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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. F Although that isn't that rare. Around 75 or so is when misses become common in 2RN I mean Eirika isn't exactly known for having good growths xD
  2. Ngl i am starting to think the rng in this game is bugged or something I mean >missing an 87 >getting hit by a 12 and 30 right after really now?
  3. >Ike shipping thread Oh no. Oh no no no no no. enjoy! You either change your mind or start to hate it more xD
  4. Cold Steel is the very last Fire Emblem needs to learn from. I prefer more RD or echoes like with split armies and lords
  5. Yeah i heard. But dunno how to do it tbh since you needs kills to get exp and well, she can't kill anything xD Atleast Faye has speed and can wield stronger weapons For me i was already preparing my retreat since turn 16 or so, since i had already cleared the map... then reinforcements, some with sidequests, started appearing, and i knew where shield guy would come from (who then came on Turn 19. No unit can go from there to escape point fast enough), but i just didn't see anyway to do it fast enough in a terrain map like this. Only Larentia could do it, and she needs some major RNG (aka hit 2 times without missing and never get hit by more than 2 attacks, in a group that has 2 Archers and a dark mage), so yeah.... The closest i came to was on which after i just decided to forget about the sidequest. Atleast the Axe guys appear near escape point, which is much more understandable. FE terrain maps in a nutshell xD
  6. FE1 is the start of the series so it gets a pass. FE11 on the other hand... Let's just say i don't think remakes should be faithful
  7. And i blame FE6 and it starting the support system for this I will just qoute someone from reddit here
  8. True haha. It's just i was fighting the boss when that scary thing appeared so i was panicing for a bit. That and i was scared of some cryptic Kaga striking again xD It's really fun so far, and time goes by like a fly. Maps are engaging, despite taking a long time. After FE4 i didn't expect Kaga to do long maps right (my opinion of FE4 gameplay is: 90% zzz walking around). I also love how the gameplay is based more around skills and stuff, even if i wish growths mattered a bit more since i don't see the point for using someone like Ruby for example if i was not get any good stats. PRFs might help, but only as long as they last. Kaga perfected growth units with Sara in FE5 tbh. Just the capturing and weapon durability mechanics are really a big question mark. An iron spear i just bought breaking a few turns in was a bruh moment. Capturing shouldn't be really left to rng. Like if capturing wasn't rng, i would've been able to capture one imperial guy with old shld and not wait for turn 19 one. I think it comes with my mindset that players should be rewarded for playing fast, and not the other way around. Most of FE is like that as well. So everytime in FE5 i had to wait a couple turns for rewards to appear after i cleared everything and only had to seize, i was quite a bit annoyed. Ngl it wouldn't have been so bad if it wasn't a terrain map. Terrain where ward and Reese walk extra slowly, and anyone but 'new scary thing' wouldn't have made it back to escape point fast enough from there.
  9. 7 hours could give you a feeling of the game But nothing in depth about the characters Then they wouldn't be gambit attacks but shadow dragon nameless peeps. Dunno about you, but i am not a fan of that. The only playable generics in FE should be like the ones in that FE5 escape mechanic It will just add units to the bench.
  10. Tutturu, Draggy! @Benice For Ch4 sidequests i can do em in any order, or do i have to do them in a certain order?
  11. I am not exactly LTC'ing, but i do like to play *somehow* efficient. except if there's an Arena
  12. dude i have 30k let him have the money xD Tbh, and this is shared with FE5 and one of my main complaints with it: Rewards should arrive early. I didn't kill the boss on Turn 14 for rewards to arrive later. In FE5 if you played efficiently you could miss scrolls and skills. Seems this game will have the same problem *sigh*
  13. It didn't somewhere else yet it offered me to escape with all when i routed the map it didn't have a turn limit though, tbf
  14. this is actually frustrating And i was actually enjoying the map, too but the last bit is reeeeee
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