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Everything posted by Makaze

  1. Nominations: 4: Makaze 3: Loki 2: Lettuce 2: Soledai 2: Elieson 2: Rehab 2: TheEnd 2: SeverIan 1: Carmine Sword 1: Shin 1: Horace 1: Draco 1: Glac
  2. Nominations for #12 are open. Nomination ends next Tuesday.
  3. Not what I was looking for, but who knows. Maybe she'll do better for it.
  4. On that topic, I'm actually more concerned when people who like the KH games in general have an issue with a specific thing that I like. They are more likely to buy the other games from the series and control the devs that way. Steer the niche away from things I want more of. Hence I am more upset by people who refuse to play Classic than people who refuse to play Fire Emblem at all. Since I prefer the second game, I'm on the opposite side of the fence when it comes to the KH fanbase. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gb_qHP7VaZE
  5. If there was, woo! That's a big step up. I'll kill you.
  6. My list of missed mechanics/flawed changes is long. Stealing and Fog of War are way up there. Next you'll say it's okay for people to hate the opening to Kingdom Hearts II.
  7. What about the people who insist that the steak foundation is outmoded and that I should stop holding on to the past, that the steak I enjoy are simply bad cooking, and that something other than steak should have been the foundation from the start? These people seem more common every day from where I'm standing.
  8. You are correct. Neither of us is more "right" to want the things we do. We are just on different sides of the fence. But we still have conflicting desires. If I can convince someone or steer someone to enjoy Classic mode, I will do so, simply because I would like that more than the alternative. I feel this way for the same reason I would try to get someone to play a Fire Emblem game in the first place instead of, say, Final Fantasy Tactics. It's not just that I want them to enjoy a game that fits general criteria of gameplay genre. I want them to have the same experience and enjoy the same things as me. I'd go so far as to say that we all want that from other people and it is the reason we give recommendations in the first place. Most of the time, I just avoid associating with people I don't empathize with when it comes to things I am passionate about. Art in particular. I hardly post in the actual Fire Emblem sections on this site because I know I will just be stressed out by being a minority, perhaps the only one with my opinion. Why am I in this thread, you might ask? Someone linked it and I was bored. It will probably be a long time before I engage in this again. The reason I allow this exception is the alarming rate with which complacency has overtaken my peers on this forum. I came to a Fire Emblem community to find people who had similar interests to me, people who understand why the game appealed to me and felt the same way. If I suddenly find myself a part of a minority with very specialized and rare interests, I become upset for the two reasons I mentioned before. I would probably feel much less disgruntled if I felt that my niche in the market was more secure and inviolable.
  9. From my first post in this thread: On the market: It does work that way if they don't appreciate the thing I enjoy and actively avoid it. If I am the sole consumer of steak, it will be taken off the menu. It becomes unmanageable to produce steak for the restaurant. They need enough people who want it to keep it there. That is how the market works.
  10. There are two basic problems with it. One, I have more respect and empathy with people who enjoy the same things I do. More of an "I get you" feeling between us. On some level, I enjoy the game for my own reasons. I generally avoid arguing about things like art quality because the only value in talking about it is to find people like you. People who aren't like you add stress, not enjoyment. Two, their choices affect the industry. i.e. The kinds of games the developers will release in the future. If people buy into things I don't like and actively avoid things I do like, developers will not produce things I will enjoy. That's bad for obvious reasons.
  11. People refusing to play Classic because they are stuck in baby mode with features like that upsets me. They may not have to play Classic mode, but I'd be a lot happier if they did.
  12. I agree. You don't need a "but" in that sentence. It's all one point.
  13. If that's the case, what would happen with those people if Casual weren't in the game at all?
  14. Personally, I meet a lot of new players who claim they love Awakening and refuse to play Classic mode without a lot of prodding. No mentions of waifus or shipping. The waifu simulator drama seems to come more from the older fans.
  15. Oh. I didn't even know that existed. I guess it really is casual.
  16. The numbers that are generated are not truly random. If you knew the algorithm you could perfectly predict every single roll in the game. This process gets easier the further back you go due to less complex RNG methods. What is different about this compared to Classic mode?
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