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Everything posted by Makaze

  1. Install Ubuntu. No more Windows licensing.
  2. You were right. Nominations: 5: Koneko 4: TheEnd 3: necktie 2: Mei 2: Glac 2: SeverIan 2: Rehab 2: Loki 2: shinpichu 2: Makaze 1: Lettuce 1: Horace 1: Carmine Sword 1: Draco 1: Elieson
  3. It must be hard being so wrong all the time.
  4. What do you think of free will? Yes. It's a bit of an absurd concept since free will is an oxymoron. Adds to the absurdism inherent in our search for meaning.
  5. Nominations: 4: Koneko 2: TheEnd 2: Mei 2: necktie 1: shinpichu 1: Lettuce 1: Makaze 1: Horace 1: Glac 1: Carmine Sword 1: Rehab 1: Loki 1: SeverIan
  6. No. It means your actions aid the offenders. If you are not aware that they aid the offenders, that makes you ignorant. If you are aware that they aid the offender, then that makes you on their side. It's simple logic. When confronted with what I did, you claimed it was wrong. When confronted with how wrong it is not, you asked if I did anything else that could be called wrong. When confronted with the fact that even the other factors were not wrong, you started defending your own actions instead of those of these unknown staff. I want you to answer this question explicitly. Why would you try to get me to reflect on actions you didn't believe were wrong?
  7. By further putting down the victim you aid those who victimized them in the first place. You chose to criticize me, a friend, and actively defended the actions of staff you do not know. Why would you do this? At first it looked like you could understand where the mods came from. Then it looked like you were just being mean. Because I am permanently banned. Your criticism is too little, too late. You're not helping me keep from getting banned. You're not helping me feel better. You are trying to make me feel like I did something wrong. Why would you do that?
  8. You're in for a bad time because you're focusing on making the victims jump through hoops to avoid getting banned instead of criticizing the staff. If you keep up that habit the staff will continue to get worse and worse and you'll just keep pressing for more and more hoop jumping until even you can't jump them all and you get banned for some reason. This is going to be extreme, but bear with me. Imagine that someone you know got raped. Would you say to them, "You shouldn't have been in that part of town," instead of helping them recover or trying to make that part of town safe? If so, you are enabling the rapist's behavior and hurting your friend to boot. As you have done to me today. The other factors were equally inconsequential. If I had broken even one rule, I would have been banned on the spot. When I was banned for the picture they cited various times I made joking jabs at my friends as "abusive comments" along with the picture. Even PMs from those friends explaining there was no offense meant or taken didn't help. They didn't care if I actually hurt feelings.
  9. Because you're criticizing me when I did nothing wrong. I believe I was perfectly blameless in that post. I did not deserve so much as a verbal warning. There is absolutely no bit of this that was not due to them hating me. I did not contribute in any way. This fact is so blatant that one of the other admins retired upon seeing what their coworker did to me and several of the older members who were friends of mine left as well. There comes a point where you cannot predict the level of hate others have for you. The person who wanted me banned was going to find a reason to ban me, no matter how small. They said so. It didn't matter how careful I was. I would have done something that could be construed as rude or even blunt and they would have banned me for it. Their exact words were "no matter how minor". The only way I could have avoided this was to not post at all until that person retired from being an admin.
  10. Yes, obviously. I was extremely careful in what I posted. I made sure everything I did had a precedent. Including that post. If you act out of prejudice, you are in the wrong every single time. You're holding me to a higher standard than those in authority. You're in for a bad time.
  11. Nominations for #11 are open. Nomination ends next Tuesday.
  12. Others have posted it and things like it and not gotten so much as verbal warnings. There isn't one non-staff on the site who thinks it was fair.
  13. How did you hear about it, by the way?
  14. You get the main admin to hate your guts.
  15. What's this from? Edit: Figured it out.
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