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Everything posted by Makaze

  1. Yes. People born with sub-human abilities have it really bad. People born with super-human abilities have it great. If you mean someone for whom everything happens to turn out badly or well, yes. It's a statistical inevitability. Someone like that will exist at some point. Can't say that you'll be able to predict bad luck before the fact, though.
  2. **Update!: Bug fixed.** IP.Chat Logs 1.3.3 → 1.3.4 Bug fixed: Compensated for 404 redirects.
  3. Thought you guys would appreciate this.
  4. I think they're arguing for the potential of the genre. Most people don't take game stories as seriously as other media. They play games for the fun, hands-on gaming. It isn't inherently inferior. The interaction involved in games makes them a huge opportunity to pull people into a plot. It's forced to be inferior by the market, not by its own limits.
  5. Stats to prove it! Answer: Generally, yes. I don't make a conscious effort at it though.
  6. Agreed. He's at least a little personable as villains go.
  7. I don't think you lied. I think the test is faulty. Maybe the down speed is double that, but it's currently being weighed down by other people using the service.
  8. Pssst. His internet is impossible as far I know. Upload speed provided by ISP about half of the download speed. His is more than double his download speed.
  9. At least let me pretend it wasn't my fault.
  10. I almost answered the poll, but figured out the answers would be seen. Nice try.
  11. I didn't realize the bible contained miracles this extravagant.
  12. More or less this. Fear doesn't help. It only holds you back. [spoiler=had to] for (i = 0, myString = "Drop that ass!"; i < 5; i++) { console.log(myString); }
  13. I usually test for ENTP, but when depressed I flip to INTP or INTJ in extreme cases. My introverted results correlated heavily with being around people I didn't like for extended periods of time. It's definitely not a concrete thing.
  14. Die on your feet. I also believe it's better to die young in a fulfilling life than live long in a mediocre one.
  15. Used to drink everything out the side of my mouth instead of straight on. No idea how I picked it up but it's gone now. That and twirling things in the air like sticks, yo-yos, anything that spins. Mostly gone.
  16. Introverts are people who are easily drained in social situations and recharge in solitude. Extroverts are people who are easily drained in solitude and recharge in social situations. I think introverts tend to prefer hanging out with people they know when they socialize because they don't like to drain themselves on something meaningless. Comparatively, extroverts need a good reason to get away from a crowd. Being alone needs to be worthwhile to them in the same way. Introverts can enjoy a moment of meaningless silence because it rejuvenates them. Extroverts can enjoy a meaningless conversation of idle chit chat because it rejuvenates them. There is nothing better or worse about either of them.
  17. Did I say you forced me? Let it be said I kept my end of the bargain. I work with people who can be trusted. I may be hard to get close to but I don't let people down; I deliver. The same can't be said of you.
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