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Everything posted by TheVinceKnight

  1. They're still adding more content to the game, including new chapters and focuses. They gotta engage us somehow.
  2. Well, you have to play passively for a majority of the game. This means attacking enemy units that aren't the Main Character, always clearing the field, never hitting the enemy Main Character, until you're at a point where it's safe with you having a ton of advantage in terms of hand and field and you're opponent has next to nothing. It's fine if they still have five orbs and you have none, as long as you aren't dead. Once you've established a decent field, you want to keep maintaining that advantage and hit them once a turn (kill them slowly) or rush them down quickly when they're on 2-3 orbs left (if you feel its safe enough to do so).
  3. Sacred Stones and Genealogy - well to be specific, just Ephraim / Eirika and Seliph / Julia got announced. I'm not sure if I wanna hold my orbs either. I guess I will.
  4. It's not too much of a difference, but maybe a few more Cost 1s that usual, and specific ones because you intend to class change. Decks run a fair amount of Cost 1 Fliers / Fodder already so it's not that much different. Perhaps the build would be similar to a... Series 4 Lucina lets say. It still loses out to aggro just as quick, but you can combat it easily by playing differently (always killing their fodder instead of hitting their Main Character) / using cards to specifically combat aggro. Ike relies on getting to Level S5 asap and he has difficulty doing it when he's up against an aggressive deck, for example. All decks can have a certain level of weakness to aggro, it's just some can deal with it better than others etc. Card advantage isn't too much of an issue, especially if you're getting hit a lot because you're slow to start off and especially if you don't give your opponent cards to work with either. You don't need to crit at all that much, but you'll probably need to evade. And Fliers make great bond fodder most of the time, which you should be running. Chrom has a lot of potential to be seen. It'll be great.
  5. I talk about Competitive Decklists often, but lack of decklists (or anything interesting nowadays) has run this decklist thread dry. Let's talk about possible Meta Options instead. The Fire Emblem Cipher stream recently revealed a few new cards - so when Series 8 hits shelves in Japan (March 17th), we may see Chrom finally spring back into action. https://serenesforest.net/wiki/index.php/Chrom_(Cipher) (And no, not the Risen Chrom. That is more than likely going to be a deck that isn't going to work out well.) EDIT: A few hours after I wrote this, the Chrom card gets revealed on the Cipher Twitter. Oops.
  6. ...You mean... 3 Chrom cards? The HN will be the 1 Cost Chrom, and then 2 SR Chroms. Grima hype train though.
  7. Hector can deal with Takumi very easily, if we're talking about counters.
  8. Game blesses me with Takumi 5*, Lyn 5* and Caeda 5* all from the same summoning. Still don't have Lucina though... :(
  9. Everyone's getting nothing from the tower today - It seems theres a specific order in what day drops what material kind, and the weekend had Random ones, and today we have... well... nothing. It'll cycle through all the badges again though most likely.
  10. If you deploy something worth out of it, something big - Arvis, Deirdre, Tiki5, then yes it can be worth. More control = More win. >You can also stack Eliwood with Nino, to get that X support instantly. Can't go wrong with Eliwood.
  11. As you've said, the best way to start out Cipher is to buy Starter decks and learn the game that way. You can also proxy cards by printing ones you wanna use in a deck and attempting to remember what they do until you remember off by heart without looking up a translation (which is what I do because I'm already used to it). If we're talking about specific decks, I recommend http://serenesforest.net/wiki/index.php/Starter_Deck_1:_War_of_Darkness and as you've already said: http://serenesforest.net/wiki/index.php/Starter_Deck_6:_Illusory_Revelations This deck teaches the importance of working around two colours in a Deck, and the first starter deck teaches you possibly... how to deal with an enemy that pulls or what kind of style to play it in.
  12. I think it's just that way on purpose to make R+X actually feel special to have. Note that a N card would not have a decent effect like EliwoodR (R+X) does.
  13. We had a R+X of Seliph in Series 6 We also have art of Seliph as a Junior Lord, which in no doubt is his Cost 1 Unit This card is him as a Knight Lord, and they wouldn't show off Seliph SR so early so therefore it must be the middle card I think the image had B08-052 in the link before but they changed it >tl;dr it's SeliphR
  14. I hope it's not just me, but this topic seems broken to me. I saw Kirie reply here last night and the latest reply was nekogami92. I saw LucinaOfYlisse reply just earlier and the latest reply is nekogami92 again. Or am I crazy. EDIT: Okay, posting revealed Page 57. Jesus christ :l
  15. I think Chrom also looks 'great'. But yeah I agree. Seliph looks cool.
  16. Sacred Stones will come... when it comes :l I guess... I think Gaiden will be Red again, but who knows
  17. He wants the Flora marker card - one without any skill text on it. Comiket89 exclusive.
  18. Holy moly, the posts on this thread are broken. Fix em up later. Write review for now. I've got two decks of yer favourite boy, Guzma, Roy. http://i.imgur.com/eNbSPT2.jpg - Roy Deck #1 http://i.imgur.com/wig2F5k.jpg - Roy Deck #2 I'll refer to each in order. Roy Deck #1, then #2. Starting from the top left, to right (then middle left to middle right, and bottom left to bottom right, you get the idea). Roy is basically a toolbox whose main goal is to control the game and put it in your favour with FOUR skills (all of which are helpful) and gain advantage while your opponent is down. Boy Deck #1 Boy Deck #2 The Decks are both fairly similar so I'll go over the differences. If I were to choose one of them, I would choose Boy Deck #1, basically because Roy works so well with Deirdre.
  19. Yeah a mod will get on it. Sometime. I also like Ike's Radiant Dawn card. Really accurate depiction of Ike from that game (Probably cause it's drawn by Kita Senri). I really like this artwork of Micaiah SR+, but I know people who dislike it. I still like it for what it is worth.
  20. There's an actual subforum dedicated to Cipher you know you probably should have put it in there On the topic though I do like both of Mia's Super Rare cards.
  21. The other day someone was asking about a decent Metagame deck that would be in the cheap range around 3000 yen. The problem with that is that you can't really make too much unless it's some form of aggressive / rush type deck because most Super Rares would already break the 3000 range just because you require playsets of them (this game is expensive). http://i.imgur.com/9ihSiB9.png TheVinceKnight's Budget-Effective Deck - Ranulf and Friends The best part is the deck should be valued around... nearly 2000 yen? Maybe a bit more, maybe a bit less.
  22. There hasn't been much in terms of Competitive Decks this week in Japan - due to Comiket / New Years and what not, so perhaps it's a great time to review a deck I'm trying out myself on LackeyCCG. I'll be going in order of the decklist shown, linking it to that specific character page on the Wiki and also referring to the cards being used by their Card Code number (the number that notifies what Series the card is from). This will be followed by the amount of cards to use for that specific character. http://i.imgur.com/NkebzQO.png TheVinceKnight's Ninja Crit Spam Deck - featuring Kagero
  23. You're definitely right - I should have figured out that multiple names are used for certain characters because they aren't officially localised, instead of flat out just putting out what I remember her being. I also should have made a note towards said Wiki which are going by Project Naga (so I can refer to whom I'm talking about) - not that I will agree that Project Naga is correct or incorrect (because honestly at the end of the day it's just a name, as long as you remember who it is it's fine, well - at least in my view). I was a bit aggressive there in terms of the name discussion thing there too - I just don't want the thread to become a name discussion topic is all. And also, about the latest deck entries, all three decks are ones I've previously talked about, so there isn't too much to discuss that is new or what not. Well, at least I thought a simple sentence would have been fine. Most strategies almost end up being the same - and people should be able to recognise cards if they've already seen them / have extensive knowledge of the game. I do admit though I have been lazy otherwise with the latest few entries. Might have to step it up a bit. Maybe be a bit more descriptive or something.
  24. Keep the name discussions out, this is supposed to be discussing strategy and deck building. Yes, most decks seem to run a decent amount of fliers. Two fliers out at the same time isn't bad, and Mahnya3 is more of a late-game option as if you pull their Main Character towards you, most of the time its because they ran away from you and you can win the game off it.
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