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Posts posted by TheVinceKnight

  1. Series 7 Format - Week 3(?)


    Purple Mage Marth

    Basically Mage Marth schenanigans again. This deck has some minor differences compared to the last one, like Canas and Lilina(s).


    Purple / Yellow Mia

    Applies pressure by being Mia. Also gains a consistent amount of advantage by adding cards to hand on hit (Mia3).


    Purple / Blue Soren

    Takes advantage of drawing multiple times at low hands. Late game strategies such as Nowi, and Robin to get you to that late-game scenario. The deck itself doesn't actually look that fancy though.

  2. So, flipping an orb face-up is a fairly recent thing, so how exactly does this mechanic work? Does this mean that when the MC takes a hit, I can choose whether to take the face-up orb or the next orb in line? Also, when Dragonvein skills say to flip an orb face-up, does it have to be the next orb in line or can I choose any that I want?

    It's not stated in the rules that you must take an orb in the certain order you lay it out - You can choose to not take said face-up orb or you can choose to take it.

    It doesn't specify what orb to flip face-up so you can pick any of those cards as long as you actually have an orb left.

  3. I think meta decks are a pretty good way of teaching the game. For example, I used to play Yugioh competitively and I always preferred using constructed decks to teach people because they have a certain strategy and makes it more fun. That's why I'm considering constructing something with almost all commons so that it doesn't hit my wallet as hard as a full-blown meta deck would.



    There you go. It costs like two Red (Series 1 - the Marth one) structure decks and it's mostly Normals and High Normals.

    Doesn't have to be built exactly like that either.

    Also, no one really answered my question about FE0's power creep yet..

    Yes, power creep is a thing for sure. Some structure decks will be better than others. It mostly comes down to which Lord from which structure deck has the best effect. It's probably... Marth. Or Male Corrin.

    The latest structure decks Yellow (and Purple) are mediocre, but this is just structure decks we're talking about.

    Power Creep in the actual game comes naturally as they need to constantly make new things to spice it up.

  4. The starter decks are a fine way to get into learning the game itself, but don't teach you anything meta relevant.

    If the goal is to just learn / teach the game, starter decks are fine.

    Just know that actual decks are well constructed and better for obvious reasons, and as long as you achieve your goal, that's it.

    If you wanna go into meta, then you buy singles / packs for meta.

    I suppose that's it.

  5. Do you have any specific list of this that you like? I looked deeper into the play styles of all those decks and I feel I would like this one the most! Also, assuming I would build a Female Corrin deck, what box would be most effective to buy to get a good core? To me it seems that the cards are split between 2 and 3, and that a structure deck 4 would be solid.

    It's not likely you'll get a decent core for Fem Corrin in one box only, it's usually better to just buy single cards off the bat.

  6. Series 7 Format - Week 2 Pt 2


    Purple / Blue Micaiah

    I've talked about Micaiah before but I guess I'll go over it again - Turn avoids into advantage (drawing a card each turn) and boost the attack of your units to pressure the opponent down.

    • Cordelia - Provides utility by moving things around. Also can be 80 attack if she's class changed and Micaiah has her LvlS5 skill active.
    • Nowi - Late-game option and grants advantage. Can't really go wrong with Nowi.
    • Fae - Stacks your bonds on your deck, dragon with 80 base on turn 6.
    • Eliwood - Deploys units for 2 bonds. You can use this in combination with Fae to deploy whatever you want from your Bonds.
    • Rebecca - X = The current stack of your Main Character (including the top card). Micaiah tends to go have her stack at least over 6-7, so Rebecca's support will always be at least 60-70 or even higher.


    Red / Blue Nino

    A mage deck that grants advantage. The longer the game goes, the better basically. Nino can heal herself just by stacking a card, and provide advantage if you stack Nino1 to get that drawpower.

    • Eliwood - Combos with Nino. You stack whatever you want with Nino, get that heal and then you can attack with Eliwood and deploy his support. Essentially you'd want Tiki (so you can use Eliwood's effect next turn again with no hassle), Fae (a dragon and bond stacker) or Nowi (advantage and range).
    • Maria / Ellen - Flips 3 to heal 2 cards. Nino's effect costs no bonds, so healing in this deck is essential, especially since Nino can't grab a card other than herself.
    • Marth4 - Combos with Nino as well. You stack Nino1, get that heal, attack with Marth and you grab that Nino1 back. You also trigger Nino's 2nd skill to flip 1 draw 1, and the mage emblem afterwards. Literally win win.
    • Farina / Thite - Fliers, and stack themselves to get you a flier emblem.
    • Shiida1 - ...Flier... and boosts the attack of units I guess.
    • Yubello1 - Mage. Has decent power when attacking while being supported by a mage.


    Black Hector

    I guess Black wouldn't be bad, but there's no Elises or anything. I would probably try and fit Elise4 SR into here to actually get use out of this deck, but maybe they don't have any. Anyway most of it is general stuff I've talked about before.

  7. Always appreciate the feedback on the scene in Japan, as well this place is America(S)/Euro/Austraila dominated.

    I do think Cipher needs new starter set, as some of these starters are now old.

    Australia dominated he says. The two people here in the forums from Australia are dominating Serenes? Or is it just me :p

    I wouldn't mind a new starter deck in Series 8, but based off Series 7, I don't really see it happening.

    I also believe that Cipher decisions are largely gameplay-oriented. Sure, lots of characters on cards are determined by general fan popularity, but all of the skills they have are created in a way to keep the game fairly balanced. The most expensive non-promo cards are actually the ones that are the most valuable in a deck. For example, Nino is the most expensive Series 7 SR not because she is popular waifu bait, but because she returns a copy of your main character to your hand for no bond cost each turn she's out. Did Nino get an SR because she's a popular character? Probably. Is Nino's card valuable BECAUSE Nino's a popular character? No. She's one of the best support units currently in the game. Are Deidre and Lilina valuable because they're popular? No, they're valuable because they're designed to be anti-Nowi cards, since Nowi was so useful in the game that most decks included her up to that point. In essence, it's not the collectors who drive the market for Cipher cards here, but the players. I think that's part of what Jariu is trying to say.

    Deirdre is popular more-so to the fact that she unflips a bond, which helps with a lot of decks (especially Female Corrin). Unflipping a bond is already advantage, which is done by the moment you place Deirdre on the field (well, during the end of the turn).

    I'm pretty sure they're catering to as much things as they can - note that they can't please everyone at once, so we should all be patient, especially if there's a specific character that you wanted to see a card for and did not get one.

  8. One thing to note about the Christmas Bros from Set 7:

    I did some thinking and the fact that you'd have to have Kent as your Lord, if you're running mostly females. Otherwise, you're already running one to promote the lord, which effectively lowers the chances of when the other half will show up in your discard pile(from supports/etc.)

    Also, It's it a pretty good idea to aggressively mulligan for Kent3.

    The deck itself I showcased runs Sain MC because stacking for Kent is better -> iirc, Kent gives mounted and Sain +30, the mounted part applying to most of the deck already since the females are all mounted. You could run Kent and make it mostly female but it'll be plagued by the fact Kent / Sain are males and that you'd be stuck with mostly females which is kind of meh.


    Series 7 Format - Week 2


    Pure Purple Hector

    I've talked a bit about Hector before, but this is a pure build which involves different cards so I'll try and keep it short.

    • Florina3 - Florina is a bit iffy because she's a flier, but she doesn't give that 30 support we know and love. She gives X (equal to the number of allies you have x 10). This is good if you're able to maintain a board, but bad if their deck is able to deal with it.
    • Oswin4 - Always 70 base on your turn and when a non-tome user attacks him, 90 base on theirs if Hector constantly has his 100 base power up. He also gives Miracle Emblem randomly... which isn't actually bad.
    • Clarine3 - One bond flip for a heal to a unit in the same row. This is great so you can heal your Hector back. The problem afterwards is that she needs to move around to survive.
    • Fae3 - Stacks, and is an 80 base around turn 6.
    • Raven3 - Easy 80 base power when you have two units with support skills and can hit cause a pull if he hits their MC. The 80 base can be sort of consistent as Hector himself has a support skill.
    • Florina1 - At least she has 30 support. Her own skill is pretty mediocre. Nice to stack with Florina3.
    • Farina1 - Stacks on top of the deck after attacking for that 30 support / flier emblem.
    • Shanna1 - Rescue / Flier.
    • Serra1 - Healer and also prevents use of Attack Emblem.


    Purple Mage Marth

    I'm sure I've talked about Mage Marth before, but basically it crit spams you in the late portions of the game while keeping up with advantage.

    Florina3 and 1 help in this regard as Florina3 can stack Florina1 so Marth4 can add that to your hand.

    • Nino - Nino creates a devastating combo where she can stack a copy of her 1 cost to heal a copy of Marth. This is great as you not only get the Mage Emblem to cycle crits, you add Nino herself to your hand AND off Nino4's 2nd skill, you get to flip 1 to draw 1, all from stacking Nino1 on top.


    Red / Purple Lissa

    Basically create enough pressure from your board and constant amounts of advantage. Red to pile on pressure with Lena and Marth, Purple to provide advantage, Nowi for late-game pressure, and rounded fliers.

  9. This means that there will have to be another set with Fates, which I'm pretty sure is really unnecessary. Unless they do something actually interesting with it.

    Well in another 3-4 sets, White / Black will be outdated yet again. Which isn't a bad idea actually. Just know that it's always better to expand on whats already there instead of make something new. It's a card game point of view. There's still a lot of characters who need cards as well from Fates like NPCs, and by leaving them out, it opens up more room for more options.

    It would probably require the next Fates set to be based on the DLC for it to be interesting. Maybe focused on the kids with Black/White versions of Marth/Robin/Ike/Lucina for the amiibo?

    Maybe? Who knows. That wouldn't sound bad.

  10. Ooh, I got featured! To add on..

    The fliers are for protective 30 support and also bond fodder while their rescue mechanic almost never gets used; the red clerics are so I don't have to bond Yashiro or Navarre if possible (note: I thought it would be funny to have 1 of each cleric because all the red clerics are base 20 power)

    The aim of the deck is to rush the enemy MC with Mamori/Yashiro/Archers in early game (I'd even skip promoting on turn 2 if the enemy isn't yet promoted to play more units to hit in, even flipping bonds for my archers to get up to 40)

    Turn 3-4, use Mirage Chrom to let Itsuki to land in a few more hits onto the MC, and promote if possible

    Turn 5-7 is where it gets tricky because I need that chrom in my hand to throw for that +30 (to give navarre that 100% assassination or lonqu so his 2nd hit will be 70) and it's when having a cleric is useful in case I don't have a chrom to throw for the skill

    If this deck lasts past turn 8, it'll probably have run out of steam by then and survival depends on whether i have Itsukis in my hand

    Oh yeah, Yashiro's just there for attack emblem + having another unit to punch the enemy Lord with; having mirage Nav on my field is useless because my SR Itsuki doesn't run the 'field with 70 mirages' shtick


    It's supposed to be an easy to play deck with definite steps to do each turn but it also means if I miss one step it usually all goes to hell lol

    I think I managed to get to 2nd place because everyone was underestimating Itsuki, and I lost to F Corrin because her cronies are just too much :v

    One weakness about this deck is I usually can't do anything productive in turn 3 (if i promoted in turn 2) while F Corrin can.. well, you get the point

    You could always play Marth1 from Series 1 if you needa pull heh.

  11. Series 7 Format - Week #1 (Part 2)

    Blue Oboro


    Oboro is back and ready to shift into the meta. Our new MC Oboro1 allows you to mill two cards from your deck once per turn. The whole point of this is to get out your NEW OBORO4 SR, which can promote as early as turn 1 as long as Oboro4 herself is in the retreat, and whenever Oboro gets moved (you need a face-up white bond for this). You can constantly dump Oboro into the retreat and grab it back when Oboro is simply moved. This creates a White Bond -> Draw advantage, which can get you far ahead. Oboro can also easily go to 80 attack just by having at least 1 Bow unit on the field.

    • Takumi1 and 4 - Standard archer Takumi1, but he can actually go to 40 attack easily just by promoting Oboro. Takumi4 allows you to mess with your opponent by pushing your opponent's units to the backline and also deploy more archers if you need any.
    • Sakura1 - A healer... I suppose. I don't think you really need a healer in this deck, most of your bonds should be used towards moving and promoting Oboro to consistently create flip a white bond -> draw a card or using effects.
    • Shigure1 and 3 - Rescue / Flier. Shigure3 provides more utility by moving a unit when a unit is moved, which acts as an anti-pull from an enemy and also another move on top of a Rescue. Shigure3 also provides the CCS skill that makes fliers suddenly 40 support, which is always nice.
    • Emma1 and 3 - Rescue / Flier. Emma3 is great because she counts as both a Flier AND an archer. Win win situation.
    • Cordelia1 and 4 - Rescue / Flier. Consistent movement options.
    • Nowi3 - Gives you a late-game goal, provides advantage and is a ranged beater.
    • Robin4 - Gives you an option to create a pull when you promote Oboro.

    Yellow Sain


    Oh dear, I'm going Insain. The deck itself looks aggressive in the from of dumping smaller units to get easier hits on your opponent with.

    • Sain3 - Stacks Kent on top of your Deck. This is great as Kent provides a 40 support while attacking to basically any Mounted unit (or Sain) if need be.
    • Kent3 - Stacks Sain on top of your Deck. Similar to stacking a Kent, but Sain gives 40 support to Females, which is almost every card in the deck.
    • Finn3 - Flips himself in the Bond Area to grant two Lance units 20 attack.
    • Thite1 - Stacks herself to give you an easy 30 support. Also a Flier.
    • Shanna3 - Gives you access to triangle attack. Flier.
    • Juno1 / Fiora1 - Fairly reasonable fliers to give more attack so they may possibly hit an opponent.
    • Eldigan1 - Gains 20 attack at the cost of losing a card in your hand. May reasonably hit when you stack Kent on your deck.
    • Arvis1 - Most freest of pulling. Keeps your aggro in control when you pull their Main Character back up to the front row.
    • Mahnya1 - Goes to 40 attack with 2 other fliers.
    • Raquesis1 - Gives mounted units that extra 10 boost when you control at least 3 of them on your turn. This is one of the key cards to push your fliers into that limit to hit their Main Character.
    • Emma3 - Has range and gains a lot of attack with more flier deployment.
    • Claude3 - Allows you deploy your Yellow units from your bond Area. This could be useful if Claude is still alive after the turn he is played.

    Red Hector


    The man himself, the legend, Hector. Hector provides a fairly suitable way of going to a ridiculous amount of attack until the end of the opponent's turn, just by simply discarding Hectors each turn. As long as Hector constantly discards a copy of himself each turn, the amount of pressure the opponent will face will be harsh.

    • Hector3 - Just another card with Hector's name in it, an early promotion... that can do something if you have an Armor unit.
    • Hector4 - The myth, the legend. Discard Hector to get big. When you get big, you can smash your opponent, and if they get hit by Hector's attack afterwards, they are forced to lose a unit.
    • Lilina4, 3 and 1 - Lilina4 is a good card to provide advantage simply by allowing you to draw a card when you discard a Hector for a bond flip. She can also check enemy dragons by making them explode with Forblaze.
    • Yumina3 and 1 - Gets a cheap heal when she defeats an enemy. Yumina1 gives Yubello more attack and Yumina1 is also your standard heal.
    • Yubello1 - Gets as much as 70 attack when being supported by a Tome or Staff unit. Decent enough.
    • Marth4 - Provides utility in the sense of pulling when you deploy a Cost 2 or lower unit.
    • Tsubasa4 - Gives your units a boost by 10 attack when shes basically played.
    • Serra1 - Stops Attack Emblems from going through and heals.
    • Nino4 and 1 - Bread and butter. Allows you to heal back your Hector just by stacking a card. No bond cost, no loss in cards. This is where it gets good.
    • Limstella4 - HIIIIGH amount of support.

  12. A new pack release, a new format! Let's get started. This is usually the phase where players like to test decks and see what is good and what not.

    Series 7 Format - Week #1 (Part 1)

    (There will be a part 2 and perhaps a part 3 even, I'll get back to it on a later date)

    Black Shiro


    I suppose Shiro revolves around Shiro3 from Series 3 still. As long as the metagame is Corrin / Marth at the top at least, Shiro3 will always be 80 attack against them (or 90 with a Black unit), making it an easier time for Shiro. Shiro4 is also included I suppose as an extra form of promoting. He also has range, which isn't a bad thing.

    • Midori3 - I've never found Midori3 to be anything particularly amazing, but allows you to heal for a cheap 1 bond flip at the cost of destroying another unit and also having the heal limited to a Cost 3 or lower unit.
    • Takumi5 - Range.
    • Mozu2 - Destroys units with high attack for the cost of destroying Mozu :' (
    • Corrin1 and Corrin5 - Corrin1 is an easy target with Mitama's Haiku so you can get the draw off as he has an inherent way of going to 50 attack. He also pressures by applying double orb breaks. Corrin5... as an end game option if you've got a field build up.
    • Setsuna1 - Aggro, archer emblem.
    • Setsuna3 - Flier, also an archer and gives you cards if she's still alive.
    • Emma1 - Flier.
    • Beruka3 - Flier and cheap 1 bond flip to get a successful easy hit on your opponent.
    • Mitama3 - Gives you a potential draw if you line up the skill correctly.
    • Arete3 - Even more draw power (a bit of a gamble).
    • Gunter3 - Cheap 3 cost 70 drop.
    • Hinoka2 - Flier, boosts Setsuna up to attack for higher numbers.
    • Percy1 and 3 - Flier. Gimmicky though.

    Pure Purple Eliwood


    A bit weird but. Eliwood basically allows you to deploy your supports for the cost of 2 bond flips. This can be especially helpful when you can play down high cost units. Gets even better when you put Fae into the mix, when you stack a Bond on your deck and deploy that unit off Eliwood.

    • Eliwood4 - Gives you that option to pull an opponent when they're running away from you. Can potentially end the game if they're on low orbs.
    • Lilina2 and 4 - Draw power, keeps dragons in check... 120 power... what's more to love?
    • Narcian4 - Just one, but flier and also potential advantage by getting rid of a card in their hand, but only if you have less cards.
    • Hector1 and Hector4 - A big wall basically. Also kills something if he hits.
    • Roy1 and Roy4 - Roy4 can pull while class changed. Roy4 can also do a lot of different things, but the only one efficient is the pull one.
    • Fae3 - Wombo with Eliwood5 so you can deploy what you desire.
    • Ellen3 - Gives you combo pieces..I guess.
    • Shanna1, Thite1 and Juno3 - Combo for a Triangle Attack, fliers.

    The deck itself doesn't actually look like anything special though.

    Pure Purple Lloyd


    Lloyd, a new contender to Cipher. He has the ability to copy a support skill the opponent's support has, and also allows you to untap Lloyd (once per turn) when the opponent's support fails. Quite gimmicky but fun.

    • Nino4 and Nino1 - Ah Nino. The best new healer from Series 7. Stacks whatever you want on top, heals a copy of your Main Character (Lloyd) to your hand. Also bondless, almost essentially free.
    • Fir4 - The cornerstone(?) of the deck. If you support Fir4 (after stacking if you plan it right), you can make Lloyd untap himself right away after using Fir4's support skill to make them fail.
    • Ursula3 - Has the ability to hit something from anywhere on the field (for a bond flip) and also checks the top 3 cards of their deck if you defeat something with Ursula. If you see their Main Character or a copy of a card they already control, you can make big profits to untap Lloyd again.
    • Matthew2 - Checks their top card, and a decent thief with a decent X support.
    • Roy2 - Stack Fir with this basically.
    • Roy2 PR - Pulls if you're lucky I suppose.
    • Eliwood4 - Pulls and stacks.
    • Juno1, Juno3, Shanna1, Shanna3, Thite1 - Flier fodder and potential triangle attacks.

  13. "Courage Emblem" If the attacking unit is a 24px-Purple.png unit, draw 1 card, then choose 1 card from your hand and place it on top of your deck.

    Since it's a Attack and Defense support skill, is this really the attacking unit (meaning it works even when the enemy attack with a Divine Weapons card) or it is the supported unit ? (Meaning only works depending of your unit, not the enemy one.)

    Oops. An error. That was fast.

    Yeah it activates if the unit in general is Purple at all.

  14. Yesssssssssssssssss


    The Wiki has 'finally'(?) completed the Series 7 page.

    There are some minor details missing still like quotes and some skill text may be missing things, or some names of skills or titles might be off, but this is as good as it gets nearly.

    Any particular rulings or questions you have can be asked here in the Q&A thread as per usual, and any general complaint or something like that can go to me if it's about the Wiki :U.

    ...Have a nice day

  15. Series 6 Format -> Week 4


    Red Itsuki

    Now we've got a build that recently got the runner-up spot in a Singapore tournament. I'll try to explain choices as we go.

    The bread and butter strategy is to promote into Itsuki5, and drop hell on the opponent by spamming little 1 costs that suddenly have a huge power boost and win the game off them.

    - Chrom1 Mirage / Chrom 3 - Chrom1 is always on the board since Itsuki always is (unless he gets destroyed by some random other effect) and Chrom3 is nearly a free promotion. Pulls a unit when you want to.

    - Lon'qu4 - It'll be easier to use Lonqu's effect to untap himself because Itsuki and Chrom are usually always around. Applies pressure by hitting twice.

    - Eleonora / Gordin - Archers w/ Attack Emblem.

    - Assortment of Blue Fliers - Rescuers / 30 Support

    - Assortment of Healers? - Questionable... but don't ask me I don't know heh.

    - Mamori - ...hits them easily I guess.

    - Navarre - scores a free win when you discard Navarre and become unavoidable.

    - Yashiro - Let's you spawn Navarre Mirage when you support him.

    It's a bit different from what I'd imagine but I guess it works.


    Yellow / Black Corrin (Female)

    I've talked enough about Female Corrin to give an idea about how it works, but theres a few questionable cards in there. I'll leave it to you to decide :U


    Black Selkie

    Same with Selkie. I think it's easy for you to know what to do if you read the previous stuff I've written.


    Yellow Sothe

    A new contender? Sothe controls the board and plays mind games with your opponent by giving you a OPT destruction of one of their units when they deploy one. Along with Deirdre, Sothe can proc his effect each turn and protect your Deirdre while Sothe gets stronger with a bigger board.

    - Elincia5 - Maybe it's there to help as you can miss your promotion and also she's a flier.

    - Arvis5 - You use a lot of bonds, so you can send them to the retreat and make huge profits by drawing off them.

    - Deirdre - Basically lets you use Sothe's effect each turn.

    - Soren - Let's you draw extra cards and allows you to burn your hand and grab pluses back.

    - Laura3 - Probably the most questionable part of the deck. I'm not too sure myself actually. She heals 2 cards but you have to randomly discard afterwards. There's no Micaiah2 in here either, so I think I would rather run that instead.

    - Erin3 - Gives 10 attack to another unit by tapping another Flier. Also a flier herself.

    - Marcia1 - Rescue/Flier

    - Haar1 - Rescue/Flier

    - Emma1 - Bond Rescue / Flier

  16. ...Well when you take that enemy's vision radius increases after they move...

    Can we just throw this idea out the window yet?

    I should be playing Fire Emblem, not sneak around like a dope.

    They should know by now that it doesn't work as well as they hope.

  17. For what it's worth, that Lilina promo features a quote from her and Roy's A support conversation, and in her paired ending with Roy they do get married. Even if it's just a promo, I personally wouldn't agree that it isn't at least a tease. Ninian's card is also very similar in that her quote borrows from when she ends up staying with Eliwood if they have an A support. In a way I think her card is already shipping her and Eliwood, just not as blatantly as Lilina's. I'm curious if Hector and Lyn will get referenced somewhere.

    Maybe in a tournament pack promo, just like Lilina's PR.

    I do like that Lilina PR for what it is.

  18. Series 6 Format -> Week 3


    Black / Yellow Corrin (Female)

    Corrin basically spawns Cost 3 units (mainly Gunter) to use to pressure the opponent even more than usual. It's mainly aggression but Corrin can control the use of aggro and also control the board heavily.

    • White Corrin4 (Female) - The game winner. Spawns whatever you need whenever you need it. Just hope you mill whatever you want early enough through fighting.
    • Camilla4 (Series 6) - Blows up the board so Corrin can concentrate on hitting the opponent's MC. Can be used to get rid of relevant things hiding in the backline.
    • Black Corrin5 (Female) - Blows up three units specifically. This isn't too bad as you don't blow up your own things unlike Camilla.
    • Deirdre - Allows you to use Corrin's effect for the next turn and for the following turns as long as she's still alive. Generates advantage by herself and also can stop Dragons from attacking.
    • Gunter3 - Spawn from Corrin and whack em.
    • Beruka3 - Flier, and spawn target if needed.
    • Siegbert3 - Spawn target if necessary, but you can deploy him if you want to whack them more.
    • Felicia3 - Spawn target, and also removes an annoying unit if you need to.
    • Reina - Flier and also an archer if you need her to shoot something down.
    • Nowi - only 1, but Corrin target that generates advantage and also an 80 power beatstick.
    • Shigure2 - Flier and Rescuer.
    • Lutz2 - Flier? Kind of an odd choice.
    • Black Corrin1 (Male) - An odd choice, but a 50 power beatstick on turn 2 if you have the right bonds and also has the chance to give double orb breaking if you're lucky.
    • Takumi1 - Archer.
    • Emma1 (White) + (Yellow) - Flier and Rescuer, the Yellow Emma is a Bond Skill Rescuer, which is handy to have.


    Yellow Ike

    Ike can be played with basically almost anything as Ike can nearly solo anything by himself. He's just a bit unreliable and slow to get to maximum capacity though. Pull = Win, when you pull their hiding MC for you to Aether.

    • Only 12 Ikes? Ratios are a bit weird besides the 4 Ike3s. I would cut an Ike4 for an Ike6 if anything and maybe try and fit more Ike5.
    • Elincia(s) - Allows you to get a level up on Ike if you haven't achieved LvlS5 by Turn 5, and also lets you draw a card for levelling up. Also she's a flier which is really nice at the same time. Elincia1 makes it easier to go into Elincia5 earlier and also can growth Ike earlier as well.
    • Deirdre - Allows you to get profits off Ike Aethers by making them basically free(?).
    • Mist(s) - A Healer that can possibly attack and also grabs something for 1 bond on level up.
    • Mahnya3 - Flier, and also possible puller for Ike.
    • Micaiah2 - A nice card as Micaiah allows you to draw almost basically for free as you drop her down when Ike5 or Ike6 is on the field.
    • Emma1 (Yellow) - Flier and decent Bond Skill.
    • Haar - Flier, potential rescuer.
    • Arvis - Puller.


    Pure Black Xander

    Have a manly 1v1 duel with your opponents MC. You wanna try and make as much advantage happen as possible while the 1v1 is going on, because one of you will die first (you want to win first). Get the lead by early promoting at Turn 3 and try to win your 1v1.

    • Xander(s) - Xander3 is a bit iffy to work with as more Xanders = more chances of you losing. But it's not the worst when you draw into them.
    • Shigure2 - Flier, Rescuer and also an Orb Flipper. This is good as you want Xander to promote ASAP.
    • Beruka3 - Flier, 80 power beatstick.
    • Kana1 - Can speed you up with a Dragon Emblem if you're lucky.
    • Kaze3 - Anti-Meta to Female Corrin. Stops Female Corrin from making a big play if she doesn't have anything to hit Kaze with.
    • Camillas - Potential threat, Flier, and also more Camillas means more avoids so Camilla can turn your little 1v1 bout into a 2v1 bout.
    • Leo(s) - Leo4 destroys anything that you deem a threat, and also can force your opponent to discard. Leo1 can possibly flip an orb early if he manages to beat something.
    • Forrest - Swaps Orbs and allows you to turn Xanders effect off and on. A bit gimmicky but can work if Forrest lives for a few turns.
    • Elise(s) - Turns your life into Card Advantage. Best card of the deck probably.


    Yellow Sothe

    Gains advantage by protecting your essential units and also allows you to play mind games with your opponent.

    • Micaiah - Allows you to draw cards and also can grant Sothe 10 attack if she's LvlS5.
    • Marcia - Flier, and Marcia3 grants +10 to units supported by a flier.
    • Soren - It's weird that theres only 2, but Soren can give you card advantage if you're low on cards.
    • Elincia5 - Flier, gives you an excuse to promote units... I don't like this Elincia in here as she uses a lot of bonds if you wanna use her skill.
    • Leanne - Gives you card advantage the longer she lives.
    • Arvis1 - Pulls.
    • Arvis5 - Card advantage over time and also destroys other stall decks by reducing their Bond count.
    • Deirdre - Allows you to pull off Sothe's effect each turn. This is the card you wanna protect with Sothe.
    • Emma1 - Flier, Bond Skill.
    • Erin3 - +10 power to a unit, Flier.

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