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Everything posted by Makaze

  1. I don't think so. How can we emulate the encryption without first being able to break it?
  2. ENTP. For all of those who want degrees for answers, try http://www.mypersonality.info/. Take the Basic Personality Type Test.
  3. Don't you have it backward? Tell me if I'm wrong: Someone states that it is always wrong. A subjective statement. Someone else brings up an example that they believe the first person will agree is an exception. You say that bringing up exceptions doesn't prove it isn't wrong, just that people do it. If I'm right, then you missed the point. We were trying to get eclipse to admit that she even she doesn't believe what she said in all cases. There are instances where disrespecting people will help her accomplish her goals and others where it will not help or hurt them. We need to know why she thinks those circumstances are irrelevant in order to accept the idea that she believes what she said. We are trying to disprove that anyone actually believes what eclipse said by getting everyone who says they do to admit that they personally see exceptions. That's why we kept addressing our exceptions as questions and challenges to the original claim. 'Do you believe that even in X circumstance?' You were right. It doesn't prove anything to question by itself. We need those who claimed to believe what she said to accept or deny the exceptions to get anywhere. No one has addressed the exceptions. You have said that they don't prove anything but have not accepted or denied them either. We are at an impasse until someone who believes what eclipse said reasons out why they believe it in spite of our reasons for not believing it instead of just saying that they do.
  4. The two halves make choices independent of each other. They form habits and make judgments that neither the other half nor the original that had both halves would make. If you read a letter or listened to a recording of each—the original, the left half and the right half—you would not think that they were the same person because they all have different thought processes and make different choices. You wouldn't think to consider them the same unless you were told that they all came from the same brain. The left and right can act independently of each other simultaneously. If different actions at different times isn't enough, then different choices within the same body at the same instant might be. If I jump into a teleporter that disintegrates me then recreates me from atoms at my destination, am 'I' truly being transported, or is it just my memory? If my body is accidentally copied to two separate output terminals, which one is me? I say neither. 'I' was destroyed when I was disintegrated. Whoever appears at the other end believes that they are me and can act the part, but they have a memory of their destination that the me who got disintegrated didn't have. The other copy has a memory of a different destination that the first copy doesn't have. If they met each other, wouldn't they be able to make completely different decisions based on their subjective perspectives up to that point? At what level of divergence do two streams of consciousness become distinct? That's the point. You cannot be tricked into the idea that you exist because the ability to think about being tricked proves that you exist. The thought 'I don't exist' is a paradox.
  5. I got drove home in a police car when I was a little kid. I think they thought I was lost.
  6. Conceded. I only mean to question the purpose in singling out atheist billboards when they are actually fairly tame.
  7. Woo her quietly. Maybe you'll have more luck.
  8. What he said. But it's still one of the blandest meats.
  9. Then you shouldn't get defensive when others suggest that you should improve.
  10. It's ironic that people think Christmas is being secularized. The week leading up to 25th was originally a secular and Pagan holiday tradition under Roman rule. One of the main ones was called Saturnalia and consisted of a week long period of various festivities. Notable Pagan celebrations of this festival included a period of lawlessness during which all laws were ignored by Roman courts and a victim was chosen to be fattened, raped and eventually killed on the last day of the festival. Others included gift giving, the trees and other symbols we use today. Christians secularized and tamed it by Pagan standards by claiming it was the birth of Christ, using their own version of the holiday to turn it into a conversion tactic and pull themselves away from the un-Christian festival. The secularization of today tames it even more, making it more acceptable to people of all faiths and no faith. Christians have little ground to stand on concerning December 25th. Just as Christians reclaimed a Pagan holiday for themselves, others may reclaim it for a time of family gatherings and gift giving. The billboards may be going a bit far, but they are patronizing at best, especially compared to the religious ones. None of the atheist billboards posted have been aggressive toward people. They advocate reason and suggest questioning your beliefs as an individual. Religious billboards have been claiming that nonbelievers are morally repugnant. Take Shin's second billboard. Atheists and lawyers who defend atheists are not just lunatics, they are traitors. Theist billboards attempt to demonize and marginalize atheists instead of appealing to them. I haven't seen anything suggesting that atheists are defaming characters with billboards. The atheists are criticizing ideas, not people. They are trying to convince theists to change and question. Theist billboards suggest that the reader stop associating with atheists or mock them with faulty information. It's clear which is the more militant between the two.
  11. More like dice. I've got a few.
  12. No, but they were a good match. Everyone worthwhile is already taken. Donnel Virion Stahl Frederick I think that's it. Maybe Ricken, but I don't like him.
  13. I still can't decide on who to ship Cherche or Cordelia with. Maybe I should give up on pairing everyone perfectly.
  14. Do you admit your own faults to excuse yourself from being criticized by others?
  15. Read the rules. If they don't let you have fun, too bad. This is a no fun allowed zone. AKA: Don't stray far from Far from the Forest.
  16. Fairly well. I try not to rely on technology for much outside of enjoyment.
  17. A Whovian is someone who identifies as a fan of Doctor Who, like Trekkie for Star Trek fans. Adding 'swell' to the list.
  18. Then it's safe to assume you don't get the context. You have eyes. I see those black dots.
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