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Everything posted by Makaze

  1. I have a lot of semi-conflicting desires. One of them is the desire to be exceptional. I tend to become an exception to rules or generalizations that would have applied to me otherwise. That contributes to my being weird among the weird. From Ma (魔) meaning "evil/devil" and Kaze (風) meaning "wind/storm". It means "ill-favoured wind/storm sent by the devil". It was my first portmanteau in any language and turned out to be a real word. It's the opposite of Kamikaze (divine wind/storm sent by god). First: Don't remember. Current: Stalker. Seems like a good person. 3. Paul von Oberstein Yes. For about 20 minutes. It didn't draw me in.
  2. I'm surprised you haven't jumped on my Interview, Sol. Guess you got your fill in the Ask thread?
  3. First: Leather pants. Current: Still hasn't used the dragon snake sprite avatar! Other questions were answered in QOTD.
  4. Don't I at least get credit for the last one?
  5. PSA: I welcome questions that require long answers. Questions about who and what I am, my opinions on things, my reasons for thinking the things I do. Don't hold back on my account.
  6. First: A large ham who has the love and respect of all he encounters. Someone to get close to. Current: Mission successful. A cordial and jovial soul with an interest in philosophy. Has ambitions. 2. Of course. It would only profit me to do so. 3. Once I set my mind to something, I will do anything that is necessary to make it happen. Because I don't know you at all. First and current impressions are the same: Nondescript and unmemorable. And I was lazy that week. First (and only): Has a cool name. First and current impressions of who? First: I don't remember. You were a nobody. Current: Has a head on their shoulders but doesn't like conflict. First: A semi-active person who inexplicably has the respect and admiration of others in the FE4 thread. Seemingly intelligent. Current: Same as before, but I understand a bit more now. Still a puzzle to solve. 2. Yes. 3. People I can't influence by any means. Worst thing ever. First: A pretty cool flan with good taste in avatars. Current: A drama monarch. Refuses to engage in a life of crime for some reason. 2. I... Don't know. I'll do that soon. Been needing something to Netflix lately. 3. Pokémon or Call of Duty.
  7. High konstitution. 1. I don't keep up with current events that much, but I hear about things via FB. Various articles about the Eric Garner case. It's symbolic of a few systemic social problems. 2. Either dead or immortal. If I am alive I will be fairly powerful, right hand to someone with a lot of influence. 3. I don't see the point in classifying anything as a utility. 4. Police state problems becoming big enough to hurt the people I care about. 5. Rape.
  8. First: Amazing spriter. Seems familiar, like I've seen them before. Current: Is in fact not a male. Hard to get used to that. Is a glutton for punishment.
  9. I can't believe I actually won, finally.
  10. First: Very sensitive and passive. Avoids confrontation. One of the most feminine people I know. Current: Has a mean streak. Perceptive but rarely shows it. Reminds me of one of the three things all wise men fear: "The anger of a gentle person." 2. Cleverness, motivation, open mindedness, and independence. Innocence. Innocence is attractive because innocence is potential. 3. Changing myself into the person I am today. I cannot take all the credit. I owe a lot of my development to my friends. But much of who I am comes from my nature, not just my environment. It is by that improvement that I am able to improve the lives of others. 1. Playing logic and chance games with other people. Especially card games. 2. Night sky blue. 3. Virtually all types. My favourite is folk punk. 4. First: I don't remember. Part of the woodwork. Androgynous username. Current: Still don't know him well. Competitive and motivated. 5. First: Looks like fun, and my friends play it. Let's give it a try. Current: COME ON GUYS. GET TO LEVEL 60 SO I CAN GET THE FINAL SKILL. PLEASE.
  11. Please don't quote others' questions like that. They don't show in my multiquotes so it's harder to keep track in big replies. First: Old member who shows up every once in a while to update about their personal life and then disappears again. Probably overestimating others' interest in their life. Weird cookie. Current: An intelligent person and formidable Mafia player. Fun to hang out with. 2. I want to own a business of some kind. A coffee shop or bookstore, perhaps. Dream job is information brokering. 3. Depends on where I live. I prefer cold in general because you can always pack on more layers but you can only do so much to stave off the heat in summer. Practically, I prefer summer because I can do things outdoors without the snow and ice to worry about. 4. Sore wa himitsu desu! 5. Yes. I played another game called Tales of Pirates. I loved it. zOMG before that. 6. Chai? I'm not a huge fan of tea. 1. I wanted to integrate into the older members of the community as fast as possible. 2. He fascinates me. Not sure how he feels about me. 3. I got banned from my preferred forum and this was the next best one. 4. FE6, FE7, FE8, FE9, FE10, FE11, FE13. Sacred Stones is simply the best in every area but difficulty. Graphics, mechanics, story, enemy variety, characters, supports, background mythos. And music. It has the best music of any of the games by far in my opinion. It was also my first FE. Probably explains a lot.
  12. I enjoy algebra. Decimals. Please ask better questions.
  13. What originality. What thoughtfulness. What karma. The question limit is waived, but please don't ask too many at once. Post them in waves. First: Posts too much and changes avatars too much. Bit of an air head. Remembers my avatar and tells me go to back to it.. Might be stalking me. Current: High spirits and friendliness describe them. Loves games and easily connects with other people. Probably not stalking me. First: Sockmaster. Some background user. Nothing special about them. Part of the woodwork. Current: Has a good sense of humour and makes more of an effort to be outgoing and get involved in things. Still needs to find his niche, though. 2. I loved making scripts. At first I made them for myself, but after a while I realized other people liked them too. I made my shop when the list started getting serious. 1. Lack of real world connections. 2. Critical analysis. 3. To become the ultimate being. All-powerful or all-knowing. 4. First: A lurker who got off on flaunting their age on the site. Knew about the drama that went on even if he didn't engage in it. Current: Elevates himself by demeaning others. May have lower self-esteem without people to disown. 5. First: Not my first redeo. Expected it to go well and people to pick up on my impressions question. Current: It's going well and people picked up on my impressions question. First: What an obnoxious name and avatar. I bet he joined the forum because he played SSB. Current: Not so obnoxious after all. Needs to be less insecure, but a pretty cool guy. First: Extremely shy. Impossible to contact. Never posts on the site or takes part in conversations. Current: Opens up to people once they get to know them. A very warm and kind person who loves to play games and help others. 2. I once had a dream that a volcano erupted in my home town when I was 6. I tried to save my brother, but he got melted and died. I couldn't accept that something that bad could actually happen and told myself, "It's just a dream. I'm having a nightmare. I can stop it." I closed my eyes and concentrated, then threw a fireball out of my hand. I was powerful! I got onto my trampoline and began throwing fireballs at the lava line while laughing maniacally. It receded. I didn't have a nightmare for years after that. 3. I latched on to highly charismatic and exceptional people in my life. People my own age who I wished I could be. I was a bit of a Tom Ripley as a child. 4. I have no problems with nicknames that don't sound lame. If I didn't like it I would have said something already.
  14. SF Interview #12: Makaze Interview ends on 22/2/2015.
  15. Nominations: 10: Makaze 10: Loki 3: TheEnd 3: Soledai 2: Lettuce 2: Elieson 2: Rehab 2: SeverIan 1: Carmine Sword 1: Shin 1: Horace 1: Draco 1: Glac 1: necktie
  16. Should have used Kontraception. Fashion trend as determined by yesterday's QOTD.
  17. I guess Ana isn't ragequating after all.
  18. I see you noticed Nightmare's poncho.
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