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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. financially, it does. Nobody except the absolute hardcore fanbase would buy those games due to how old they are/look. Especially with how it is to translate those games.
  2. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS Chika Dance 2.0 please Crossbell won'T get an official release over here. Too late for that. However jp pc version do exist
  3. ''copyrightreform will not lead to upload filters'' another one to the list If you caused this shit in the first place, you should atleast make it's a bit stable before leaving it a war infested hell zone. Trump actively allowed the genocide to happen by taking US troops out. The one who allowed the genocide to happen in the first place is no better than the one who made it. Execuse me, but: 1. i am not American 2. Context matters. Maybe if America didn't distabilize the Area in the first place you wouldn't be getting shit for not deploying troops. Also, from the point of view of a non-american, American policies pretty much go from extreme right (GOP) to centre-right (Dem). There's barely a left wing to speak off.
  4. What extremist view? If not wanting people to die because some idiot is an extremist view, then i am an extremist. If you absolutely think it's ok for people to die because of some idiot, i urge you to rethink your life. And i am being nice here.
  5. Banned for implying i am not an Emperor
  6. Banned for claiming to be an Emperor
  7. if you don't think Trump is a villain in this case (or in almost any case), then you're a villain like him. Might be too black & white for some, but there's no grey here. Orange Cheeto's actions directly lead to the death & suffering of alot of people, civilians included.
  8. and add new bugs in! dunno if they fixed stuff or not, but when i was playung there were a bunch of em
  9. yeah, they kinda tend to be eh... Honestly, 4GO had the potential to be pretty good, but it got marred by bugs and meh bosses. Especially the bugs <.< And for a game you should play with others, it's netcode...... today, went down with a T-shirt + Pullover With pullover it's too hot without it's too cold sometimes it's hot without pullover or cold with one... Have fun 😄
  10. yup it's... okayish if you want an action game, i would recommend Ys or Platinum games instead Get well soon, both of you! one day 25°C next day 10°C
  11. Banned for looking over me in the forest
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