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Posts posted by TheVinceKnight

  1. 9 hours ago, Aquantis said:

    I'm disappointed that F!Corrin beat out Leif for a sleeve.  Much as I like that artwork, it really should have been Leif.

    What if you look at it from the other point of view - like Nanna beating Leif for a sleeve or Alfonse / Sharena beating out Leif for a sleeve. Not that it matters too much: But maybe they noticed one would sell more than the other.... I guess.

  2. 13 hours ago, Gonzak said:

    Does the destroyed orb by your own card go to your hand or to the retreat area (example with the B02-062SR Elise). Also can you only heal during your action phase if the card doesnt specify anything?.

    Also when a card says it affect all allies or tap 1 ally, does that include the card itself (for example the Fem Corrin B02-051SR  or Alm B09-002N)


    All destroyed Orbs always go to your hand, unless stated otherwise.

    You can only heal in the action phase if the effect itself is an action skill (the red icon) - All "Heal"s do that, but theres heals that work in different phases of the game like B02-062SR Elise.

    All allies refers to all your units. Tap an ally in Alm's case does include the card itself, otherwise it would says Tap another ally.

  3. 1 hour ago, Shadowchris15 said:

    So being new to playing the TCG, (I've been keeping up with the sets and watching matches), I was wondering what a good Grima deck would look like and how it mainly functions. Like what cards should I be looking for at the start of each match, what moves are the best or safest to make, and what good synergy inside the deck is.

    For basic starter points, you want Grima in the starting hand for sure. RobinM (Cost 2) is a safe bet to have, and the RobinF SR (Cost 4) is always great to go to (another safe bet) to lie on til Grima is relevant.
    Grima gives you card fodder (with risens) which you can exchange for better cards with RobinF SR (the same one as the one mentioned above) and Aversa SR. 
    Grima also gives an easy way to grant herself that +20 attack.

    The main problems are having multiple evades at once (you can only have up to 3, because one of your Grimas is gonna be fielded) and getting to the setup stage Grima needs to be at before you overwhelm the opponent.


    Screen Shot 2017-07-22 at 11.44.53 am.png

  4. On 7/20/2017 at 5:00 AM, Motts said:

    Splashable? Any idea what an Al deck would look like? Or a celica deck 


    Al is pretty fun overall. Not a bad Main Character to start off with but there's always better ones than Al. He's inconsistent with the idea that he basically doesn't do anything if you don't reveal Als, but in return, you can end games reasonably quicker. This list is okay, but lacks the Nino (4 cost) SR. Nino SR is basically staple. My whole build is 20 supports too, so don't need fliers either. Tiena is fine to have too.

    As for Celica, she's very lackluster overall. You're better off playing Conrad as your Main Character and then using Hero Skill from the Celica Cost 5 to make Celica your Main Character. Which isn't bad but Conrad himself would be better still I feel. 

  5. Did you watch the deckbuilding guide I linked before?

    Other than that, I've fetched a few decks from twitter for Marth and Lucina at least.



    if you require certain knowledge about the card game itself and what certain cards do, I recommend looking at another source (the wiki) or joining a specific *cough* certain community that plays the game online so you know how to play the game.


  6. There's a few fair guidelines to deck building but I should cover basics. 

    First you gotta pick your Main Character or Lord as they would call it - and then build a deck around it. It has to be a unit with a deployment cost of exactly 1. 

    As for the rest... this video will cover most of what you want basically.

    Another thing to do is check out twitter for #fecipher, which has decklists from Japan. They're good inspiration if you wanna build something up.

  7. 25 minutes ago, SoulWeaver said:

    It's been terribly frustrating to try and get people to be excited about Cipher having OCs because said OCs are just so bad, though part of that is because they have to try and give the Lord characters the good cards(which they fail at sometimes - coughSeries5Roycough). Thankfully Yuzu makes a decent Main Character for a Whitewings budget deck.

    OCs in cipher still bad to this day unfortunately (Only Emma is fine). Yuzu is definitely not decent though... I can tell you that much heh.

    I think the better question that should be asked is - Who doesn't like the Cipher characters?

    I mean I love em, but I haven't gone round to buying the DLC any time soon due to lack of motivation to do anything in-game. Beat Thabes already and I don't feel it's worth another run at the moment because of the 'bad' gameplay (mostly for maps) in Echoes.

  8. Favourite - Radiant Dawn

    • Availability is the biggest factor when it comes to a lot of the units. Dawn Brigade really doesn't feel like it gains much when it has to face 1-Endgame and 3-6(?) or was it 3-7, I forgot. Literally Jill and like... Edward or Nolan are the most playable out of the bunch. Micaiah is fine for a while too but she falls off very easily. Thani can only carry you so far. Tormod's Group. Particular units falling behind, like Lucia and Geoffrey to name a few.
    • Lack of support conversations what-so-ever. The support system is alright, but make some actual conversations happen. It would definitely spice things up.
    • Increase some growth rates / bases of particular characters. Meg / Ena / Kurthnaga are mostly unacceptable at the time they join (just to name a few). Especially Ena and Kurthnaga since they are forced for Endgame.
    • Perhaps more involvement with Part 2, it surely could have been stretched out more.

    Least Favourite - Fates

    • The story.
    • Conquest Lunatic was fine, but there were some particular areas that pissed me off a lot, like inevitable end (endless debuffs) and infinite staff uses.
    • Revelations entirely. In terms of gameplay, story and the way they handled join times. Nyx and Shura are available on the same chapter (Chapter 15?) and yet Nyx has her bases from Chapter 9 Conquest and Shura has like mid 20s in speed. It makes absolutely no sense.
    • ...Birthright was really easy. But I guess it was meant to be like that.
  9. 11 hours ago, Alizeeno said:

    Hi Tuvillo, I had some questions to which I couldn't find answers anywhere so I desperately need your help ^^" 

    I am relatively new to the cipher and the game itself since a friend asked me to play with him and I ended up liking the game after all. It has been almost a month since I last played with someone and used the servers, two days ago I tried to play but I couldn't enter the server. Today I tried to enter again and this error appears:

    "Attempting to connect to server ..."

    "You were unable to connect to the matching game server through WANIP. Trying LANIP ..."

    "There was an error. Shucks"

    Has this ever happened to you? If so (or if you know about it) could you tell me how to fix it, please?

    I already updated the plugin and my lackeyccg is the latest version. 

    The Lackey Master server is dead atm, that's probably why. It'll come back eventually... hopefully.

  10. 10 hours ago, redshirtontherock said:

    Thanks for the responses and the info, that helps a ton! (And woah, using that two-bond Arvis ability could seriously backfire. XD)

    Also, apology for getting super specific with the question on Tharja, but if I know some of the cards in an opponent's hand from previously having revealed them, would I be able to pick them out from memory or identify them by name, or would the discard have to be just randomized via dice or something of the sort?

    Even if you know some of them, you would have to pick randomly again if you used Tharja. The only randomized hand picks are Tharja and Leo, and you have to do the same for both (pick without looking).

  11. 7 hours ago, redshirtontherock said:

    B08-085R - Maiden of Purifying Lightning, Tinni - Do bonds that are consumed for the "critical hit" effect need to be face up to be sent to retreat, or can face-down bonds be used as long as they're tome cards?

    Already answered but, face-down bonds don't have attributes yeah. Only apply when face-up.

    7 hours ago, redshirtontherock said:

    B08-038N - Serious Manakete, Nah - For a stone support to trigger Nah's effect it has to be a successful support, right?  So a failed support with Nah herself wouldn't trigger the effect?

    Already answered again, but I have a decent example for this - For a skill to proc on specific supports, like Nino only activates when an ally is supported by Nino, because it's a failed support, the check doesn't go off and Nino is already in the Retreat Area by that point. Same situation with Nah.

    7 hours ago, redshirtontherock said:

    B08-096R - Emperor of Grannvale, Arvis - For the bond skill effect, which sends an opponent's unit into their bonds, how does this work with class changed or levelled up units?  Does the top card go to the bond area or do all individual cards in the stack go into the bond area?  Just curious because this could really throw the viability/non-viability of this ability.

    All the cards of the stack go into their Bond Area. This means if you target a unit who is Class Changed / Levelled up, all cards, the top card and any cards underneath are sent to the Bond Area.

    7 hours ago, redshirtontherock said:

    B08-026R - Searing Envy, Tharja - This one's confusing specifically because I'm seeing different translation on Lackey and on the wiki here concerning this card.  Lackey's translation is that the card that is selected and possibly discarded is a random selection, where the wiki translation is that the player gets to select.  Again, curious because this affects how viable the card is.

    The effect is a bit off on the Wiki - the exact effect is referring to selecting a card from the opponent's hand without looking at it, so basically revealing a random card (or making them discard a random card). The card is only discarded if the Deployment Cost is 3 or less though of course.

    7 hours ago, redshirtontherock said:

    B08-079SR - The Just Master Thief, Patty - This one's got me really confused.  The third ability in the chain that Patty gets specifies that if the card in the opponent's hand is the same name as the main character, the main character is destroyed.  If your opponent still has orbs left, does that mean you would just take an orb, or does that mean that the main character is destroyed regardless of orbs?

    When the Main Character is destroyed, they must take an orb, just like as if they were attacked and as a result of the battle were destroyed (in this case it's by a skill, so it can't be evaded). If they don't have any orbs at all when their Main Character gets destroyed, you win the game.

  12. 9 hours ago, Duma said:

    Well I don't have all the info yet since I'm new to the deck making process for Cipher but, I'm trying to abuse Berkuts effect. And since we are on the topic of deck building, are there any staples for cipher? Like cards that you want in your deck because there too good to leave out?

    Depends on the Colours and deck you use mostly but in short:

    - Most fliers with the ability to move an ally
    - Nino, Clarine
    - Deirdre, Arvis
    - Nowi (Cost 3)
    - For Risen builds, Aversa and Grima
    - Rafiel for Fang decks

    I could list more but these are what's on my head.

  13. On 6/23/2017 at 6:58 PM, VincentASM said:

    It's a Cipher reference and a pretty obscure one at that.

    It's implied to be the mysterious driving force that allows all the Fire Emblem timelines to connect so that the Cipher card game "makes sense" story-wise.

    That's interesting. Even I didn't know that. That's good to know though.

    That does explain the whole Randal is old - young - old again thing very well.

  14. 1 minute ago, RedEyedDrake said:

    I wasn't asking about Alm and Celica's ability specifically, though. I'm asking about how all Hero Skills function. Lv Skills, for example, function by counting the number of cards in a given stack of cards. How do Hero Skills IN GENERAL work? Or was that not defined yet?

    The only guys with Hero Skill are Alm and Celica, hence why I'm talking about them in general. I don't think they're defined otherwise but it'll probably be just simply swapping the current MC with a unit that uses the Hero Skill.

  15. 1 hour ago, RedEyedDrake said:

    The five cost versions of Alm and Celica have a type of ability called a "Hero Skill". What is a "Hero Skill", exactly? In general terms, that is. How do they function?

    You place the Lord / Main Character marker under your current Red Lord / Main Character and put it under Alm / Celica. That's it. Basically as its stated, changes the Main Character. That means the previous one can now die and you only take orbs / damage from Alm / Celica being destroyed.

  16. 5 hours ago, ScarletFlame said:

    Alright, let's look at the skills, shall we?

    Heir to the Hermit, Canas
    Forbidden Magic (CONT) Any AUTO skills that can trigger at the start of a player's turn cannot be activated.

    King of Bern, Zephiel
    King's Whirlwind (AUTO) [Flip 2 Bonds] When this card attacks, you may pay the cost: Until the end of this battle, this card gains the following skill "(CONT) Your opponent must discard 2 cards with the same name instead of 1 to declare a Godspeed Evasion."
    Liberate the World (AUTO) When this card destroys a unit by battle, if this card had used "King's Whirlwind" this turn, the opponent must choose a card in their hand, and discard it.

    Smiling Sorcerer, Henry
    Mire (AUTO) When a unit you control Class Changes, both players must discard a card.

    Point to me where the timing in Zephiel and Henry's AUTO Skills indicate that it is "start of turn", making it affected by Forbidden Magic.

    Stop that.

    20 hours ago, Nanashi said:

    I have a question about 2 card ability's, would the Canas 3/2 prevent Zephiels abilitys from procking even though Canas's text reads "auto ability's that can activate at the start of your tun cant." Zephiels abilitys happen when declaring an attack, and after combat, neither are at the start of the turn... also, would it prevent Henrys mire from working?

    Just wanting clarification

    tl;dr Canas only prevents AUTO effects that activate at the start of a turn. Zephiel and Henry don't activate at the start of the turn.

  17. 1 hour ago, Calyurso said:

    Hi ! I've got more questions again ! 

    With Heroic Inherithor of the Blaze, Eliwood; his Skill Rallying the Flames: by flipping 2 bonds, he can deploy his support if the support as succed. If the support is a promoted card and the unpromoted is on the play, is it possible to deploy the support and class change ?

    (By the way, failing a support is only possible if a character support himself or by the effect of a skill, right ?)

    In the Green card:

    with Sanaki, Begnion Emperess, her skill Supreme Ennoblement, it only works on the first card you deploy in the turn ? (I'm sure because it's an Auto Skill and not an Act , and Once per turn, so if you don't use it on the first deployement you can't then..)

    With Caineghis skill, deployement cost reduced by one also work for the classe change ?

    Thank you ! 

    For Eliwood, you can't deploy the unit straight out if the unit is already on the field, Eliwood only states deploy, not class change. You can't class change the unit via this skill.

    Failing would mean if Eliwood supported himself yes.

    Sanaki says you MAY select any number of cards and place it under a Green ally, so you may do it on any ally you place down, doesn't have to be the first one.

    Caineghis only works on DEPLOYMENT COST, the cost underneath is a CLASS CHANGE cost.

    Hope that helps.

  18. 13 hours ago, ManNamedDan said:


    (I've tried searching a couple of different places so sorry in advance if this is mentioned elsewhere)

    What happens when a Xander or Ryoma take 2 orbs because of their ability and you draw a "Attack Support.png "Emblem of Heroism" any orbs that the unit destroys by battle becomes 2."

    For Example

    Xander attacks
    “Knight of Nohr” CONT While your opponent has 4 or more Orbs, this unit's attacks destroy 2 orbs as a result of battle. This skill does not take effect if you have any face-up Bonds that are not Black cards.

    supported by an "Emblem of Heroism" any orbs that the unit destroys by battle becomes 2."

    how many orbs are taken. Similar question for Ryoma.

    It still ends up being two. Hero Emblem only makes your attack become able to break two orbs instead. Two overwriten by two... you get the point.

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