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Everything posted by TheVinceKnight

  1. Lucina had the box Cover in Set 4 as well right? ...you could say this is where Chrom... makes his Chromback...
  2. http://bookofholsety.dreamwidth.org/24839.html Not a typo here kek. It's not intended to be the name of the card no, but we're going for what would be more predicted to be localisation. We can't tell who the artist is for a bit, not without a clearer picture (for Erin at least). Looking forward to Elise / Leo / Camilla, if Xander can be this good I mean the others should be just as good too right.
  3. Yes, but the argument for Project Naga is that Fury is not a name. Dunno why Erin though. The Wiki will choose to roll with what sounds better, which is Erin by the way.
  4. I'm pretty sure Chrom will return as the mascot. We'll probably get alternate classes of a majority of characters as well as characters we haven't seen yet. We don't have to have a WHOLE pack of new characters, but only like... 10-20 cards new, for example. It's pretty obvious what we should get from Gen II of Genealogy though let's be honest.
  5. No, they're only available to be re-watched on niconico after the stream finishes. I think you need a premium account for that. I'm pretty sure there will be enough people to force kicking people out as well, so I guess it depends if you're lucky or not.
  6. There is potential, but might need to see more Yellow cards first. Cordelia isn't bad I mean. But it still doesn't accomplish that much.
  7. I think it's B06-052. Which is standard, because B06-051, is going to be his SR. I don't recall Hans having two sketches, wasn't one a small sketch and the other the near finished product?
  8. Well... he looks excited. For the stream happening tomorrow ayeee. Well, I knew he would be getting a R when someone convinced me about it the other day. Makes you wonder what's after 92 though huh.
  9. I'm thinking more along the lines of Sophie and Silas getting White, and Kaze and Midori getting Black. Also would be neat to see a Crimson card, or Shura. They've gotta put new characters in somewhere, so don't be surprised if any children don't get 2 cards each.
  10. Well... if you hype it up too much, be careful not to hype it up too much or you'll be even more disappointed when FE Mobile actually comes out. I bet my phone can't even handle it. Durp.
  11. I don't think that's how it works lel Well, Maria from series 1 mentioned Michalis, and that came in place during Series 4. They probably do plan ahead quite a bit.
  12. He'll probably get one when he is more important, in Gen II or Thracia kek. That's because he did of course.
  13. You can't get 16 Rs in a booster box when the SR replaces the Rare and there's only 16 packs per box. :P So therefore, Series 1 - 4 Booster Box -> A non SR+ box -> 11 Rs, 4 SRs, 1 R+. A SR+ Box -> 12 Rs, 3 SRs, 1 SR+ Series 5 onwards -> non SR+ Box -> the same as a non SR+ box from Series 1 -> 4. SR+ Box Series 5 onwards -> 11 Rs, 4 SRs, 1 SR+. You definitely will at least get 4 SRs a box, and 11 Rares per box now. The last deciding 'rare' is the R+ / SR+. HN Ratios are 3 HNs per box now as well, as Kirie said.
  14. Hello there. Welcome to our little small, but... warm community I suppose. http://serenesforest.net/wiki/index.php/Fire_Emblem_TCG We have a dedicated Wiki that helps with card translations so you don't have to do any - its as easy as playing the game and remembering the card skills yourself (I do that to remember). Starter Decks are easy to fill gaps in, but you won't get too many spectacular things. Boxes at least grant you a few Super Rares to fill up your collection, and 1 box can easily fill one up compared to an ST. http://serenesforest.net/wiki/index.php/Tiki_(Cipher) There can be a deck made full of the Laguz, but it's mainly just Ranulf right now.
  15. I feel remaking Gaiden would give me an actual excuse to play it (I really should play this game though). I'd be all up for Binding Blade / Rekka no Ken though, there's a lot of things they could tweak to make it wonderful. Based on the remake reputation though, I feel that people wouldn't like it for similar reasons from Shadow Dragon / New Mystery (I am talking about the GBA games though and I do love them). Although, I didn't mind New Mystery. Felt good enough.
  16. If you level up a Fang unit and that card has a promotion cost, you can draw a card (in this case, only Black / White Fang units have the promo cost). That is correct.
  17. Damn, the level of swag right now. I don't like FE4 as much as I should, but damn he's cool.
  18. I feel like we'll get a Thracia 776 Expansion before a Gen 2 expansion. It has been 3 sets since Red / Blue, so I wouldn't be surprised if one of them was announced as part of Series 8.
  19. Only units currently on the field when the Skill is activated. It's usually unlikely any units will get deployed anyway, but Rally skills would be a little better I suppose, but not by that much of a margin.
  20. Best of luck to whoever got their fair share of merch, I've already paid for the merch that I wanted online myself. Be thankful that there's someone who's kind enough to do something like this at the very least, I gave in to the price overhaul myself.
  21. Pretty much this. I know Dual Strike wasn't balanced as all heck and Days of Ruin was a completely different throw off, but if they ever returned to the Dual Strike story, while retaining some of the mechanics from Days of Ruin, I'd be up for it. The map editor is still amazing to this very day, and I love going back to Advance Wars and playing my own maps.
  22. I'd say Soul Calibur. It's the one other fighting game that I've mostly played besides Smash. I ain't that big on fighting games though I suppose. Always end up being a scrub at them, so what do I know I would rather see a Fire Emblem Warriors game, but that's for another time
  23. Well to be fair, I suppose it is supposed to be a 'recollection', so maybe they wanted to focus on important details they wanted to include specifically (where 80% of the cast in this case didn't matter as much as the ones they gave us). Plus, there's always Vol 2. Can I request for Jill / Haar Character Profiles to be translated by any chance?
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