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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. It's more that Nasuverse wide what i've just seen is way too Omega broken, spectacle/power wise. And it's not stopping And while the narrative does deviate from the original quite a bit, it's not a total deviation. It also makes me wonder what he is cooking for the 2nd half - he's defo planning something
  2. Ciel is super omega fucking broken what the fuck Mushroom. I love it. No, seriously, what is this level of brokenness. I can't believe what i just saw...and i love it
  3. And thus the perfect being becomes human. ... Ya know, as much as this hurts after the first route Is this how Saber fans felt during HF? I actually quite like this? Usually, becoming human is something that 99.9% of the time is seen as positive, as the pinnacle & climax of the story. Rarely, if ever, is becoming more human seen as something...not good. "i am more human than you, now" she told the actual/former human. Yet, becoming human was her downfall. feelings are a fickle thing
  4. Nasu really turned her into one of the strongest monsters of monsters out there
  5. Nasu really has a thing for Archers doesn't he? I am not complaining, but it does happen quite often xD
  6. anything special, or just a name for vampires like us? xD
  7. Tbh it's sometimes scary to read Tsukihime at night lmao better than normal Insomnia which i have 24/7
  8. what the fuck O.o Tbf, she's the avatar of Planet - but... Ok, not today Joke have the deepest lore, or something
  9. Yes you damn cat but... >Nasu >Everyone happy Such a thing exists? hmmm you know what you are right it's 230, i have work in ~6hours. I thought we weren't Fate'ing? But color me excited, Ciel route has been top tier so far
  10. Nasu really woke up and decided to make one of those Dark Sakura bad endings again @Venger_06 no, really, i wouldn't be worried at all -------------------------------------------------------- The old mushroom still got it. :))))
  11. Ah, all well that ends we- *remembers open plot points* *Remembers that there're still 3 in game days remaining* Well, the suffering still has to happen, ig. Also if my memories don't fail me one the OG normal end got turned into a bad end here
  12. If it's even there/will happen - the situation atm is quite a bit different from the OG
  13. Umm, Arc, this is not your route ...true... Should i switch back xD Wouldn't be a chuunige without a coolringe monologue lmao ---------------------- The machines learns emotions, and so.. becomes human... but to be human is not only to love, but also to hate But what does it mean for a perfect being - the embodiment of the Planet, to become human? The city is doomed Arc needs a math class
  14. Wraith's Waifu They trying to bait Ruben eh
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