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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. Every input had some kinda delay in it that really got to me. Compared to how smooth FE games are... I guess clunky would be a more appropiate term? And iirc i played like 6 maps or something like that. Quite a few years ago though
  2. Tried it, was way too janky for some reason. Dunno if it's the emulator or the game it self. The few maps i played were also the big empty kind... I am playing some FE hacks and fangames (Vision Quest, Inheritance and Broken Legacy) atm when it comes to FE (-like) stuff. I also want to check out more jp srpg studio games to see if there are some other good unique ones. That, and i will start XBDE today...
  3. And finished the current avaialble maps of Yggdrasil. 12 Maps. That was really fun, especially with it's extreme Player Phase focus. And i can't wait to see more. If i could speak japanese i would've even left a review on the download page. Sadly. i don't... Party members i used: 95 Turns - A Rank yay! The gimmicks were mostly pretty cool and the player is given the tools to work around them. Like enemy archers had sometimes an interception skill, where they auto attack any flier that enters their range. Bosses came with cool gimmicks as well (example: A boss with -1 max HP every turn for every player unit. Or a boss with -1 durability on player weapons every turn, Or a Boss that moved on your turn when you attacked him, etc.) to make the player act fast without being swarmed by reinforcements. There were also other incentives to act fast, mainly capturing enemy reinforcement spawns, as those give you gold and 100EXP to the unit that did the capturing if you were fast enough. Although later on some of the gimmicks were a little bit annoying, like Enemy units that could only be damaged if you have Weapon Triangle advantage over them, but it wasn't that bad. In the grand scheme of things, the gimmicks worked really really well. And while all maps were defeat Boss, you couldn't really cheese them because they usually had +Def/Res equal to enemy units on the map, so you had to do other stuff first. It did kinda turn almost every map into a rout without it technically being a route, but i honestly didn't mind. It worked well. Tl;dr: Cool Gimmicks Extreme Player Phase Focus Morale system Solid Maps Variety of Tile effects Almost every player unit is useful Cool, unique Boss fights Side objectives almost every map Amazing Ost and pretty cool art. I want more Even if you don't speak japanese, i honestly recommend you check it out (Link). Basic FE knowledge + Google tl for skills should be enough.
  4. npnp. Be sure to be better with it than i am, as i am a total scrub with it xD
  5. Fair. Fair. The games aren't for everyone. Even though the Sky Trilogy is my fav. of all time with the most awesome MC of all time. Gimp
  6. You don't really have to, considering the images aren't mine. I just mixed them together 😉
  7. Might i suggest some other Titlyu Tailtiu images? https://imgur.com/a/OlAbR68 I have more Tinny stuff for some reason
  8. This most be some kind of a legendary level up. If only she got defense as well, it would've been really legendary
  9. ...since i don't know this girls except for Tamamo, can you send me some pics? nah, dw. It's true that i will be starting XB anytime soon though.
  10. Gimme the pics Or the ideas Fast beforw i start XBDE and you never see me again Tutturu!
  11. Random encounters also screw with the balance. Usually, With on screen enemies when you fight everyone once, you should be set for the story. With Random encounters you might be overlvld, underlvld, etc. tbf, that's one the player then
  12. Not every game has guaranteed escape (only minority of games have that) Animation and loading.
  13. Random encounters just ruin the pace and force me into battles i don't want to part of of. Even if the battle system is fun, sometimes i don't want to battle (especially when backtracking). That and i like to know what i am getting into I mean that's a pretty legit reason to drop a game tbh
  14. in terms of perviness as well, if you remember that one scene in Nep2
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