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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. It's the Men of Culture Club >blue Hair Of course FE fans would go for her
  2. Honestly, i don't think i ever liked the ''main'' option in those cases lmao.
  3. Don'T you love it when games do that Choice, BUT.... This girl is totally the one you should no choose. Don't ask, just choose her
  4. First Reaction: Hype! Those are usually good in jrpgs! F
  5. Oh no! We lost Draggy to the power of cookies! Gotta get him back to Tutturu side!
  6. .... .................... ................................ Kaga why to wait to listen ingame or to do now hmmmmm Them poses xD
  7. ... Trying to finish any paperwork in these times is impossible....
  8. Future connected convinced me of the following: -Monado is Xenoblade's weak point. I am enjoying Shulk so much more without Monado/Vision ™️ -I do miss visions gameplay wise, though. Pretty hard to use appropiate arts at the right moments without it -You can actually have fun sidequests in this game. -Quiet Moments >>>>>>>>> Hth. No Bullshit requirements, and Voiced! -Exploring in Future connected is actually more fun than main game. Probably because it doesn't feel as empty? Relatively more Landmarks, as well -Melia shouldn't have been shafted that hard after Sword Valley in main game. Why did they add her crush on Shulk anyway? -Battle theme super fit for the exploration -Spike still sucks xD -I miss my Agility builds xD -Dunno what to think about Mario & Luigi pon attack replacing chain attacks hmmm -I would totally play a game of just Shulk & Melia exploring lmao. Am i not doing that atm?
  9. so finished reading HtHs... sure is a good idea to put 95% of character interaction behind something that's very hard & annoying to unlock. Sure the HtHs won't make them my fav. characrer or anything, but atleast i wouldn't remember the cast as rather weak if they easy to unlock... sounds good! I noticed from the Video, but it seems XB2 has more variety in races. I hope the game does explore that theme a bit
  10. And no annoying requirements, right? Also i see british accent is a series tradition xD
  11. So i've neen reading through the heart to hearts... 1-shouldn't have been so hard to unlock 2-should've involved more characters instead of just 2
  12. I think i will take a look at the Xenoblade pixiv tage after i finish FC
  13. Let me take a guess: you aren't logged in to pixiv when you visit it? Because if you are, it translates the tags for you
  14. https://www.pixiv.net/en/tags/アーナス/artworks her pixiv tag
  15. You I like you no I LOVE YOU Bestelle is bestest of best girls my fav. fictional character, my fav. MC ever Edit: And you didn't even get to SC yet 😄
  16. Honestly, after 3H release it wasn't that bad... Until the events of the last few weeks, but that's already calming down, thankfully
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