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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. actually, the reason why Saber remembers the past Grail wars isn't because of botched summoning, but because she's still alive and made a deal with Alaya, and not a spirit in the Throne of Heroes.
  2. it is implied that Servants summoned in Extraverse (and Grandorder) remember their grail wars... Is kinda a retcon, but at the same time, eh, not the biggest or worst one (most of those are related to our dear Saber lol)
  3. don't try to understand the mushroom just accept him xD
  4. Although iirc Extra Archer has a different Backstory than F/SN's one @Caster Can you de/confirm this?
  5. Fun fact: Archer comes from a version of Saber route where he couldn't save Saber.
  6. diffrence betwee sales and no sales Humble bundle is also not counted here, which means i paid even less money
  7. I think only PC games i ever paid full/release price for were Trails games and VC4
  8. I bought each nep game for like 3 €. Gotta love steam sales. Not just nep, either, but alot of games i got for very cheap
  9. You already landed in 2 Bad ends Extra route bad end: CCC english never Prisma route bad end: Eternal wait
  10. Are we talking FSN bad ends interesting here? xD
  11. I would take Fates over FE7 anyday. Atleast Fates has amazing gameplay in Conquest. FE7 has nothing enjoyable imo
  12. npnp <-doesn't know really anything about Rani except how she looks like
  13. For me, this forum helped me getting into Xenoblade and Atelier (kinda), haha.
  14. If i have to say though my ''holy trininty'' of games would be Ys, Fire Emblem and Neptunia atm
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