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Everything posted by Makaze

  1. I have the strongest déjà vu. This exact conversation happened before.
  2. Money. I lost a lot of money over the years. What thing do you most want to change about your personality?
  3. Wrong place for that, outcast. This place is far from the forest.
  4. Isn't it the opposite? Past a certain point, everything you enjoy becomes repetitive, vapid and meaningless. The beginning and middle mean something because they have endings. Put intuitively, we do not appreciate what we had as much as we do the second we lose it. The longer we have it, the less we value it.
  5. I used to be able to read people. I would love to be able to do that again. If you could bring back one object you have lost, what would it be?
  6. Land. Haven't gotten my sea legs yet. What about you?
  7. Yes. Not only is that better looking on every screen, it won't stretch the page when viewer's screen doesn't match the indent you chose. Thanks.
  8. I'd just have a mod lock it after one post.
  9. No. I'm afraid not. It looks like your signature is legal after all, so it's up to you. I suggest a space between the images though.
  10. It loads a different image in the list on every refresh.
  11. I think your signature is too big. Give http://sig.grumpybumpers.com/ a try; seems like something good for your situation.
  12. My teacher threatened to throw me out the window if I interrupted her again. Scary day. Yours?
  13. They did when I joined this forum. It was the Awakening of the community.
  14. Decided I was probably favouring BS because people hated SS. Stopped caring what people thought and considered it based on what I enjoyed; SS came out on top.
  15. I thought it was appropriate to the situation. Rococo!
  16. Couldn't finish. Only got ten seconds in. I went to play something else, this came on.
  17. Welcome back. What dragged you away?
  18. What is your favourite Western world book? The puzzles and atmosphere are amazing. Easily one of the most engaging games ever.
  19. I saw exceptions in this very thread. I was trying to explain a trend and nothing more. No offense meant. You actually can have control over your genitalia and facial structure if you have a lot of money. It's demeaning because people rarely identify as their body and would like to be valued for who they are instead of what they are. People who liked to be personified instead of objectified find it demeaning when people view them as objects instead of people. People who prefer to be objectified may exist. I have not met any of them.
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