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Everything posted by Makaze

  1. Found out who Xanatos is. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Xanatos Definitely not worth the name.
  2. It makes sense, in my opinion. This trope applies where the universe itself has set you up to lose no matter what. The "Perfect" Gambit, let's call it for now, is specifically enacted and thought out by an individual.
  3. I think I would be a good parent... Patient, diligent, able to adapt to situations... Better than a lot of people I know, anyway. But I don't want to have kids, if that makes sense. What is the most intimidating prospect to you?
  4. Victory isn't all that matters even if it is the top priority. Personally, I appreciate there being a term for the sacrifice-based plot in particular. It helps describe a particular type of plot instead of being a general 'perfect plan' catch-all.
  5. Also I got bad vibes from Baldrick from their last several posts and was already building a scum read on them so there's that too.
  6. Me? No. I'm assuming this is some kind of Day Vig ability so when I flip town, please avenge me. It's my last request.
  7. I don't think it accurately conveys the gambit. A coin toss doesn't involve a counter move by the enemy... Where is the gambit/sacrifice?
  8. Two problems. 1. It's a gambit, not a plot. A gambit is a move where someone intentionally makes a sacrifice (takes a loss) for victory, while a plot is any plan. You can see this in the example given on the trope page: the heroes can defeat either one of the obstacles, but not both at the same time. In chess, this is like giving someone a choice between killing a Knight or a Rook, but taking out either will open up a check mate. Not taking out either will result in setting up a check mate, too. It is impossible to deal with both at the same time because you can only move one piece at a time in chess. 2. The point of the Xanatos Gambit is to make it impossible to escape. I suppose it's possible that the villain misjudged you but that would kind of discredit the Chessmaster title behind it. This is what I mean. It's annoying having to explain these nuanced differences to people. Apparently TVTropes isn't as good at getting them across as I thought because you didn't get it but I'd still like to be able to get across the entire concept of a gambit, not plot, that leads to victory no matter what the other side does.
  9. j00 was replaced by kirshe. You have the be the laziest active player I have seen.
  10. No... But I don't believe we have a purpose, either. I believe that making a choice independent of things you can't control is inherently impossible. Do you think you would make a good parent? Why or why not?
  11. How can you just forget about your night action? We are losing time. kirsche, I noticed you asked for others to claim but didn't claim yourself. Is there a reason for that?
  12. @Parrhesia: Don't actually know what Xanatos is. Either way names for the concepts are nice. Doesn't apply to a character or to the plan being successful on its own. A Xanatos Gambit is a plan that leads to victory no matter which route you take. If you do A, you lose. If you do B, you lose. This is a trope that defines a Chessmaster, which is a character trope. You seem to understand the definition so I'm not sure why you're equating it to a villain who is successful.
  13. I don't know. I think there is value to tropes like the Byronic Hero, Complete Monster, Xanatos Gambit/Xanatos Speed Chess, and so on. Notable nuanced differences are The Chessmaster, The Trickster, The Manipulative Bastard and The Magnificent Bastard. A lot of these don't need capital letters but still. Concrete definitions with comparisons and contrasts are nice.
  14. kirshe, what are your scum reads? How do you feel about your role's previous owner?
  15. I don't believe that we can know what is set to happen; it's all probability... So it's not as depressing as you might thing. .000000001% is success is not 0%. I, for one, will succeed or die trying, as it were. Peacefully, with full awareness that I will die, and truly dying so that I will cease to exist completely. No pain. Do you believe we have free will? Why or why not?
  16. It is possible that someone is conspiring against you. I believe that when we set out to do things, the universe conspires to make it happen. By our own determination we are more likely to succeed. Unfortunately that goes for the people who want us to fail, too. A land of infinite puzzles and my lover(s). What about you?
  17. We'll all just float on, you'll see.
  18. You can't disrupt the integrity of my dichotomy! Besides, realism is just a word for pessimists who feel justified about it. Pun integrityd.
  19. I appreciate it for giving names to tropes or concepts that I would otherwise have to tediously describe for myself every time I wanted to reference them. If you ignore/don't read the actual examples or visit the forums, I think it makes a great repository for tropes and clichés; the best around, at any rate.
  20. What is with people and subbing...? Am I scaring them off?
  21. I'm going to head to bed soon-ish. I am willing to consolidate on j00, Shinori or Eury. Right now j00 is looking like the primary target. Let me know if you need me; I'll check back here before I go to bed. In case you need to do a massclaim, you know my role. Good night.
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