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Everything posted by Makaze

  1. 1. First vs current impressions of me? 2. If you could do anything for a living and make great money, what would it be? Why? 3. What are your core traits? How do they effect the factors you consider in decision making? 4. What events in your life led to your core traits?
  2. Whoops... Guess the links are too old. EDIT: Here:
  3. I would say this, but if I'm honest, I would like to kill someone at least once, given the opportunity by moral standards.
  4. Yes. There are many circumstances where killing someone is the best solution.
  5. Skype: makaze64 Discord: Makaze#9709 I make deals and don't break them, provided you hold up your end. Message me!
  6. - Attacking straw men - Misusing the word "opinion" - Right wing symbols - Invading personal space - Using slurs
  7. I'm already hooked ish. Lack of RNG makes it lots of fun. We'll see how long it lasts.
  8. (It's the move where you put your head in your elbow to the side)
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SeDq48BAtN8
  10. It means "class" or "lifestyle demographic". Combination of social standing (such as high rank in a hierarchy, or having more political influence) and economic standing (having money to go with the social power).
  11. Sounds like an abusive piece of shit to me.
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