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Everything posted by Makaze

  1. I look at my newbie self and laugh. I've been on so many forums... If they were still around today, I would probably have a record of my entire progression through posts. I was... Deplorable.
  2. Why did we do the first posts thing?
  3. It is a Japanese word for 'a storm sent by the devil' or 'an ill-favoured wind'. What makes you heroic?
  4. What are you the king of? I love the aesthetic style/setting and gameplay. Strategy is my kind of thing and if it's pretty then it gets my full support. What title was that?
  5. I would use it to do all kinds of things without physical moving... Or to move things out of my reach. What do you like about Fire Emblem?
  6. If I had a choice, I would not have it. If I had it anyway, I would use it to get what I wanted from people and make my life easier. For example, I could find out a person's secrets and become a king of black mail. I would live in almost-solitude to keep myself sane. How would you use the power of unnoticeability?
  7. That explains it. Alas. I liked my no badge.
  8. Why did I suddenly become a Magical Girl?
  9. It would always be active, like hearing, going by probability. How would that change your decision?
  10. Discriminatory != xenophobic. But that sucks.
  11. If you could read minds, how would you use it? Indeed. My preferred method of filtering is to make the weak infertile; as for strengthening genes: via various methods like the ones you proposed. It's an homage to a song.
  12. Teleportation or portal creation. On top of being a favourite, it's extremely useful for everyday things. Shapeshifting is an interesting one. What kind of uses were you thinking of?
  13. How do you feel about eugenics? Filtering out unfavorable or weak genes, specifically. It would be an extreme, but I would do it. Peace doesn't sell, so I'm buying.
  14. I believe that both large scale war and large scale peace are inevitable. Things will get worse before they will get better. The old ways cannot die out while the ones who believe in them still live. What about you?
  15. I like how you captured my arrogance.
  16. I think that is a trick question. Democracy is ultimately the exercise of force by the majority against the minority. If you mean diplomacy, then yes, of course.
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