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Everything posted by TheVinceKnight

  1. I like the art, it's not horrible. But it's not great either heh. I prefer Mia SR's art (the Series 5 one).
  2. Yeah probably no Hero Ike this series. Unless they make him a guide promo or something. Or some sort of promo, probably not happening.
  3. By next Saturday we should have an entire list of the set so technically it'd be 100%. :p
  4. Well it's either twitter or on stream eh. Let's hope Twitter.
  5. They announced that every R+ and SR+ would have different art though. I gladly welcome Swagmasters though.
  6. Let's expect Micaiah sometime this week. Cheerios. ROY'S OUR BOI
  7. 6(4) you mean. Promo cost of 4 heh. Card is pretty ridiculous too.
  8. The thing is though not everything has raw art without text so its gonna be difficult to do everything :V
  9. EDIT: Oops posted already lol. ...ANOTHER SWORDMASTER SR? I mean... Rutger.
  10. Confirmed Lance, Allen, Bors, Marcus, Lot and Wade in the ST.
  11. I think the card art is amazing. The Card itself isn't bad either effect-wise.
  12. I'd probably go insane too if my position was being outed after failing so much. Especially when it's being given to a foreign scrub like Gale.
  13. Definitely Not Narcian. By Yamada Kotarou. The guy who did the FE6 Manga hue.
  14. I was joking you may keep your Emma / Yuzu / Shades. I've got enough of them.
  15. If I ended up with a liquorice stick I probably would be surprised as well. I will gladly send you a PM if you will send all of them to Australia for free hue :V The thing is they want to promote this little corner they made up on the website: Emma / Shade and Yuzu Corner or something like that.... Live from the frontlines of Cipher or something like that. Maybe Japan likes exclusive 'mascot' like characters? It's not like we've gotten any decent cards from these characters either heh.
  16. Support Skills activate before your unit fully completes the battle. Declare Attack -> Support -> Choose to activate Support skill or not -> Proceed with the result If you choose to add a card into the bond area from your hand with Kana's effect, then if Gunter successfully defeats an enemy, you can use Elise's ability because you now have the face-up bonds required to activate said skill.
  17. It's not like Shade / Emma / Yuzu are replacing anything. They're just putting these characters in to promote Cipher as exclusives from the card game. 'Blah blah blah Shade / Emma / Yuzu replaced X character so this character didn't get a card' It's Intelligent Systems let them make their own card game, we'll get all the characters one way all another.
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