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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. best thing to come out of Action U tbh Happy Caster noises
  2. What matters to me personally is how the characters act more than how they look. Idc if they look 12 or 120. Something like Camilla though should not be in a game about war.
  3. 1. The game takes it's time until it really gets going. Instead it uses it's time to setup the world and develop it's characters 2. Talk to everyone. Every single last one of them 3. Check the bracer notebook for gameplay help. The Quartz systen can be a bit confusing at first, but it's all explained there (you can also ask us ;))
  4. Have fun & enjoy the best MC in existence (no bias)
  5. that's pretty specific yeah still, thanks for the notice^^
  6. Man, the fe subreddit has been extra bad lately. Maybe i should just leave it for a while... O.o Did the arts just get deleted...
  7. I wonder how far my brother is....... He told me he is lvl14, and so am i. Did he finish ch2 as well? hmmmmm
  8. Then maybe they shouldn't topple until i break xD
  9. ...I hope so, because from what i saw so far i don't have much faith in Ai... Don't let me wait 2 minutes to topple, damn it. umu O: I guess that will be something introduced later Can i copy save files between profiles?
  10. Thanks^^ So i just finished Ch1. I am quite enjoying it, tbh. Gameplay seems quite fun, too. And let's where they will go with the Story... Why can't i switch controlled character during fights tho... And why are there only 3 save slot? Edit: wew boy Ch2. Did not expect that
  11. Come back soon! Well, i don't speak japanese, so i had to label them somehow so i can remember and recognize them xD 👍 Hmm. I might give it a try some day since i wanted alot of these changes. I want WaifuTera instead of daughTera back though For all kind of fetishes xD
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