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Posts posted by TheVinceKnight

  1. I'm always baffled why people see that as a negative - my wife is a Finn and I ship international all the time. I've sent cards all over, from Chile to elsewhere.

    If you want 'em, you can have 'em. I'm good for my word, international or otherwise. If I have to send them to the moon I will - if you really don't want them, I'll extend the offer to anyone interested.

    Just figured I'd offer to you first, since you seem to enjoy anankos.

    I do enjoy Anankos hue.

    Postage from Australia usually costs 10 USD for 4-5 weeks or so, it can be harsh hue

  2. Sure there are: ULTIMATE SKUNK

    There goes everyone's theory that they "learned their lesson." The truth is, for every cute/waifu/popular card they want to sell packs, they also need absolute duds that absolutely piss people off in to buying more packs. This is that card - and we thought the black one couldn't get any worse.

    This is hands down the ugliest cipher card of all time, and on a day when I was hoping for another purple reveal too.

    Not like I'm salty af or anything.



    You... get... what your given....?

    Ugliest Cipher card of all time? HOW DARE YOU

    ...To be honest, I'm not that salty :U

  3. Correction: Cost-1 Archers can't crit you, as you'll be at least 20 higher than them. Of course, they can solve that with any +10, so it's not that big.

    What if your support fails :U

    Series 6 Format - Week 2

    Welcome back to another week of hate--

    I'm switching up the weekly roundup to Monday instead. Easier to remember than a random Tuesday. This could become a fortnightly thing instead but I'll take my chances. I'm gonna try and keep everything simple, so I can rush the analysis out faster.


    Deck #1 - Purple Navarre

    In the end it amounts to being an aggressive deck but with the purpose to end the game ASAP by Navarre's unavoidable skill.

    • 11 Navarres -> This allows you to efficiently go for the kill as much as you can.
    • Feena -> Efficient, as Feena allows you to attack twice with Navarre during the same turn, and you only have to discard one Navarre to get two unavoidable attacks from Navarre.
    • Ogma + Fighters (special appearance from purple, more fighters) -> mostly there to secure a free hit in the early game. Ogma can also reach 60 power, which can possibly mean a hit on their main character later in the game as well.
    • Marth1 -> Grants the option to pull their Main Character if they're running. Always great to have.
    • Elice -> spawns a dancer, spawns whatever you need basically. Once only, but still useful.
    • Lena -> Crit machine or grabs whatever you need at the time.
    • Roy2 -> If they have a lot of orbs because they avoided you earlier in the game, you can stack Marth1 to make Navarre potentially double-break them while being unavoidable.
    • Thite -> Stack for hit.

    Sounds efficient and could possibly work.


    Deck #2 - Red Lissa

    Essentially gain as much advantage as you can and clear as much as possible to win.

    • 4 Maribelle1s -> Gives Lissa the option to hit basically everything in the game and also heals cards.
    • Nowi -> Late-game option and can be added via Lissa.
    • A bunch of fliers -> Always needed basically.
    • Henry -> One of the best options for Lissa because you can constantly add Henries over and over to make them discard.
    • Marth -> Pull something that Lissa can't reach and whack it with Lissa.
    • Lena -> Bread and butter of the deck basically. Gives you so much advantage that it hurts.
    • Gordin -> Range I guess? Not too sure.
    • Robin1 -> Anti-discard.
    • Robin2 -> Gives you orbs back if you're getting hurt.

    Everything seems kind of standard for a Lissa deck but it can still work. You can add any card from your Retreat to your hand (besides Marth4) making it the best toolbox you can possibly have.


    Deck #3 - Pure Green Ike

    Ike's objective is to reach his endgame as fast as possible (5 Stack on Ike) to make as Aether cost efficient as possible.

    • Ike(s) -> Hmm... 16 Ikes. I think 14-16 Ikes is fine. However, I find Ike3 to be better than Ike1 in every way, as Ike3 is a good early game promotion and gives him an option to hit something in the backline for free.
    • Elincia -> Allows Ike to reach his end game fantasy quicker. Elincia3 and 5 for fliers, Elincia3 for an option to pull, which is kind of expensive but still worth if you get it off.
    • Soren(s) -> You'll be discarding a lot of Ikes and using a lot of cards quickly if you want to make use of this. Best to have some Sorens to avoid with if your opponent can't play around it. Also has strategist emblem to pull the enemy forward.
    • Shade3 -> Ike will be an absolute boss, but only if Shade is the only unit. This is sort of okay because Ike can function by himself, and with +10 to him, he'll be more of an annoying threat.
    • Haar -> Flier. Grants rescue if you need it?
    • Bastian4 -> Anti-discard, and draws you a card if you happen to growth while Bastian is there. Combos with Haar1.
    • Emma -> Anti-discard, flier.
    • Greil -> Something to hit their Main Character with I guess.


    Deck #4 - White Charlotte

    ...Go away Charlotte, you still haunt me. I despise Charlotte, but I'll keep it simple.

    You apply pressure by being a million attack higher than your opponent (only 140, but it means you won't miss an attack even if you happen to fail your support check), break two orbs if it comes to it, and force them to discard on hit.

    • Jacob5 -> Bread and butter. Allows you to attack with Charlotte twice on turn 5, both with double break orb attacks AND with the possibility to discard them if you attack their main character.
    • Corrin5 -> ...I don't know if his effect is ever used or anything, but it isn't bad for destroying and healing something. Also happens to be a Cost 5 for Charlotte to gain her silly attack boost.
    • Takumi5 -> For the cheap(?) cost of 1 of your units, gives Charlotte range to hit them. Applies pressure.
    • Camilla(s) -> ...unit destruction? I mean it's not bad if you want to constantly hit their Main Character and ignore everything else. Still a flier too.
    • Lutz / Shigure -> A male flier, can be used with Charlotte's discard.
    • Forrest -> A pull option I suppose.


    Deck #4 - Black Mage Marth

    Literally piss the opponent off by hitting them constantly and also making them discard cards from their hand as much as possible. All this while Marth is giving you free cards / crits when he checks a cost 2 or lower too.

    • Leo5 -> The end-game option to fully discard their hand in the hopes of getting something you want to lose attack if Leo is class-changed.
    • Garon -> Literally just blow everything up, their Main Character is the only thing that matters. After attacking with a bunch of mages, blow em all up.
    • Lena -> Advantage.
    • Elice -> Spawns, gives Marth attack.
    • Nyx, Shade, Leo, OldLeo, Ophelia, Odin -> DARK MAGE EMBLEM
    • Merric / Yubello -> Mage Emblem draw power, cycles crits etc.
    • Lena1 / Yumina -> Addable by Marth and Yumina gives Yubello power


    Deck #5 - Black Mia

    Now I went into a bit of depth about Mia last week, so I can cut a few things.

    • Sanaki lineup -> I don't really see the point. Just ends up being a ranged beater of sorts.
    • Kurthnaga -> Gets off if Sanaki is alive? Not bad but Sanaki has to live.
    • Bastian2 -> I don't really like him. He growths your Main Character when he dies but no one wants him dead.
    • Camilla(s) -> Fliers, pressure by being 120 attack.
    • Elise -> Toolbox, grabs what you want when you want it, but Elise has to live a turn. Probably the reason why this deck is playing Black.
    • Ryoma -> A flier... I guess.
    • Anankos -> Don't ask.
    • Gunter -> Not bad, since you'll be using a lot of bonds.

    Not every deck has to be spectacular does it? I don't find this variant particularly interesting because the idea is to be unavoidable and win, and using Black doesn't exactly achieve that. The deck looks to make a slow game happen, and Mia can't exactly... achieve that.

  4. Yeah of course Fates is a bit gimmicky it a lot of ways, and Conquest is hell especially if you play it blind, but gameplay wise it is pretty solid.

    Sure I would like the idea of weapons with Con to restrict everyone from using the same weapon in the same way or something like that and while I am biased for Telling it was far too easy.

    It would be nice to see something different because I'm not the biggest fan of the pair up system and it's a little sketchy.

  5. You mention Hector, but in the case of Eliwood, won't we see a 5 cost version of him? I have hopes for the guy since it seems like support X will go his way too.

    And in the case of a decent MC, I remember somewhere that said that a good MC has to reliably get above 100 on each of their turns to be worth the slot. How true is that statement and how would you go about making an engine for him to keep getting copies into hand?

    I was thinking that there's options like Clarine, but she'd likely just be attacked instead of Hector.

    We haven't seen Eliwood yet, so hopefully he turns out good. I don't know though.

    For Hector, there isn't really a reliable way to get copies back. I suppose you just gotta play it right and keep Hectors when you absolutely need them. This means taking damage and then when they amass a field, you discard so that they don't hit ya. The problem with that is they can still crit you. Well, anyone dies to a crit anyway so it's kind of a big deal.

    Clarine is definitely an option, but you could play cards like Elise4 (series2) and attempt to amass multiple copies of Hector that way. Hector can essentially be a better Hardin if you can keep it up though. The problem is keeping it up. Which is why you need to beat them before they beat you I guess.

  6. I went into looking at purple more as combo pieces, which is the intention when it's got so much support manipulation.

    But is it because these effects just aren't as strong as say level 4 Mia? Or is it because of lacking in card advantage mechanics?

    Purple is fine as a secondary colour into another deck, like Mia yes.

    Purple doesn't lack card advantage. Purple lacks a decent Main Character to play as. The best is probably... Rutger or something. Series 7 Boosters will fix this most likely as we've seen Hector already and Hector is good.

  7. I'm pretty new but I'm looking to be competitive with purple.

    What are people's feelings about the new cards that've been spoiled for purple?

    Is there a good idea floating around that might make a mono-colored deck viable for tournaments?

    It's unfortunate, but Purple hasn't gotten the best start (well, none of the new colours get the best start when they're introduced).

    The new cards for purple are either straight up meh to average so far, besides like... Hector or something.

    Mono-colored isn't as viable as duo colors, as the disadvantage for playing duo colors is usually small and something you easily control.

    You could make a pure purple deck right now sure, but it wouldn't perform as amazing as you'd hope, in comparison to what's good right now at least.

  8. Ladies, Gents and Slaves, we're bringing this thread back with a twist

    The first post will be updated each week courtesy of Kirie, and I'll be giving some five cents on some decklists that pop up each week. So here we go.

    I probably should have done this next Monday or something this was a mistake

    I'm also aware that we're about a month and a half into this format, cut me some slack okay :(

    Also I could be spouting nonsense or some things could make sense, just point out what you'd like to specifically know or if you think I stated something stupid, comment in this thread :V

    I also won't comment on what I've commented before about the same type of deck.

    Series 6 Format - Week 1


    Deck #1 - Green Selkie

    The main idea of Selkie is to rush them down by spawning big 'zombies' with little cost and swarming them down while you gain attack during their turn so it's less likely they will manage to hit you.

    - An optimal amount of copies for the Main Character, only 4 of your intended promotion. This is to lessen the amount of Self Supports you can inflict upon yourself, so you can reliably hit the enemy.

    • Takumi (Level 5) -> Not exactly self-explanatory, but a decent Selkie mill (also has range to pick off anything you deem relevant), allows for range to be an option around turn 5 along with Selkie to finish off the opponent, and gives Takumi (Level 1) extra copies to perform Critical Hits with.
    • Greil -> A Level 3 70 beatstick, one of the best options to mill off Selkie's effect. Most likely to whack the opponent.
    • Corrin (Male) -> A Level 4 70 beatstick, similar to Greil off Selkie's effect, but can also apply pressure by adding 10 attack to multiple units at once if deployed normally.
    • Sigrun (Both Level 4 and 1) -> Level 4 Sigrun isn't a bad option as a Selkie mill, and also normally gives pressure by granting your fliers more attack. This is dependant on the amount of Sigruns you have in hand at the time, and could be relevant depending on how much pressure you apply with your Fliers. At the end of the day, she's a 30 Support flier.
    • Kurthnaga -> I suppose he applies pressure as a range option (with his ability to stack himself and board wipe) and is also a very decent Selkie mill. Also a flier.... somehow.
    • Shigure (Level 3 and Level 1) -> Not the most efficient mill, but grants you Cry of the Pegasus, which can be relevant at times. Also a 30 support flier.
    • Subaki (Level 3 and Level 1) -> Applies pressure by constantly critting your opponent. 30 Support Flier.
    • Kiragi (Level 1) -> Standard archer, grants 40 attack while supported.
    • Mia (Level 1) -> Grants an option to pull any retreating Main Characters out of your sight to finish them off. Can be relevant to win the game with.

    Green Selkie is okay, but I believe the deck is the most effective with Black, as you gain access to Female Corrin (White) to effectively have a big push during turn 4. This deck is still okay because it's Selkie and Selkie is a pain to deal with :V


    Deck #2 - Black / Yellow Selkie

    Now this deck looks interesting because it incorporates three colours instead of the normal two, but I'm not too sure if it works well.

    • Yellow Emma (Level 1) -> A good card to have in the Bonds (for obvious reasons). Creates pressure by moving back Deirdre (Level 4) to your backline (if she was in the front), as she creates constant advantage by just living.
    • Deirdre (Level 4) -> effectively creates free(?) zombies from Selkie by just sitting there and unflipping bonds. If not, you can activate Female Corrin's effect each turn if you can keep Female Corrin up.
    • Deirdre (Level 3) -> Bounces back face-down bonds? I'm not too sure. You can get advantage by getting cards back I suppose.
    • White Female Corrin (Level 4) -> I suppose I should write something about this... literally on turn four, you spawn Gunter off this card (or Peri if you want), and wreck havoc (you can deal consistent damage with 3 attacks, more if you get a decent zombie off Selkie).
    • Midori (Level 1) -> Possibly... because of the on-field effect. Grants a Selkie zombie 10 more attack, and since the zombie is going to be destroyed during the end of the turn, not much is lost.
    • Series6 Beruka (Level 1) -> Option to destroy another relevant Level 1 and also a 30 Support Flier.
    • Arvis (Level 1) -> ...Pulling. That's it. If you win the game on the turn you lose that one bond you used to pull them, it doesn't matter.
    • Series6 Peri (Level 3) -> You can destroy a Selkie zombie after it has attacked to give Peri 30 attack as the zombie is going to die anyway. Not bad but I'm not sure if it's good enough to warrant Peri as she has 10 support and that could be bad.
    • Series6 Felicia and Flora (Level 3) -> I'm not too sure why Flora's in here, but Felicia at least has the potential to get rid of annoying threats like Series2 Elise (Level 4) and anything that's outside of your range, as Selkie lacks the range to deal with them.

    I like the idea, but I guess I wouldn't know unless I played this deck. Black Selkie is really the way to go if you want to win easily though.


    Deck #3 - Black Selkie

    Looks like a build that has a lot of interesting cards, but this is sort of ideal.

    • White Xander (Level 4) -> Decent Selkie target, and can hit a decent amount when supported by a Black flier.
    • Series6 Xander (Level 5) -> Very good Selkie target, and on-field grants the ability to clear the opponent's field if you have enough units to wipe them out. You may find it difficult to actually hit your opponent though with the skill active.
    • Black Male Corrin (Level 4) -> A good Selkie target, and if you need to, spot removal (similar to Felicia).
    • Maid Elise (Level 4) -> Decent Selkie target, however: I'm not too keen on Maid Elise in Selkie, because you can't take advantage of the skill that lets her attack twice (by the time you slap her down, you should be winning generally). You can get a hit in if you use her skill, and also prevent critical hits from level 2 or lower units as well with a face-up orb.
    • Camillas (Level 1 and 4) -> A more powerful card the longer it stays on the board. 120 power is no joke, and can create enough pressure by destroy your opponents level 1s or smashing your opponents face in again and again. Needs to be class changed though, but Camilla is still a flier with 30 support, which is always nice to have.
    • Hinoka (Level 1 and 4) -> I suppose the idea is to give Hinoka an earlier promotion while you have enough units on the board to do it. Not too bad but doesn't sound that great either. Flier with 30 support as well.
    • Black Female Corrin (Level 5) -> A very good Selkie target, and also optional mass removal.

    The build looks okay, but it lacks some low cost units, which could be good as it makes more room for a higher chance to get a good unit off Selkie.

    Deck #4 - Pure Green Geoffrey


    I honestly like Blue in my Geoffrey build, but I'll see how this stands out. The whole idea comes from stacking = win.

    • Haar(s) -> Sort of a staple in Geoffrey, gives him what he wants (a pull and bonus attack). Also rescues if you need it and he's a flier.
    • Marcia(s) -> Grants Cry of the Pegasus... Fliers. I dunno.
    • Sanaki(s) -> 70 Beater while Geoffrey is class changed. Also growths another unit (which in turn procs Geoffrey) if you have the space to deploy that much that turn. The longer Sanaki lives the more impact you'll have.
    • Bastian(s) -> Combos with everything that grows in the deck to give you a draw.
    • Micaiah(s) -> Let's you draw and growth at the same time. What a bonus! Also gives 10 attack as a passive herself if she manages to stay on the field.
    • Elincia(s) -> Another way to get Geoffrey Class Changed if you missed your promotion on turn 3 (Geoffrey Level 1 gives Elincia 20 attack during their turn, so you can class change Elincia if she lives up to turn 3). Elincia can attack twice with multiple Geoffrey bonuses but requires some setup. Flier.

    It's not bad for a Geoffrey build.

    Deck #5 - Blue Micaiah


    The concept is to turn your evades from Micaiah into draws, which in turn gives you units to drop for Micaiah to power up.

    • Micaiah amount (12-16?) - I'm not too sure about how much Micaiah you should be running to be honest, but at the end of the day you need to have LvlS5 active ASAP so you can wreck face.
    • Nowi (Level 3) -> Endgame option and provides advantage when on the field.
    • Marcia -> Rescue flier.
    • Female Morgan(s) -> Can be raised to a 70 beatstick or with multiple units (a class change) and Micaiah's buff, a 90 ranged attacker. Could be nasty to deal with.
    • Bastian -> Combos with Micaiah to let you draw twice off using Micaiah's Shine.
    • Cynthia(s) -> Essentially hitting and running constantly. She's also a flier.
    • Rolf -> ...I'm not sure about the Rolfs. Just there I guess?
    • Cordelia(s) -> Cordelia (Level 3) is a bit iffy because on that turn you wanna promote Micaiah to Level 5. But a normal Cordelia (Level 4) without class change can be annoying to deal with, especially if Micaiah is buffing the field at the time. She's a flier too.

    Not bad at all. I'm more a fan of Elincia (Level 5) as she can attack twice for 70, but maybe she isn't needed after all.

    Deck #6 - Yellow Mia


    Eventually win by becoming LvlS4 and being unavoidable. Basically that's what it comes down to.

    • Mia3 and 4 -> Mia (Level 3) is just a bridge mainly to get to Level 4. It makes getting to LvlS4 more accessible and also can provide some small advantage along the way if you're lucky.
    • Elincia(s) -> Elincia5 can untap herself to attack again when Mia stacks up on hit. Elincia1 can make life easier by granting Mia a stack as well. Elincia (Level 5) is also a decent flier.
    • Rhys -> Rhys can be good when your pushing during your last few turns, but maybe four is a bit excessive. Still provides pressure when Mia is attacking for 80 attack.
    • Erin (Level 3) -> Easy way to give a unit 10 attack. Could be useful. Flier.
    • Reyson / Sylvia -> Dance Mia so she can attack again. This gives a chance for Mia to win the game while the opponent is on one orb and while Mia is unavoidable.
    • Arvis (Level 1 and 5) -> Arvis1 has the pull option so you can win easier, but I'm not so sure about Arvis5. I suppose he grants some small advantage by sending bonds to draw cards.

    Deck #7 - White / Blue Ayra


    This deck is just literally designed to be aggressive.

    • Bridget / Takumi / Kiragi / Setsuna / Virion / Eleonora -> All of these are just archers for the attack emblem bonus mainly. 40 Attack is a lot.
    • Hinoka (Level 4) -> Boosts a 30 attack unit to 60 so that they have a fairly high chance of hitting their Main Character.
    • Cordelia4 and Gerome -> I don't really get why they're here. But Gerome can get a free hit against a Sword Main Character.

    Looks optimal enough to work. Because it's aggro, it either fails hard or wins quick.

    That took a while, anyway thanks for the read if you read it all :V

    Maybe I'll keep going.

  9. Whoa, did not expect unpromoted Lloyd. I assume they're padding out the set, so they can justify another set with Blazing Sword characters? Which isn't a bad thing, since more cards is always a good thing.

    When you've seen younger Garon the surprise factor tends to go away I guess.

    You know what's the great part about Lloyd? He's another 10 support Swordmaster that's gonna be cheap as hell on singles seller and his art is sweet.

    Bad for people who don't want him and wanna get rid of him but he's kind of cheap to pull. Heh.

    As for supoort, I'll take what I can get. Especially in FE6's case. If the manga is an excuse to go back and expand on it I welcome it.

    All the characters will get cards eventually they just tend to prioritize expanding on what already exists first, it's only a matter of time.

  10. Hey, just a quick question about class changes. Is it considered a class change and do you still get the draw if you place a card on top of a copy of its self? Like placing a cost 4 Mist on top of a cost 4 Mist would you still get the draw and the heal effect?

    Whenever you pay a promotion cost for something, it's considered a class change. You get both since it's a level up (class change) same thing.

  11. That is true, unless somehow Ninian slips in at 004 and just gets one card like a few other dancers have, but that's super SUPER unlikely imo. My earlier thought of this set being the first where a new game's protagonist doesn't have a "special female" after their cards seems to be confirmed with this reveal.

    With that aside, god damn I love Sachiko Wada's art so much. We've seen how great her Eliwood looked before, but Hector looks awesome too.

    How about Lyn being the special female. Hue.

  12. Fire Emblem on Nintendo Switch though? That would sound amazing.

    - No need for Marriage right (I mean, I'm fine either way but it's getting old with the whole... kids schematic).

    - Characters with more unique personalities.

    - Maybe the lack of an avatar for once would actually be appealing too.

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