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Posts posted by TheVinceKnight

  1. 7 hours ago, SalShich10N said:

    How do you combat Aggro in this game, though?

    Well, you have to play passively for a majority of the game.
    This means attacking enemy units that aren't the Main Character, always clearing the field, never hitting the enemy Main Character, until you're at a point where it's safe with you having a ton of advantage in terms of hand and field and you're opponent has next to nothing.

    It's fine if they still have five orbs and you have none, as long as you aren't dead.
    Once you've established a decent field, you want to keep maintaining that advantage and hit them once a turn (kill them slowly) or rush them down quickly when they're on 2-3 orbs left (if you feel its safe enough to do so).

  2. 4 hours ago, Myst said:

    I honestly think that this Chrom makes a big difference in how your deck can be built now.

    To address your point about it losing to aggro, I think I'm going to disagree because you'll be more encouraged to bring single costed guys and be able to spend promoted cards to crit/evade without so much of a penalty. With bringing more 1-cost characters allows for a more consistent early game. And with more 1-cost characters to attack and send your supports into retreat, digging for more promoted units for Chrom to class up.

    The only issue I'd run into this plan is card advantage, because you'd be spitting cards up to deploy, crit/evade, and bond. If someone could fill that gap, I'd figure his abilities would be very strong and consistent.

    It's not too much of a difference, but maybe a few more Cost 1s that usual, and specific ones because you intend to class change.
    Decks run a fair amount of Cost 1 Fliers / Fodder already so it's not that much different.

    Perhaps the build would be similar to a... Series 4 Lucina lets say.
    It still loses out to aggro just as quick, but you can combat it easily by playing differently (always killing their fodder instead of hitting their Main Character) / using cards to specifically combat aggro.

    Ike relies on getting to Level S5 asap and he has difficulty doing it when he's up against an aggressive deck, for example.
    All decks can have a certain level of weakness to aggro, it's just some can deal with it better than others etc.

    Card advantage isn't too much of an issue, especially if you're getting hit a lot because you're slow to start off and especially if you don't give your opponent cards to work with either. You don't need to crit at all that much, but you'll probably need to evade. And Fliers make great bond fodder most of the time, which you should be running. 

    Chrom has a lot of potential to be seen. It'll be great.

  3. I talk about Competitive Decklists often, but lack of decklists (or anything interesting nowadays) has run this decklist thread dry.

    Let's talk about possible Meta Options instead.
    The Fire Emblem Cipher stream recently revealed a few new cards - so when Series 8 hits shelves in Japan (March 17th), we may see Chrom finally spring back into action. 

    (And no, not the Risen Chrom. That is more than likely going to be a deck that isn't going to work out well.)

    EDIT: A few hours after I wrote this, the Chrom card gets revealed on the Cipher Twitter. Oops.



    Now of course, a lot of the details on the card can't be read properly - so as such they aren't translated (yet) but at least the skills are.
    Let's discuss:  Exalt Chrom - Cost 5

    His first skill, "Future Changing Bonds", allows you to class change any ally (that hasn't been class changed) from the Retreat. This is big advantage as the least you're getting from it is a Flip 2, Draw 1 (for class changing) out of it AND a bigger unit (Cost 4 or higher more than likely). The best part is that it isn't colour restricted, meaning you can class change ANYONE.
    His second skill, "Hopeful Future" allows you to proc a one-time buff for the turn whenever you need it. This gives any class changed allies for that turn 10 attack. That means Chrom himself will get a 'free' hit at 80 attack (free meaning as long as he doesn't fail his support he'll hit more than likely), any Class Changed Mage type units with range will reach the 70 attack threshold, and basically anyone can get a decent hit in.

    • Class Changing from the Retreat, more reliable and consistent than doing it from the hand.
    • Gives 10 attack to class changed allies so they have an easier time with landing attacks successfully.
    • The first skill isn't Once Per Turn, which means you can go-off with multiple class changes after this unit is placed down.


    • It's Chrom
    • The card itself is a Cost 5, which makes it difficult to survive past a certain point in the game when you're promoting on Turn 4 while everyone else is promoting on Turn 3.
    • Flipping 2, well this can be seen as a negative but you can run Deirdre to make it possible to class change a low cost unit Once Per Turn after turn 5.
    • Running low cost units in the deck, which can be seen as a bad thing if your low cost units don't achieve too much (Playing Deirdre and class changing her from the Retreat is great but Deirdre's (Cost 1) card doesn't do much. This is natural however, as Cost 1 units can't be expected to do too much.
    • Blue is lackluster so far, but we're just getting deeper and deeper into Series 8. More possibilities are welcome.
    • Loses quicker to aggro as a result of being slow. Unfortunately. (Having a Cost 3/2 option and Robin (Male) (Cost 2) helps with this)

    Chrom definitely has potential to be something big. Going off Turn 5 is a bit slow, but it's still worth something when you get two class-changed units out of it.



  4. On 2/1/2017 at 3:16 PM, Myst said:

    I see that these two decks are really for resolving bonds for more of Roy effects, which is pretty awesome. 

    But in the first deck, I know everyone loves Eliwood for his huge support on big drops, but should we ever put him into the field? I feel like his support-deploy is pretty awesome.

    If you deploy something worth out of it, something big - Arvis, Deirdre, Tiki5, then yes it can be worth.
    More control = More win.
    >You can also stack Eliwood with Nino, to get that X support instantly. Can't go wrong with Eliwood.

  5. As you've said, the best way to start out Cipher is to buy Starter decks and learn the game that way.

    You can also proxy cards by printing ones you wanna use in a deck and attempting to remember what they do until you remember off by heart without looking up a translation (which is what I do because I'm already used to it).

    If we're talking about specific decks, I recommend 


    and as you've already said:


    This deck teaches the importance of working around two colours in a Deck, and the first starter deck teaches you possibly... how to deal with an enemy that pulls or what kind of style to play it in.

  6. 7 hours ago, SalShich10N said:

    It might be an N. I still think Eliwood's R+X was originally intended to be an N judging by the way those have the borders of N/HN cards but foiled. I hope Seliph doesn't get an R and SR like Eliwood did...

    I think it's just that way on purpose to make R+X actually feel special to have. Note that a N card would not have a decent effect like EliwoodR (R+X) does.

  7. 15 minutes ago, Kirie said:

    I think this card is probably an N. It seems like the friendlier cards end up being the lower rarities and just look how happy Seliph is leading that charge.

    We had a R+X of Seliph in Series 6
    We also have art of Seliph as a Junior Lord, which in no doubt is his Cost 1 Unit
    This card is him as a Knight Lord, and they wouldn't show off Seliph SR so early so therefore it must be the middle card
    I think the image had B08-052 in the link before but they changed it

    >tl;dr it's SeliphR

  8. I hope it's not just me, but this topic seems broken to me.
    I saw Kirie reply here last night and the latest reply was nekogami92.

    I saw LucinaOfYlisse reply just earlier and the latest reply is nekogami92 again.


    Or am I crazy. 
    EDIT: Okay, posting revealed Page 57. Jesus christ :l

  9. Holy moly, the posts on this thread are broken. Fix em up later. Write review for now.
    I've got two decks of yer favourite boy, Guzma, Roy.

    http://i.imgur.com/eNbSPT2.jpg - Roy Deck #1
    http://i.imgur.com/wig2F5k.jpg - Roy Deck #2

    I'll refer to each in order. Roy Deck #1, then #2. Starting from the top left, to right (then middle left to middle right, and bottom left to bottom right, you get the idea).
    Roy is basically a toolbox whose main goal is to control the game and put it in your favour with FOUR skills (all of which are helpful) and gain advantage while your opponent is down.
    Boy Deck #1


    Deck Total: 50

    • Boy (Cost 1) B05-003HN x 1 - The literal definition of having no real effect. Since he's the Main Character, and there's only one of him, his support skills are definitely not going off either. He still attacks for base 40 attack no problem though.
    • Roy (Cost 4) B09-054R+X x 4 - The literal Toolbox. Now we're getting to the good stuff. Pops off right at turn 3. Unlike any of the other Main Characters who have the ability to pull, only Roy and Eliwood can do it on the turn they promote (the others have some sort of restriction that only allows them to do it on Turn 4 onwards). Not just that but, three other useful skills that can come into play often. 
      - [Flip 1] Draw one card, then stack a card from your hand on top of your Deck. This can be good for cycling, ensuring some hits with weaker units or hitting altogether or even stacking to ensure you get that specific unit with Eliwood.
      - [Flip 1] Select another allied unit. That unit gains 10 attack until the end of this turn. This skill allows your other units a greater chance at hitting an enemy.
      [Flip 1] Move an ally. Essentially a rescue, but combo'd with a Rescue Flier -  allows movement to the front lines to snipe the enemy backline and then retreat back to your own backline afterwards.
      - (CCS) [Flip 1] Move an enemy unit. Sure, it's Flip 1 to move an enemy. However, with Deirdre (assuming you use this skill only during that turn), you turn this skill into a bondless move. You can also force enemy units to the backline who lack range, which punishes decks that lack any form of movement.
      All these skills make Roy a toolbox deck to be reckoned with and not one to be underestimated.
    • Roy (Cost 4) S07-001ST x 4 - This Roy is inferior to the Toolbox Roy I just described for a few basic reasons, but the reason this is in the deck is for additional crits / evades. This Roy doesn't do much except gain 1-2 range when you deploy a unit with a Support Skill. What limits this card (like a lot of other 1-2 range units) is that Roy must be in the frontline to gain this effect, and when compared to MarthST (from Series 1), pulling > gaining range. The reason for this is because if you want to hit something in their backline, Roy must commit himself to hitting that target, compared to when you pull a unit, you can have another unit deal with it.
    • Nino (Cost 4) B07-039SR x 4 - One of the two advantage gaining magic users in the deck. Nino prolongs games by grabbing a copy of your Main Character (which is often used as an avoid). While Nino is out and Nino supports another unit, you instantly gain advantage by drawing a card just off it. Especially while your attacking and you are supported by Nino (Cost 1), for that Draw 2, Discard 1 power, effectively cycling your deck. The problem with that is though...
    • Nino (Cost 1) B07-040N x 1 - There's only one Nino (Cost 1) in this deck. If it was me, I'd max out Nino because she's that valuable to have on the field (more avoids) and having more chances to be supported by Nino gives more advantage when you least expect it.
    • Eliwood (Cost 5) B07-001SR x 4 - There's a real good reason why Eliwood has a decent price tag on him, and that's because of the insane support values that Eliwood gives (X = Ten times the unit's deployment cost) and that Eliwood can deploy his support by flipping two bonds. Excellent card overall. They need to make more good Cost 5 units, and Eliwood is a great sign of showing improvement.
    • Emma (Cost 1) B06-050N x 4 - Basically place this card in the Bond Area when you see it to make her a Bond Flip to rescue a unit. Quite useful. She's also a flier, in which fliers give good support values.
    • Erin (Cost 1) B06-039N x 4 (Also known as Fury, or Ferry, depends on what translation you go by) - In short, basically there for the support value from being a flier and a Rescuebot. Rescuebots are useful alongside Roy (I described the main intention above for Roy).
    • Erin (Cost 3) B06-038R x 2 (Also known as Fury, or Ferry, depends on what translation you go by) - Support value flier, and a little niche where she can tap a flier (including herself) to grant 10 attack to an ally for that turn. This can be useful to save Roy bonds.
    • Deirdre (Cost 4) B06-004SR x 4 - Maiden of being 4000 yen or more. The other of the two advantage gaining magic users. Unflipping a bond is basically the best advantage you could get. This makes more skills accessible for the turns onwards and the best part is, Dierdre just has to be deployed to gain that advantage (it happens during the end of the turn). She basically applies a lot of pressure by being alive - if you don't defeat her, she'll keep unflipping bonds.
    • Robin (Male) (Cost 2) P01-015PR x 2 - Very useful card when being pressured a lot by your opponent. This tends to happen more when you're being rushed down or against an aggressive deck, but if you have this card early on, you can grab an orb back and take an enemy out with Robin at the same time. This swings the game setting towards you more (which is obviously what you want).
    • Tate (Cost 1) B05-039N x 4 - Support value flier. This is one of the unique fliers who stack themselves so you have a 100% chance of securing 30 support and a flier emblem in one go. I myself prefer using an actual Rescue flier like Erin / Shanna, but I guess it comes down to players choice.
    • Farina (Cost 1) B07-043N x 4 - Exactly the same as Tate.
    • Gerome (Cost 4) B01-089HN x 2 - Gerome is great in the way that not only does he provide that 30 support value off being a flier, but he gains 20 attack while in battle against an enemy wielding a sword. This is majority of the meta's Main Characters (such as Corrin (Female) and Marth).
    • Severa (Cost 4) B04-094SR x 2 - Here's something you don't see every day. Severa basically grants a Male unit 20 attack if she hits something. This gives options such as Roy / Eliwood more of a chance to hit easily and not get defeated by attacks as often.
    • Nowi (Cost 3) B01-078R x 4 - Very late game option which goes well with this controlled style of gameplay. She gains 30 attack if you have six bonds or more (play her down turn 7 or higher) and grants instant card advantage by adding your Bonds back. She also has 1-2 range so she can pick off annoying units.

      This deck is fairly solid in terms of it's build. If I were to change anything, I would play the maximum amount of Nino and possibly a few rescue fliers from Blue.

    Boy Deck #2

    The Decks are both fairly similar so I'll go over the differences.


    Deck Total: 50

    • Boy (Cost 1) B05-003HN x 3 - This deck has 3 Roy (Cost 1)s instead of just 1. There's not much point in that, when you could be running Roy (Cost 4) (the ST one) for more possible promotion options in your Deck, especially since this is a control-based deck - you don't need or want to double-orb break your opponent.
    • This deck has one more Nino than the other. I explained above why maximising Nino can be good.
    • Caeda (Cost 1) B01-006HN x 2 (also known as Shiida / Sheeda) - Caeda basically gives 10 attack to another unit by tapping another one, which can be hard to do. In the end it's more critical / evades for Caeda (Cost 4) and also for that 30 support value / flier's emblem.
    • Caeda (Cost 4) B01-004SR x 4 (also known as Shiida / Sheeda) - The exact same reason why MarthST was so good comboing with Caeda. Roy pulls up a weak target for Caeda to hit, and then Caeda allows you to add any Red card from your Deck to your hand for a bond flip. This process however costs two bonds, which can be a bit pricey but perhaps worth if you add something valuable.
    • Shanna (Cost 1) B05-023N x 4 (also known as Thany? I think) - Basically the same as how I described Erin in the other decklist.
    • Narcian (Cost 4) B05-048SR x 4 - When you're down in cards, and need some way to gain advantage and turn the tide, Narcian is here to force your opponent to reveal and stack a card from their hand. At the end of the day, whether or not you use him, he's also a flier which helps a ton.
    • Clarine (Cost 1) B05-028N x 2 - A flip 2 healer who can salvage any card. This costs a lot, and there's kind of no reason to run this when you're already running Clarine (Cost 3), which is at two copies in this deck. Why not just max out Clarine (Cost 3)?
    • Clarine (Cost 3) B05-027HN x 2 - Clarine costs only one bond to heal, on the condition that she can only heal an ally in the same row as the row she's currently in. This is great as it only costs one bond, and the condition is easy to fulfill.
    • Marth (Cost 1) B01-003HN x 2 - Marth can pull an enemy to the frontlines by tapping himself and another allied unit. This is kind of unnecessary as you've already got Roy to pull enemies for you.
    • Marth (Cost 4) B04-018SR x 4 - Allows you to gain advantage by adding Marth's cost 2 or lower supports when he attacks. This can be good when you purposely stack a unit, but then there's not much card advantage being gained when doing so.
    • Tiki (Cost 5) B01-046SR x 3 - Very-late game option who also gives you more Bonds while attacking. This is great as you can continuously increase the amount of bonds you have when you drop Tiki on turn 5 and also allows you use to use up more bonds for skills, but can be less effective than Deirdre when Deirdre can be deployed on turn four and compared to Deirdre, Tiki lacks range.
    • Michalis (Cost 5) B04-047R x 3 - A card that adds either Caeda (Cost 4) or Narcian on death. Basically. Also he's a flier.
    • Robin (Male) (Cost 1) B04-066HN x 2 - Basically an Anti-discard option. While they discard a card from your hand, you discard this card and you gain an orb back.
    • Sumia (Cost 1) B01-069N x 1 - Only one? Well... Basically the same as Erin described above.

    If I were to choose one of them, I would choose Boy Deck #1, basically because Roy works so well with Deirdre.

  10. Oops. OK. So how do I move it? Or will a mod do that for me?

    Yeah a mod will get on it. Sometime.

    I also like Ike's Radiant Dawn card. Really accurate depiction of Ike from that game (Probably cause it's drawn by Kita Senri).


    I really like this artwork of Micaiah SR+, but I know people who dislike it. I still like it for what it is worth.

  11. The other day someone was asking about a decent Metagame deck that would be in the cheap range around 3000 yen. The problem with that is that you can't really make too much unless it's some form of aggressive / rush type deck because most Super Rares would already break the 3000 range just because you require playsets of them (this game is expensive).



    TheVinceKnight's Budget-Effective Deck - Ranulf and Friends




    Well it's an effective deck in terms of Ranulf reaching upwards of 100-110 attack constantly after turn 3, but the main weaknesses are forcing your deck to be constricted by Laguz, not being too efficient or effective as most of the Laguz have sub-par effects and Ranulf only gaining the beneficial support values, everyone else is stuck with a 10 (+20 when attacking) or a 20 support majority of the time. The deck maximises on all the possible 20 support Laguz you can possibly have in the game so Ranulf has a 56% chance of being a huge threat.


    • Ranulf (Cost 1) [b03-041N] x 1 - Ranulf actually doesn't have a bad effect as a Main Character early on. This can help him not get hit too early in the game by potential aggressive archers or mages. Problem is your support values are mostly 20s so you'll probably get hit quite a fair bit by normal 40 power attackers.
    • Ranulf (Cost 4) [b03-040R] x 4 - Your 'promotion'. Or I would say that, but it's a Level-Up, because Ranulf doesn't have a promotion cost. Once you're on Turn 3 and haven't taken too much damage that's when Ranulf is harder and harder to defeat. 100 power off 10 supports and 110 off 20 support during your opponents turn makes him a pain to deal with. He also has range which is a huge factor as you can easily get rid of any potential threats.
    • Nailah (Cost 4) [b05-073R] x 1 - Nailah is actually a decent card, but with the way Ranulf goes, you don't wanna run too many 10 supports (without attack emblem) because the chances of getting only 10 support for other Laguz that aren't Ranulf increases. She's also a fairly good distraction as your opponent will want to take her out unless they wanna lose cards in their hand.
    • Volug (Cost 1) [b05-068N] x 4 - Volug is the best 1-cost attacker in the deck, being able to reach values as high as 80 while you're attacking (with a 10 support (and attack emblem). The main reasons for having 1-Cost Laguz are to ensure Ranulf's survivability (to move him back so you don't take too much damage) and also to act as other Laguz to drop out to activate Naesala's ability.
    • Vika (Cost 2) [b05-072HN] x 4 - Mainly acting as just a 20 support card for Ranulf. Vika has the utility to move an ally as well, which can be useful when taking advantage of effects like Leanne.
    • Tibarn (Cost 5) [b03-043R] x 4 - Mainly acting as just a 20 support card for Ranulf. Tibarn has decent skills if you hoard a huge field, especially when you control 4 other allied Laguz, getting Ranulf and himself to insane high amounts of attack.
    • Reyson (Cost 2) [b03-045R] x 4 - Mainly acting as just a 20 support card for Ranulf. Reyson is basically the go-to Dancer for Laguz. Really useful in here to grant Ranulf a second attack and also since the deck doesn't really flip many bonds, it's fine to go ham.
    • Naesala (Cost 4) [b03-044R] x 4 - Mainly acting as just a 20 support card for Ranulf. Naesala is one of the best cards of the deck. He has the ability to gain range, which allows him to take care of potential threats alongside Ranulf and also provide card advantage when you deploy another Laguz. 
    • Marcia (Cost 1) [b03-026N] x 4 - Has use as utility by moving allies and also has 30 support, which assists in other Laguz having a chance to hit enemies.
    • Lyre (Cost 1) [b05-095N] x 4 - Basically similar to Volug, except Lyre can attack any enemy archers in the backline. 
    • Lethe (Cost 1) [b03-028N] x 4 - Basically Lyre except Lethe can attack Mages or Healers instead.
    • Leanne (Cost 1) [b03-046R] x 4 - Mainly acting as just a 20 support card for Ranulf. Leanne is basically a healer that maximises profits the longer she's still alive. She has to be constantly tapped however, which can easily be fixed by just moving her manually then with a flier or by using Ena's skill.
    • Kurthnaga (Cost 4) [b05-098R] x 4 - Mainly acting as just a 20 support card for Ranulf. Kurthnaga is special in the case he also has access to range, and as a cool niche can level up Ena or Vika to have them gain full use of their skills, although it's rare to put them into use. You can also level up Kurthnaga twice to gain the effect to destroy the enemy field, but this will probably never occur.
    • Ena (Cost 2) [b03-042N] x 4 - Mainly acting as just a 20 support card for Ranulf. Ena's skill rarely has any use as you won't really need to move any enemy units because Ranulf already can hit the enemy backline, but the fact that she has 20 support is enough.


    The best part is the deck should be valued around... nearly 2000 yen? Maybe a bit more, maybe a bit less.

  12. There hasn't been much in terms of Competitive Decks this week in Japan - due to Comiket / New Years and what not, so perhaps it's a great time to review a deck I'm trying out myself on LackeyCCG. I'll be going in order of the decklist shown, linking it to that specific character page on the Wiki and also referring to the cards being used by their Card Code number (the number that notifies what Series the card is from). This will be followed by the amount of cards to use for that specific character.


    TheVinceKnight's Ninja Crit Spam Deck - featuring Kagero

    Extremely fun. The deck focuses on literally shoving Critical Hits on Critical Hits in the opponents face after turn 2 (hopefully you promoted into Kagero3) because you literally draw (or cycle) cards just for performing Critical Hits.

    • Kagero (Cost 1) [b07-063N or B02-017N] x 1 - She actually... doesn't do anything in this deck besides attack or promote into Kagero3. She's supposed to also deploy Saizo1 when deployed from Ninja Emblem, and she can't exactly get deployed from Ninja Emblem when she's the Main Character. I've also listed Series 2's Kagero Cost 1, because it really doesn't matter which one you use as long as it's a Kagero Cost 1.
    • Kaze (Cost 1) [b03-059N] x 4 - Involved with the relentless amount of Kazes in the deck. Kaze is going to be doing the most critting in the deck alongside Saizo3. With the amount of Kaze in this deck, Kaze will be avoiding and critting quite a lot. This Kaze in particular gives an ally 20 attack when he is destroyed (which doesn't get used to the best effect often).
    • Asugi (Cost 1) [b02-044N] x 4 - Ninja Emblem and just a Ninja named Asugi I guess. He also gives utility by moving away after attacking in the front row, which can annoy your opponent.
    • Kaze (Cost 1) [b06-075N] x 4 - Basically another card with the name Kaze. He also has Steel Shuriken, which gives him +10 attack until the end of the turn if he needs to hit something. This could be slightly useful early in the game since you don't really use much bonds in this deck and you might be able to get a hit on their Main Character.
    • Saizo (Cost 1) [b07-061N or B02-015N] x 4 - Like I said before about Kagero (Cost 1), Saizo's (Cost 1) effect isn't really going to work out because Kagero is already on the field. Saizo is basically just in here because it's more avoids for Saizo's super important 3-cost promotion. You can also use Saizo's Cost 1 from Series 2 if you prefer that, because it doesn't matter too much.
    • Felicia (Cost 1) [b06-071N] x 4 - Mostly for the fact that you can have multiple Felicias to perform Critical Hits with. She's also a Shuriken unit due to her skill, which is important because you crit to draw after all. Also grants access to Black Bonds as you will need to deploy Black units sometimes.
    • Flora (Cost 1) [b06-073N] x 4 - Basically the same reason as Felicia (Cost 1) except for Floras instead.
    • Felicia (Cost 3) [b06-070R] x 3 - Felicia (Cost 3) can destroy units that you don't wanna bother attacking with any of your other ninjas otherwise. She's also another card to crit with any Felicia when you need to.
    • Kagero (Cost 3) [b07-062R] x 4 - Basically the reason why the deck can do what it can. Whenever you perform a Critical Hit for a Shuriken unit besides Kagero, you draw a card back. This allows you to draw EVEN more cards, and crit with those if you control those allies on the field already as well. The skill isn't even Once Per Turn so that means you can basically go ham. Kagero's 2nd skill doesn't come into play too much, but you can run to the backline without fear of being attacked as long as you control a Shuriken unit in the frontlines.
    • Asugi (Cost 3) [b02-043R] x 4 - Allows Shuriken users to move around after attacking, and also Asugi will hit a constant 90 power if he's supported by a Shuriken user (only if he's Class Changed though).
    • Saizo (Cost 3) [b07-060R] x 4 - The other bread and butter of the deck. Saizo3 can crit with another Shuriken card instead of another copy of himself. Saizo can also get rid of a problematic target that you may believe the opponent is hoarding cards to evade for that character by having his attack unavoidable as long as you have another Shuriken user in the back line (except towards the Main Character of course).
    • Flora (Cost 4) [b03-085SR] x 4 - Basically being played in the deck because you don't use much bonds. Most Aggressive /Rush decks in Cipher barely use any bonds whatsoever, so this allows you to take advantage of that. Flora's effects allow you to hamper your opponent by being literally a distraction and taking a hit (since I'm only running 4 other copies of Kagero, one of which is going to be used for promoting), and destroying possibly a potential threat (that's Cost 2 or lower) that you don't wanna bother hitting yourself.
    • Kaze (Cost 4) [b03-058SR] x 4 - Allows Ninjas to hit even harder with that +10 on a shuriken support and some slight gimmick with moving around your Shuriken units when you deploy one. You can even do this when you get a Ninja Emblem, which makes repositioning really great. Also another card for Kaze (Cost 1s) to critical with.
    • Felicia (Cost 5) [b02-030SR] x 2 - Another card for Felicia to crit with and perhaps allows you to get two attacks at 120 power during the later stages of the game.

  13. I will argue that this is very relevant, for two reasons.

    1. While I don't mind a picture and a description (like so), your latest entry describes the deck in a few sentences. Your past entries named the units, which was a lot more helpful, as some of the names are small or hit with the glare (in other words, someone who can't identify units on sight, or can't read Japanese is out of luck).

    2. You use Erin here. If I knew Japanese but not the alternative names (thank you FE4 rating topic), I'd have no idea who the hell you were talking about. I'm not interested in starting a discussion regarding which name she goes by, but be aware that there are a lot of people that know her as Fury, and will call her such. This is also true of Cuan/Quan, Lewyn/Levin, etc., since FE4 didn't get any sort of localization nods for the longest time.

    In order to figure out a deck's strategy, it helps to know which units are being used. If it's a naming issue, then it's one that should be cleared up.

    You're definitely right - I should have figured out that multiple names are used for certain characters because they aren't officially localised, instead of flat out just putting out what I remember her being.

    I also should have made a note towards said Wiki which are going by Project Naga (so I can refer to whom I'm talking about) - not that I will agree that Project Naga is correct or incorrect (because honestly at the end of the day it's just a name, as long as you remember who it is it's fine, well - at least in my view).

    I was a bit aggressive there in terms of the name discussion thing there too - I just don't want the thread to become a name discussion topic is all.

    And also, about the latest deck entries, all three decks are ones I've previously talked about, so there isn't too much to discuss that is new or what not. Well, at least I thought a simple sentence would have been fine. Most strategies almost end up being the same - and people should be able to recognise cards if they've already seen them / have extensive knowledge of the game.

    I do admit though I have been lazy otherwise with the latest few entries. Might have to step it up a bit. Maybe be a bit more descriptive or something.

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