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Everything posted by Makaze

  1. There are reasons. JPEGs lose quality in compression, causing color static (slight variations in color near lines) on almost all formats and are completely incapable of storing transparency data. To me, using them is like buying a top of the line home entertainment system just to listen to the normal radio, static and all, instead of listening to the perfect, lossless originals on the actual record.
  2. shinpichu, Koneko, and in a rare twist, Jiac
  3. I am notoriously anti-jepg, since way back. It's a staple of my religion.
  4. If it is related to caches, then it has to do with them not working properly, not just too long a time frame. On larger threads it is incorrectly guessing the pages days later, even when you are the last person to reply to the thread. Just now: Clicked the "15 minutes ago": I am thinking it has something to do with the number of posts on the page and incorrect calculation of the page numbers. It's not just Get Last Post. It's the "Jump to Post" button in quotes, too. This is on Page 19158: As you can see, the quotes post is directly above it on the same page. When I click the jump link in the quote from the bottom post, it takes me to: Despite the post being on the same page I was viewing at that time.
  5. Justice is nothing more than a word people use to make revenge palatable. If your goal is to improve the lives of others, sometimes a criminal needs to be treated with care and respect to make that happen. But that's not "fair". It's not "justice". The scales aren't weighed out. It's not eye for an eye. Hell, it feels like the opposite. They should suffer, it's not right! Even if making them suffer makes things worse for everyone. Justice doesn't matter because feeling like the world is balanced doesn't matter. Actual improvement in peoples' lives, does.
  6. Since been posted and the darker skin I mentioned as well.
  7. @Trisitei @Soledai @LuxSpes Done, as promised.
  8. Inspired by the new Night Forest skin, I present Midnight Forest. Theme: Midnight Forest 1.0.0 Use the link above with Stylish or enter the CSS below directly. Apply on the domain serenesforest.net.
  9. @LuxSpes @Soledai If anyone wants to temporarily enact the avatar and sidebar style edits, add this CSS to Stylish (Addon for Firefox & Chrome) under serenesforest.net domain: aside.ipsComment_author.cAuthorPane.ipsColumn.ipsColumn_medium img { height: auto ! important; width: auto ! important; max-width: 150px ! important; max-height: 150px ! important; border-radius: 0px ! important; }
  10. No point. Boycotts, obstruction, propaganda of the deed, sure. Demonstrations and expressions of free speech don't change things and put me at risk for almost no benefit.
  11. Already got a CSS hack for bigger avatars. Search this thread for stylish.
  12. The new dark skin is inspiring me to make an even darker one soon, for use with Stylish (assuming one isn't made officially). Something like this: Would anyone use it or is this just me?
  13. "Notify me of replies" switch is unchanged, but yes, I noticed and mentioned that you fixed the white background in that post. I'll try to point out individual specific things each time so that other suggestions don't get marked "fixed" when one thing in the post does.
  14. The font on actual posts is too dark/the background isn't dark enough. The contrast is pretty low. It is technically readable, but needs more contrast IMO. Feels muted, like it's low opacity. Compare to the shade difference between background and text on light skins. I'd rather the block/post/main body background be darker rather than text lighter, though. Less to edit that way and looks better. The screenshot points out that the post area is still white (fixed as of this post), and that the text doesn't work on all surfaces (still almost invisible in places; look at the "Notify me of replies" switch)
  15. Didn't work for me not too long ago.
  16. What are you using to get that background?
  17. Sweet. A lot of the text is hard to see though. Like on posts.
  18. I don't like his nose and he uses too much hair gel.
  19. Confirming. The larger the thread the worse the offset.
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