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Everything posted by Makaze

  1. It actually makes perfect sense? No one is attracted to all features of all members of the opposite sex. All of the features they could appreciate are present in certain members of both sexes. Supposedly straight people consistently rule out people they find attractive once they found out that they have the same genitalia. They may rule them out to conform to their socio-sexual identities, but they were still attracted to that person before they knew about their genitalia. No one is 100% gay either for similar reasons.
  2. ONE CAN NEVER OVERESTIMATE THE VALUE OF LARGE FONTS. Side note: I can do this on Skype.
  3. Make an effort to post un-ironic things and you'll be fine. Taking time to understand people helps, too.
  4. Only on the surface. Knoll and Joshua both share aspects of me but they very different and neither are very clear personalities. Laurent and I have a lot in common, but I don't know if I like him yet.
  5. Bipolar is the genetic disorder; borderline is the personality disorder.
  6. Integrity always tells me I don't get people.
  7. Many people have fundamentally contradictory desires. We can never become so collaborative that sociopaths with inherent bloodlust will work together with society or vice versa, or so that those who lash out in fear feel safe. Humans will collaborate for their own ends. The day we stop needing each other for our ends is the day we stop working together. As a whole we are an individualist species.
  8. I suppose I should cut down on the salsa? I had it twice today.
  9. Schizoid doesn't exist anymore on the books. In case people didn't know.
  10. My tolerance has been built up over years of adding hot peppers to everything but dessert. It can be done.
  11. I should have known you were sane. Or just voted in the middle on everything.
  12. Too spicy? What is this blasphemy?
  13. Narcissism is characterized by excessively grandiose self-perception. The narcissist does not know how to cope when others do not extol their greatness and can be prone to a victim mentality wherein they believe that everyone is in denial or everyone hates them for being superior.
  14. Gained something of a rep in the IP.Chat... And now it's too full to go back. Ah, well.
  15. I am always out of the loop in this thread.
  16. I got one of my videos flagged for the band Bomb the Music Industry!, a DIY non-profit punk band that gives out their music for free on their website. It's that bad.
  17. I read her name as my username half of the time I see it.
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