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Everything posted by Makaze

  1. @EvanManManMan Refa's post: https://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?/topic/83026-i-dont-need-serenes-forest-mafia-mafia-5-day-4/&do=findComment&comment=5200057 Also, Kaoz was killed despite being saved by Mack, which suggests the empower item Kaoz had got used on his killer. Based on Kaoz's ISO, Kill makes the most sense as his empower target.
  2. I was pretty sure that eclipse got jailed n1 and that was Mafia's target? Eury was SK?
  3. Personally I'm re-adding him to PoE because I think Kaoz empowered him, and that's why he's dead.
  4. I was confused on why you thought Athena could be Mafia earlier in the Day. Did I misremember this?
  5. @Refa What was your smoking gun on Athena? You seemed pretty sure about him being scummy.
  6. Possible worlds where Kaoz empowered Kill: Kaoz empowered Kill and Kill is the ITP, Snike is the Mafia, Omega is innocent Kaoz empowered Kill and Kill is the Mafia with Snike, Omega is the ITP Kaoz empowered Kill and Kill is the only Mafia, Omega is the ITP I really don't like this, but it's an option. Kill/Snike makes a lot of sense IMO, if Snike flips and there is another Mafia. He's been clearing Kill since the Junko lynch despite all reasoning.
  7. Yeah but I think he'd do it to get that reaction. He's the smartest scum player on this team if he's Mafia IMO. I've said this before.
  8. My main problem with Snike is that like Omega, he's stubbornly trying to widen the PoE to people I think have to be town. He's not clearing the right people. I still feel like his switch to Sully was opportunistic, and the nature of his defenses in general has been offputting. Also they have been sheeping consensus and just followed me on my Walrein lynch as well. I don't think this is town Snike if he's seriously thinking I could be Mafia.
  9. One think I'm noticing is how Kill isn't contributing with his vote or scum hunting at all, and his only comments have been on the ITP stuff today. @Killthestory Who would you like to lynch? What's your strategy going forward?
  10. I am going to sheep Refa on this one. Kill is back in the PoE.
  11. I had a reason for why it couldn't be you, but I can't remember. Something about him thinking that you were the networker. If he's the Mafia and you were RB'd he'd know that doesn't make sense.
  12. I see the reasoning behind that, but look at the logic about his claim that he was RB'd n1. It fits with what we know. Only other option is they RB'd BBM.
  13. It wasn't intended for Kirsche. Walrein is claiming he gave it to Mack directly.
  14. Hm I can actually see a world where Athena is scum if the strategy was to lynch him as the weakest scum member to make Shinori a deepwolf for the case. But I think athena's content is practically flawless.
  15. It's also easy to confirm when he claims who he will shoot and those people don't die lol there are no rbers or protectors left
  16. Alternatively: Omega isn't the ITP, but he is the last Mafia. This was my first argument re: he enters with a hard bus. Either way he's non town so I'm pretty certain we need to lynch him if all else fails.
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