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Everything posted by Makaze

  1. Oswald Cobblepot is cool in Gotham. 1. Doing something I regret and cannot fix. 2. Depends on the context. I usually get Chaotic, sometimes Neutral. 3. The Legend of Dragoon 4. Emperor Norton
  2. L. I wouldn't. I would say I love the games, but I don't push people to play them. Enlightening.
  3. I intentionally skipped it because it had already been asked.
  4. First: Annoying name and avatar. Probably loves memes. Ugh. Current: Good taste in gifs. Not so bad after all. 2. Yes. The Spongebob Movie (way back). 3. The Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) is great for learning about features. Pretty much any site other than w3schools will be fine as tutorials go. 1. Yes. I'm not very good. 2. We are heading in a bad direction. Games are being pumped out unfinished, glitchy, without the features they were promised, year late. Focus continues to be put on graphics instead of innovating gameplay. 3. First: On the one hand, uses Comic Sans. On the other, calls me Madam. Eeeeh... Current: Can't read their posts because Comic Sans. 4. Bored, since I don't know you very well. First: Don't remember. Current: A troll. Needs to grow up. 2. No. 3. No. 4. Outside observer would say genetics. Internal Hermione says, "Actually i'm highly logical, which allows me to look past extraneous detail." 6. Haven't played. 7. Yes. Very.
  5. Too many people who don't leave impressions on me.
  6. Interview seems to be going well so far. Happy about that.
  7. 1. I have a few. A local pizza place is one of my favourites. 2. I don't remember. Probably Euklyd? 6. I was just thinking about you a few days ago. Thought you left. Turns out you just changed names. 7. I have decent persuasion skills once I get to know someone, but I can be insensitive and do not empathize with highly emotional people. I tend to appeal to reason despite the fact it doesn't work on them. 8. Same. 7. καλλίστη. Focus would be espionage and information brokering. 4. I dislike marriage. The ceremony itself doesn't bother me, but the idea of making love into a contract makes a mockery of it to me. 5. Gender is a social construct. On the one hand, I don't believe I adequately fit either archetype. On the other, I wouldn't be comfortable with having personality traits projected and enforced on me like that if I did. I have no desire to be told I am being unfeminine or unmanly or have people treat me differently because they expect one or the other. Not specifying gender is my way of passively resisting what I consider one of the most a corrosive ideas to have existed. 6. Depends on the things. I don't want people I love to be perfectly controlled. I want surprises. I want to exercise control over myself. I want unlimited control over myself and what I am. I want a large amount of control over how people perceive me, but I also love it when people surprise me with their insight. I usually like to exercise control in all things while doing it, but it's not always the best path. 7.5. Independence. I value independent thought, self-sufficiency, and uniqueness. Independence leads me to detach myself from things that I rely on and become someone who can survive without them. Integrity. I value reciprocity, intellectual integrity and keeping my word. I pay my debts and hold people to their words. I hate dishonesty and hypocrisy. Integrity leads me to admit my faults, honor agreements, and hold others accountable for theirs. Perfectionism. I value flawlessness. Perfectionism leads me to insatiably turn a critical eye on every single thing I encounter and find out what perfect statements can be made about it. It leads me to improve something as long as I think it can be improved. It leads me to attach myself to only the least flawed idea I can find and disregard everything else. 7/10, I guess. I am not my type. Then again, who is? Not very good. Pretty good. Yes. I haven't finished one though.
  8. 1. The meaning of my life is hedonism. Pure and simple. I live to experience everything. 2. General for classic classes. Wyvern Knight and Dark Flier for others. 3. Kingdom Hearts II 6. Claire Stanfield. His outlook on life is similar to mine, taken to an extreme with amazing egotism. 7. Anything that challenges me in some way. Intellectually stimulating series are the best. Psychological series draw me in the most. 8. I don't know... Not many mechanics affected the way I think about things. That might be the only one. 9. Philosophy? Depends on what people wanted to talk about. 10. "To the fairest/for the most beautiful".
  9. I suppose you could win with only a handful of units. But it would be much harder. Weapon triangle control alone would become an issue. You get my point. Quotes broke.
  10. Necromancer? I'll be damned. First: Naïve and impressionable, but not stupid. Current: Less naïve. Growing into an intelligent and well-rounded person. 2. Slightly different from another question, but okay. I managed to make my immediate family more open minded on the whole. About religion, science, politics, everything. Satisfying. 3. Not exactly. I'm flexible. I only have one real goal: Gain means to live independently and support a lover. 4. All kinds. Too many to list, some of them contradictory. Got anything more specific? 5. Better than a lot of people I know, yes. On good terms with most of them. No enemies. How do you think I am communicating so quickly if I am that far away? Yes and no. I'm interested in it if I am going to die otherwise. Yes. No. That is, they should stop so I do not become offended. 2. They are all good. Second or third are best. Great villains and character development. I was disappointed with the representation of Ra's al Ghul in Batman Begins. 3. I haven't actually played Final Fantasy Tactics. I prefer permadeath in FE because that is what sets FE apart from most any other strategy game. Without it, FE might be like any other series. In some other strategy games, having your characters come back may help define the spirit of that game, too, and in that case I won't mind it, but I still wouldn't like it as much as FE. I prefer permadeath to casual because it adds strategy to tactics. Permadeath creates a non-optional incentive for learning intuitive game theory. It forces the player to think outside of the box compared to other tactics games. There are multiple ways to win each fight, but you have to think about the long game instead of just the battle in front of you. In Casual, you can lose one unit every map and it will have virtually no effect on the outcome of the game. In permadeath, losing one each character map would lead to a game over every time. Forcing players to deal with a realistic sense of loss forces them to become better players, not just to win, but to not lose their friends and allies forever. It instills careful consideration and adds weight to every decision. I wouldn't be the same person I am today if FE had been casual when I first started. 4. Coding, discussing things, playing games? I'm a big film and show enthusiast too. 5. Kill Elieson, Fuck Euklyd, Marry Nightmare. You each should know why.
  11. First: Doesn't like me. Says they will do things and then doesn't do them. Annoying. Current: Has a reputation. Don't know what for other than being incompetent. First: Don't remember. Current: Tends to fly off the handle? Don't have much of an impression besides being recognizable. First: Big shot Mafia player and host. Supposedly good. Current: Actually good. No impression outside of Mafia. Flower: Blue rose? Not a big flower enthusiast. Plant: Weeping willow. 1. No impressions. Nothing I can remember other than your name. 2. Animals. 3. Yes. 4. My political/social philosophy. 5. "M" Is for Morphine
  12. It all melds together when it comes to specific times.
  13. Andrew Jackson Jihad and Ghost Mice. Everything they do is great. 6a. My lover and... Another lover. I'd say myself, but I don't usually take my own mortality into account. 6b. My current lover. I try not to live in the past and throw my heart entirely into what I'm doing in the moment. First: Don't remember. Too many name changes. Current: Likes being cutesy. Not much for talking about themselves. 2. Limerence is infatuated, obsessive love. Love that required reciprocation of feelings. What most people call love. Love itself can be unconditional. Wanting someone else to be happy no matter what. Making their well being a prerequisite of your own. Both are love. I feel both to varying degrees. I need reciprocation, but not as much as most people. First: Quiet and reserved older member. Suspect they are significantly older than me. Current: Not very quiet or reserved after all. Has an interesting sense of humour and good taste in general. Not so old after all. Fairly outspoken. No.
  14. First: Clever person with good taste and humour. We'll get along well. Current: Same as before, but we do get along well. 2. Melee. 3. Marth. 4. Marth. 5. I don't play a lot of SSB. How did I miss that?! Ugh.
  15. 1. Some kind of reptile, probably. Or a cat. I've been characterized as both. 2. Charity. Self-sacrifice and denial of the self lead to suffering. 3. It can be, but is bound to lead to misery. There are those you cannot please and those who will drain you with black hole of need. 4. Where my lover is. 5. So many. The most basic is complacency. I hate complacency above everything.
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