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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. I just tested it and it works! Thanks again^^ I shall await the minimug version, since it does help quite a bit haha. 👍 I will be posting my thoughts again after i finish the hack or something that really gets my attention happens (wether good or bad). I am enjoying it quite a bit though, or i wouldn't have played that much xD I am especially enjoying all the unique stuff you are doing with it and the gimmicks some maps bring. I would suggest you cool it down with the memes though, but i will go in detail about that later.
  2. yeah, i defeated all of those already in the main game. I just want to finish that lvl100 battle vs. Arthur and Vert tbh, and my party is still lvl70 xD
  3. Thanks! (Task looks super daunting though xD)
  4. Hmmmmmm FEE3 huh. Maybe i should try and make my map idea a reality, after all... but too much work dunno it's tempting but
  5. not enough for 12 Characters, nope xD that would be dope, since currently only like 2 members have it equipped xD
  6. VBA-M Here (Chapter save + suspend save at end of turn 2 before Ernest moves. ) I hope i am not bothering you all too much with this, and thanks in advance^^
  7. So dunno if i misunderstood her words here, but it seemed to imply that everyone will be able to act again, right? If so, then i think it's bugged because after Ernest ends his turn (after everyone else, like she said) it switches automatically to enemy phase and my units don't ''get to act twice'' as she said. Or maybe i am misunderstanding something here? Also, a text (?) bug, i think
  8. i just started MegaNep for the first time in a big ass while to distract myself from all the negativity going on atm... I want a new nep game... IF give us new Nep game pls. BTW draggy, do you know where i can get learning chips and more discs? Need them so i can train tha ladies in the background and Fish-kun.
  9. At first i laughed... Now i am sad :/ Subject F, the agent of Chaos
  10. almost all of them xD the one Trails you didn't get is Kevin/Ries XD (and some might argue this is even non-romantic hehe)
  11. this was honestly kinda hard to do because most of my fav. ship are non-canon or unfullfilled, so i tried to go only with fullfilled ones xD
  12. hmmm i wam wondering if i should do a 3x3 of my fav. ships
  13. According to mom, dad stopped drinking booze when they got me. I still remember him drinking alcohol free beer alot though, and i myself enjoy it from time to time (or used to enjoy it before my illness).
  14. true, and i'm with you there. accusation =/= proof, after all.
  15. Damn it now there's a scandal in the fe community as well...
  16. No. There are 2 FPs. Each one costs 25€ and has 5 Characters, and only first FP is complete atm
  17. Nah, it's no problem. I was planning to promote the guy anyway since he is one of my strongest peeps and he hit lvl20. The only thing that changed is me deciding to use wind instead of thunder with him
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