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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. >reset due to Dean getting RNG'D >Faye evades Swordmaster Boss >Laido's and Adepts him Nice XD
  2. ...yet although i don't think any enemy has it. Although some late game bosses were definetly Kaga. Especially Blue Lions final Map is Kaga certified by Mekka himself XD
  3. oh god, don't remind me. Assassins in 3H were super annoying.
  4. i need to rehire him one time then so he appears there XD dw 😉 Swordmasters.Boss xD
  5. YES MY 4x BATTLECRY HIT HIM WITH 68 HIT xD *swordmaster evil Even non-Kaga FE pull that shit with Swordmasters xD Sometimes they go full force and give em Vantage + Astra, just because XD Thanks for the info! So i need to deploy Esteban in 4 more side quests and Sherpa 1 main quest, right? yeah i can see that^^ I know, was just testing the hitrates and stuff xD
  6. btw @Benice did you miss my ''happiness points'' question? xD
  7. Here's the thing. Since it's a sidequest and it looked easy enough, only Dean is there from my stronger units XD Also my Arthur isn't that good. I use him from time to time, but i already have enough sword users xD Might drop Faye for him though lol.
  8. Thankfully. But yeah, modern copyright law is complete and utter bs. But that's how it is when you work for a company. Most of your work will belong to them, not to you, sadly
  9. I mean, trying to continue a story set in the same universe is much more than ''look similiar to mine''. Yeah, IS and Ninty pulled alot of bullshit, i give you that.
  10. Yeah, durability alone isn't enough to sour me on the game, especially when the game is mostly a blast so far. There's a certain bullshit/fun ratio where i say enough is enough, and in case of Berwick Saga i would say it's 2:8 bullshit:fun ratio so far. FE5 for example was 3:7, due to alot of Bullshit and surprises, even with a spoilerless guide, yet i still love the game XD Parry and Iaido come to mind, as well
  11. Wasting time and restarting due to pure luck, especially when the odds were in your side is and the game doesn't give you the ability to make 100% is annoying and bs to alot of people. Alot of people find it fine, too, but i am not one of them, and don't think it adds anything to the challenge. Just annoyances. If it was up to me i would nerf the hell out of crits for everyone except for crit based classes, too xD Hit rates are enough rng.
  12. Which is the right thing, because he didn't hold the copyrights to FE. Yeah copyright law is bs and all, but as smart as Kaga is, he really should've gotten a lawyer during TRS development. Thanks for the tip! oof. That might be hard. One point of happiness = side quest deployment? And Main deployment = 2? ...look up Vestaria Saga's final map xD
  13. that one didn'T go through in courts though iirc.
  14. Huh Ok! thanks for the tip. So i have to employ him for ch6 now xD, because i am doing ch5 side quests atm. Is it another cryptic Kaga thing XD Also you said i need Esteban for ch6, too, right?
  15. The Lawsuit was a big oof. Tbf though, he really should've consulted a lawyer or something when he created a new development team. The name ''Emblem Saga'' was just asking for a lawsuit
  16. more like blessed Czene has muscles XD yup. Missing a 98 and a 82 right after almost had me ragequitting for the night. It wasn't that decisive and in the end i didn't need to reset thanks to them, but it was still super annoying. I know to kaga fans this is probably heresy, but i want a 2RN patch xD And thank god i didn't hire any of the 'stronger'/more expensive Mercs. I need money XD
  17. TFW you try to disarm the boss to capture him but this happens instead L O L O L I will take it told you all Czene unironically good Map was quite cool but this is probably the most i've been pissed of at RNG in Fire Emblem, ngl
  18. Erec isn't the problem. It's the fact that if i had a good combat unit instead of christine, life would've been so so much easier atm
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