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Everything posted by Makaze

  1. eclipse's role was extremely obvious from their ISO. I say you came out nowhere because your vote was based solely on her first post. Comparatively, you read other people, including me, far more thoroughly. You said what you aren't. What are you? Tell us everything.
  2. Even more reason. Who did you read, or did you already say? Ignoring the hooker possibility which conveniently cannot be proven despite unlikelyhood, a second BPV makes a lot of sense. A few strange facts are coming together to make kirsche look bad. 1. Shinori claimed that they fired on kirsche and failed. 2. kirsch had an out of nowhere vote on eclipse from the start of the round and did a 180 as soon as they officially claimed cop. 3. kirsch are arguing for the existence of a hooker they cannot prove exists who has to have made some very bizarre and illogical actions to so much as cut it. Oddly defensive against the existence of a BPV. 4. eclipse tried to rolecop kirsche and failed. None of these would make a case by themselves but when they stack up like this it's hard to call it a coincidence.
  3. There is only one scenario which actually makes sense with an SK hooker but it's exceptionally far fetched: Shinori targets Darros and fails. SK uses their hooker ability on eclipse but does not fire at anyone. This requires that the SK cannot use both the kill and the hook on the same night.
  4. In order to consider any of that we would have to assume that a hooker exists and that they just so happened to hook the specific person who tried to use the factional night kill that night; that this person would target Shinori over eclipse is mind-bogglingly stupid. As far as I am concerned the hooker explanation is out the window because of that alone.
  5. You're right, I did misread. It's more plausible that the BPV claim is false than that eclipse is wrong, but this is a WIFOM argument. We know for a fact that both kills were nullified the other night and no one idled that night. There are two BPVs still alive. If Darros was one, then who is the other? Anyone want to claim it? I was going to say... I read that as exactly what Eury was doing early in the game.
  6. what does* Surprised I haven't made a Prims-like typo by now.
  7. I meant what was 'spray and pray' mean. I got your case well enough.
  8. What does that mean? I want to hear Eury's claim before switching but you make a very compelling case.
  9. We've already been over how it's not a confirmed town role; this is a red herring. It's a factor but it's not as important as who actually makes sense as ITP right now. The hard role data we have right now is... Cam is Nexus Darros is BPV, used up kirsche is Insomniac and BPV, used up Makaze is Announcer At this point in the game one target, votes scattered and an all-too-easy hammer condition, I think we need a Mass Claim. Please claim your whole roles and any results from night actions that could help us. This means your whole role, so even those who have already claimed a part of their role, please reiterate and try to help narrow it down as much as you can. I am David Attenborough, the British Announcer and lover of all things natural, including our fair island. What are you?
  10. kirsche, it seems extremely unlikely that there are two town BPVs. Are you saying that Darros is not a BPV? Like you voted me after all of that prodding? Right now you are refusing to defend yourself, haven't built a case on kirsche at all aside from taking Shinori's word and have invited me to vote you. How are you helping town right now?
  11. **Updates!: Smoother scrolling.** Navigation Shortcuts 2.0.3 → 2.0.4 Post Style 1.0.4 → 1.0.5
  12. You do realize that is not a defense, right? That is a decent point. Makes getting an answer from kirsche is even more pertinent. Still would like some actual effort from you.
  13. Oh, forgot about that. It would be great to hear kirsche's account of that. All they had to say was that they were an Insomnia. An Insomniac BPV SK seems out of place, and so is a BPV Insomniac. kirsche, can you please clarify? "Sure" is not going to cut it. Are you or are you not a BPV? Even without that, I knee-jerk ignored that claim because: 1: BPV town has been a thing. This is role madness. 2: j00 has had decent pro-town content; null read at worst for me. I am, however, getting a bad feeling from the way you segued into this right after calling me out for quote walling you but not voting you. Do you think j00 or kirsche are anti-town? Why are you trying to change my focus instead of build a strong case?
  14. Explaining my reads to someone with doubts isn't the same as changing them. Eury is still more scummy.
  15. Before I forget: ##Vote: Eurykins
  16. He didn't think I was ITP, he thought I "felt like town". Actually, looking back he has thought I was town the whole game. Maybe not a tell after all. But I'd like to hear your thoughts on what I read so I'll quote wall anyway. There was a telling post here that helped explain why the ITP spec-ing was anti-town, but doesn't explain the gut town claims. It also makes a show of questioning me but nothing fruitful came of it, just like the first round of 'hunting': Post after the anti-role spec that points out contradictions in my posts and still reads null/gut town: Contradicts himself; finally says something about me maybe being non-town: Later showing that he still hasn't, or if he has, has not mentioned it, still a town read: One thing at really stands out to me about his play is that he joined every wagon we've had and as a result has not actually scum hunted anyone he has actually voted. There were several posts where he said he had good reads but they got lost; e.g. his Boron case. The people he has hunted have been people he didn't give much attention. In fact, he spent almost all of his time questioning people he read town. It's strange.
  17. There goes my third read. RIP Prims. Your contributions to town will be missed. My reads are the same as last night. I want either a Eurykins or Cam lynch because as far as I'm concerned one of them has to be the ITP. My intuitin has not been wrong yet, has it? I'm entitled.
  18. I didn't notice it... I trained. I suppose I realized I had good intuition when I started to be told that I expressed other peoples' thoughts better than they themselves could. Around when I turned twelve. What makes you say I have such sharp intuition?
  19. Having to take care of a large group of people and keep them safe. More than I can keep track of. I don't like taking on losing battles... What scenario made you feel the best about your own intuition?
  20. If that was a bluff then bravo to you. I honestly assumed I wasn't dead because no hosts were on.
  21. Seriously though, if I'm dead due to that day vig (?) then none of my votes will count and I've already commented on all of the content I deemed important and asked questions about others. The rest would be up to the others. I guess my question right now is why would you day vig someone you think is town?
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