of gotten blown out into irrelevancy. A shame because it represented Archanea better than Warriors did. The only thing Warriors has over it is providing some long ignored interactions. For example: Navarre and Tiki. It's so silly that it took until now for such obvious bond convos to happen.
  2. They're probably gonna pick off popularity for the Students and that will genuinely suck when they are treated equally in relevance for Three Houses. The only exceptions are like, the personal dedicated retainers because... obviously!
  3. Binding Blade was the first for GBA. Blazing and even Sacred Stones received more attention than BB. It's kind of sad how Binding still hasn't received a standalone banner while Blazing + SS were handed several. You might be in for a rude awakening. The 3 lords are the most prominent and popular characters. Ideally it wouldn't be too bad because the cast balance is way better than what happened in Fates. It pretty much went Corrin > Royals > Retainers > Anyone Else. Even then retainer importance was VERY debatable. They barely showed up. Meanwhile it's more balanced and weird in Three Houses: It goes from Byleth, 3 Lords and maybe Rhea? Because the side cast beyond that get equal treatment. The Eagles, Deer, and Lions all get treatment and show up in the plot with the story heavily featuring them and paralogues centering around the said cast. The Eagles get prominence in the Church AND Eagle route. The Church route makes Hanneman and Manuela relevant. With Manuela playing apart of the story before the timeskip and having a paralogue centered around her beef with Death Knight. Seteth and Flayn are basically the main characters of the Church route outside of Byleth. Catherine and Cyril get plot relevance in Church + Black Eagle route. Gilbert is basically the main man for Blue Lions route and has personal connections with Annette. I can see the staff and knights getting ignored sadly. They might just push Byleth, Edelgard, Dimitri, Rhea, Claude, Sothis and the Slithers in the future and my ramblings are nothing but ramblings lmao.
  4. Way to serve the tea. Three Houses absolutely deserves it. I hope Heroes isn't telling of future House treatment or I'm gonna be m a d. Black Eagles is the most rushed route too. Don't say that! Lyn revealed to be really popular in the West and now even Heroes shilled Elibe a lot!
  5. As long as Warriors 2 isn't nearly as bad and divisive I'll accept having one. Koei better not preform peabrained moves like shoving Byleth or Claude behind DLC like what happened to Azura.
  6. And what would you like to be included in said spinoffs? It can vary from stuff in Three Houses specifically to other game content.
  7. This game better sell the best and run laps around the other 3ds games.
  8. She reveals in her supports that THEY had puppet strings in the empire and her family. Not the other way around.
  9. Well Kinda. Hero relics were always this sacred thing that's precious and good in FE. THs' had them fuck more shit up than help.
  10. I want to see these specific dialogues shown in some way man, these sound so interesting
  11. Nope. All Kronya. Good riddance to her, she didn't deserve a role and I hope this snatches the popularity out of her hands.
  12. Yes, but they are prepared for war. They're the main cast. It still staggers the imagination how Awakening just couldn't have a proper Gen 2 than forcing in children.
  13. Children being removed from the battlefield for a change and the story surpasses the last two non-remake games.
  14. It's a shame but at least we get some music tracks out of it. Better than nothing.
  15. Plenty of Rigelian generals should've been acknowledged more. Zakson, Magnus and some others like Gazelle are honorable men that are well designed. Give them something Intelligent Systems.
  16. Ideally something good. Perhaps a Genealogy remake? No soldier better not get left behind like what happened in the... transition with Gaiden.
  17. Just tradition at this point. It's why that merchant Anna became a recurring shopkeeper.
  18. Of course his Excellency cared! Massena tells Alm that Berkut weighed on the Emperor's mind for years. His wishes involving to show Lord Berkut some compassion.
  19. Not at all. Remains a massive letdown and a disgrace in the name of Fire Emblem. That pop idol #FE had more merit in representing the franchise. Warriors was completely shameless and forced in Lady Celica without the decency to at least copy paste things from Echoes.
  20. Intelligent Systems destroyed canon the instant they introduced Outrealms.
  21. Fire Emblem Warriors.... What a waste of potential you were, couldn't even save yourself with DLC and was dropped early. Be better next time.
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