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Everything posted by Makaze

  1. https://www.fastcodesign.com/3031622/evidence/the-science-of-comic-sans
  2. Sounds like you're right. I will add both versions here: Serenes Forest (Default) Blue Skies
  3. All posts by a user in a thread, including image only posts (i.e. no search term required). Currently search terms are required for all searches. Full post results in searches, including styling and linebreaks. Currently only 200 or so character raw text snippets are included. Images posts appear empty on search results and the Unread Content page.
  4. Confirmed Comic Sans doesn't work. God bless.
  5. My quality / quantity ratio must be perfect outside of this forum.
  6. Updated the buttons code for the Green theme since it's the default: a[data-action="quoteComment"], a[data-action="editComment"], .ipsComment_controls a[href*=edit], a[data-action="defaultStream"], a[data-action="markSiteRead"], a[data-role="shareComment"] { background-color: #222; box-shadow: 0px 2px 0px; font-weight: bolder; padding: 5px 10px; border-radius: 3px; filter: brightness(2); color: #547d54 ! important; } a[data-action="quoteComment"]:hover, a[data-action="editComment"]:hover, .ipsComment_controls a[href*=edit]:hover, a[data-action="defaultStream"]:hover, a[data-action="markSiteRead"]:hover, a[data-role="shareComment"]:hover { color: #ad1457 ! important; } .ipsBreadcrumb li { overflow: visible ! important; }
  7. @Jyosua Code blocks have just broken so that they show all on one line with horizontal rule instead of preserving whitespace. Opposite of intention, I think. They worked yesterday. Example: a[data-action="quoteComment"], a[data-action="editComment"], a[data-action="defaultStream"], a[data-action="markSiteRead"], a[data-role="shareComment"] { background-color: #222; box-shadow: 0px 2px 0px; font-weight: bolder; padding: 5px 10px; border-radius: 3px; filter: brightness(2); color: #547d54 ! important; } a[data-action="quoteComment"]:hover, a[data-action="editComment"]:hover, a[data-action="defaultStream"]:hover, a[data-action="markSiteRead"]:hover, a[data-role="shareComment"]:hover { color: #ad1457 ! important; } .ipsBreadcrumb li { overflow: visible ! important; } Edit: Huh, it fixed itself? Nevermind.
  8. Done. Username history is gone, so what were you before?
  9. Upgraded for the new software! Your old settings should still hold, so if you update to this version, all of your old avatar settings will carry over.
  10. Upgraded for use on the new forums! You can now use HTML such as colors, such as by copying and pasting from a post area or using the Element Inspector in your browser.
  11. I looked into it, and there is no way to search posts by user. I would have to crawl the thread and build the results from scratch. It can be done, but will be pretty intense. Will be slow, depending on your own internet instead of the server. Still interested?
  12. All kinds. Currently updating Nicknames script if those are the kind you mean. Why? Got any in mind?
  13. The answer is no, because going to the most recent post is unreliable. I can make it go the last page?
  14. Yes, and it looks like disabling Privacy Badger fixes my issue. Thanks.
  15. Google Chrome Version 55.0.2883.87 (64-bit)
  16. Xubuntu 16.04. Guess it's just me then?
  17. Can't seem to add a custom "Posted by" user...
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