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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. more cool gimmicks This Archer over here has basically Attack Stance as personal ability, aslong as Morale lvl is 2 or higher. Couple that with 2-5 Range Long bows (or 2-3 Range normal bows) and it's very useful especially against a boss who had a block 7 attacks during battle ability, so i had to Archer-san with the triple brave lance i have
  2. I am pretty sure they are random, since there are growth altering items. I gave Lord-kun a +Def growth item and Lord-chan a Res/Lck growth item, hence why they got +2 in these stats i guess. That should mean they have now 100%+ growth in these stats hmm. I just got a Spd growth item in that map, i wonder who i shall gave it to.... And for some reason my Light Mage has more Str than Mag lol
  3. It's kinda funny i am enjoying that map because i hated every Kishuna map. Every single last one of them. Then again those maps were revelations tier gimmicky and not fun at all imo Ikr. At first i was like Oh shit boat map. Then oh shit Kishuna 2.0 Oh shit reinfrocements spawning. Oh Shit my strongest unit (Flier) is now stuck in it's place. But it was actually pretty fun figuring out how to deal with the situation. Thank god i gave my some of my units Lvl2 Potions which they heavily needed. And Lord-kun got +2 Def ayy
  4. >+2 Luck/+2 Res And Str get, too. Nice 😄 And yes, that's 2 hit against her. Thanks lvl4 Morale and +40 Avoid ayy. Boat map is actually more fun then expected. Maybe it's because there are no endless swarms of units, maybe because i could stop enemy reinforcements by reaching the reinforcements points and shutting them down. And while the gimmicks appeared annyoing at first (Magic seal map wide, Arrow Seal map wide and Flier stoppage map wide), those things affect the enemies as well (even the bosses!) so i had a chance to fight even though half my units were sitting ducks. And killing 2 of the bosses removes the seal effects anyway, after my sword users cleaned enemy magic and arrow users :sip:
  5. Wouldn't be a FE like game without a boat map... Oh god. Please don't tell me there's a desert map later Let's see how this boat map will play out...
  6. I think they don't like to rely on people as to not feel too old? Also to not feel as a burden, i guess?
  7. 👍 It's a free japanese game. I don't think that will ever happen haha. yeah. The ''II'' refers to Sword lvl. You can upgrade your weapon/item level by paying money (since there's no item shopping anyway) That's your plain old rapier, if my google Fu is right xD
  8. I didn't mean it like that though xD So trueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. ''you need anything?'' ''nah am good'' *few hours later* ''oh i was just shopping'' 🤦‍♂️ I said it before, and i say it again: So much more can be done with FE. Thankfully, FE16 was a step in the right direction when it comes to mechaincs. Hopefully they build upon that... Although, they might scare more traditional FE fans away who prefer everything simple. I wish i understood the Story tbh xD. My google-fu is not strong enough for that, and trying to text hook was a messy affair xD Since you mentioned the lord though, my main complaint about that game is that both lords are Sword lords... Atleast Male MC get's a cool Nosferatu Sword as his prf. Fem MC is stuck with an old rapier, sadly... But in the grand scheme of things, that's a very minor complaint xD
  9. While true, age also matters. It really annoys me everytime i find my granduncle carrying heavy bag on the street because he didn't give me a call to go to him (i just need 20 min. with S-Bahn). Or when he needs something instead of calling help he does it himself and ends being hurt (which more times than not leads to me calling ambulance...) The map i am currently in has one side with very scary enemies... But, if you clear the brige on the other side, you get access to 2 tiles that increase your magic range by 8 (and mag stat itself by 6), which should allow me to clear that scary side pretty easily... however, on a 3rd side there is an archer with 10 range, that i can hopefully rush with my flier to take out (by using assault i would sacrifice def and res for a turn, but get basically +7 mov) then rescue her out with my staffer. Not to mention my flier has perfect avoid after defeating an enemy... The map before it had a boss that reduced my Max HP of all units by 1 every turn, so i had to act faaaaaast. It's some cool stuff ngl Also having a witch is always a plus. A witch with a 3 Range prf tome <3, but reduced inventory space. I never say no to witches
  10. A japanese SRPG studio game, Yggdrasill https://www.freem.ne.jp/win/game/22967 I will just qoute what i said earlier today about it 😉 I've been mostly using google tl and my FE knowledge to go by, but i am honestly really enjoying it. It has some pretty neat ideas and gimmicks that aren't actually annoying, but instead have to work around. Not to mention same turn reinforcements that actually seem kinda fair? xD Yeah. I wish old people would be less stubborn sometimes.
  11. this fucking guy Auto-intercepts anyone who comes in his range and attacks them. He also has a 3 range spear lul. Ya know, something like this might actually make Armos useful in FE. Do take care of her and yourself, and be careful! I have my own experience with my granduncle. It's especially worrisome when they are stubborn (like my granduncle is) and never ask for help, so you always have to worry wether they are ok or not...
  12. They are Reinforcement points for the enemy. I capture them i stop reinforcements and get exp and gold if i capture them fast enough. Like in this map i have 5 more turns to get the exp and 8 more turns to get the gold. The game does have Same turn reinforcements btw, BUT, and this is very important, it warns you a turn before they spawn with a big exclamation mark on where they will spawn
  13. The most important item of the bunch, as she drops it, and weapon regen durability every map in this game (since durability is super low in general (max 10) and you can't buy anything. Money is used for making weapons stronger, and that's it). Having a one use rescue every map is super good
  14. my brother already started XBDE and i am now controllerless for a bit xD meanwhile i am fighting this scary thing Her Atk/Mag/Def/Res are equal to the number of enemy units on the field. And if google tl'd the skills right, she can counter no matter the range. And her tome is a brave tome hehe Waifu Yandere Nemesis? Cool gimmick though^^ And there's a 13 range archer on enemy side... Don't you love it when your light mage get's strength? >Boss reduces Maximum HP of all of my units by 1 every turn Oh shit OH SHIT
  15. buy them used 😉 that's what i did when i had my 2ds anyway
  16. Thanks 😄 will either start it a bit later today or tomorrow
  17. thanks^^ especially falling from stairs down to the pit. Always a classic
  18. I am buying XBDE atm 😄 Time to join the club! (And my brother wants ro play it as well heh) Edit: got astrwl chain as well
  19. My problem isn't knockback itself, but knockback + super jankiness + 3 Lives + insta death pit (even if you can go down the screen with stairs lol) = nope nope This ;)
  20. i guess? xD It also feels the most final-bossy, so to say. so yesterday everyone's random Shrimp decided to go and try some japanese SRPG studio titles (and tried to use a texthooker to tl, but that was a disaster) First one i tried, called Yggdrasill, had the following: - Morale system. You get Hit/Avo/Crit bonus the better you do on player phase - Weapon durability that regen every map, but have low durability instead (imagine 3H magic but on all weapons instead) - 2-3 range bows - 3H like danger lines - Unit based skills instead of class based - an assault system where unis who didn't attack can move again in exchange for stats. It's also somehow tied to the morale system, but can't figure out how yet xD One of my main problems with english srpg studio fangames is how they try to copy FE 1:1 most of the time, so i decided to check and see some jp ones. First one already lookin pretty cool (not using standard srpg studio art or assets, or gba ones for that matter, helps quite a bit in making the game more appealing) Also early pegasi get's such a good skill. 100% evade next attack after defeating a unit. Kinda op, but i like xD
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