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Everything posted by Makaze

  1. Nominations: 4: TheEnd 4: SeverIan 4: Loki 2: Draco 2: Shirley 2: necktie 2: Rehab 1: Elieson 1: Anacybele 1: Mei 1: Soledai 1: Lettuce 1: Integrity 1: Ein 1: Horace 1: Glac
  2. Nominations: 2: Draco 2: TheEnd 2: SeverIan 1: Loki 1: Elieson 1: necktie 1: Anacybele 1: Mei 1: Soledai 1: Lettuce 1: Shirley
  3. I was one of my most fearless kids I knew. I became almost completely fearless after I had that dream about the volcano. I didn't have any specific fears. I know I was scared of some things at some times, but I can't remember any of them because I didn't dwell on them for long. I had things to lose, but I was confident I would not lose them.
  4. Nominations for #13 are open. Nomination ends next Tuesday.
  5. 104. It was amazing. It was an epic of friendship, philosophy, growth, and loss. It had a lot of important lessons to teach. 105. I relate to his position. We have similar ways of thinking. Our cold calculation and lack of regard for morality and honor lead others to view us the enemy even when our goals align. 106. It went very well. I wanted more deep questions, but I got enough to keep me busy and help others get to know me.
  6. 1. I believe that some people can be trusted because they desire to be trustworthy. 2. I do not know. I do not know anyone who is trustworthy in every area. 3. I am willing to enforce ideas on others if it will aid my goals. I do my best to eliminate ideas that are harmful. 4. Capital punishment is almost always unnecessary. It neither lowers crime rates nor makes the world a better place. It should be reserved for extreme cases where a person is incapable of rehabilitation. Not as a punishment, but as a protective measure for others.
  7. 1. Not very. 2. So far... Ricken. 3. Kvothe from the Kingkiller Chronicle. 4. Change the forum software to something better. I would open design changes up for members to suggest and contribute to.
  8. More than usual, but I expected a better judgment from people I don't know.
  9. Nightmare and Kitty got to Level 60. Tomorrow?
  10. Oh god. "If you meet the Tedius on the path, kill him."
  11. Ideas are bulletproof. Good and bad.
  12. 101. Learning new things, playing games, sex, problem solving, and personal improvement. I also love helping others do or learn new things. 102. I couldn't tell you. The world is a rapidly changing place. I'd say that everyone who tries to predict these kinds of things is wrong without exception except by dumb luck. 103. Whatever information people wanted, meaning especially secrets. Anything from true identities to affairs and whereabouts of people in hiding. My resource would be my connections. People who bought information from me would have to give some information themselves as part the payment. I would probably get all kinds of clients, but if I got something big enough then the biggest income from would be people who didn't want the information sold. It's a dangerous profession if my games of OC Mafia are anything to go by. 8. It does at times, but I find enough people I get along with to get by. I think that deep down, many people are anarchists who don't have the conviction to stand up to systemic injustice. It's not that hard to find people who jive with the motivations, at least. 9. Yes. People don't approach me very often and I tend to be outcast and hated by many. Not unlike Oberstein. 10. KHII. Roxas is my favourite character. Nihilism is valid, but has some negative connotations, like that life is meaningless. I believe we give our lives meaning. Other nihilists and I have a lot in common, but I am probably more fulfilled than most of them. I have principles I live by even though I acknowledge that they are not objectively right and are just mine.
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