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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. Math besto! Seriously, math way my thing back in school. Almost like a hobby xD The Waifuzation continues ABABABABABABABABABABABABA
  2. part of the thesis is also the necessary reading/research. And you have to show that, somehow -> Sources. And somehow the minimum number is 20, for some reason. I think that will be the hardest part for me tbh. Gotta get the 5 Main papers i got stuff from and see their sources, read them and use them as sources sounds about right. People often only register the thesis once they've done like half the work or even more. Well, having choices is never a bad thing πŸ˜„
  3. One of the main reasons why my Bachelor Thesis wasn'T graded so well was because i had only 10 or so sources. The Minimum, i was told back then, is 20. I got told the same last week by my current supervisor. Problem is, i almost calculated everything alone. But i gotta show that i did some research or something like that. See if you can couple it with an internship or something, so that atleast some of what you did in the internship can carry over to it. Also, do something you will find fun, because you will be working on Months for it (and over here no one finishes it in the given time (3 Months for Bachelor, 4 for Masters), usually it takes 6 or so Months)
  4. It's doing good^^ Just need to write/document, as i said. And well, do some experiments, but that shouldn't be too problematic. And ah, somehow find 20 sources. Anything less than that isn't really good.
  5. Oh yeah. Good luck and have fun with that πŸ˜„ It's only 2 Months until X-mas vacation anyway I should've finished the Thesis by then, and i already have all the results... But i needed to document them... Which is the worst part. I hate writing/documenting.
  6. Yup yup. Game is fun so far πŸ˜„ And art is great as expected of IF/CH Artists and their contractors. Also, i mentioned in the other thread saving everywhere and heal points... Well, save points also act as Teleport Points πŸ˜„ So much QoL changes that i've always wanted in Nep & Co. games
  7. some wholesomemess in the middle of despair nom nom nom
  8. Honestly, i agree with you. I think FE5 would be a much better game if it didn't have the surprise stuff tbh. But i still enjoy it for it's map design and all the (unique) Mechanics it had. It just needed to be more clear & fair to the player without relying on surprises to make people reset
  9. it isn't that bad most of the game tbh and only glaring late game Especially with stuff like non-marked Warp tiles and Same turn reinforcements warping in and attacking at the same turn. Alot of FE5's problems are basically the ''player didn't know and don't have time to react'' kind. Thankfully, it's only truely bad late game.
  10. 24x is sudden warp surprise, right? ugh hated that map.
  11. Ballista spam isn't that big of a problem tbh. What is however is all the Status Staves and the sudden Kaga surprises. I'd rather skip Maps than deal with those
  12. they can do whatever they want in China (like changing parts of a product especially for that market). But don't go and promote chinese values or w/e worldwide and start censoring/banning people. I don't want to live in a chinese dominated world tyvm, and China has been flexing muscled worldwide lately. One big Problem: Everything, including stuff we need in our daily lives, has china involved in some way. Boycott will basically mean living like in the 1950s. It's like with Climate Poltics: People won't change without a political will to change.
  13. But there's something that's also much more accepted in China (& Asia) in general than over here: Mobile game & MTX. And we all know Blizzard is going full in on those
  14. So, finished Chapter 1 of Dragon Star Varnir Impressions so far: -Battle system seems fun so far. Imagine Radiant Hisoria, but in 3D -Setting/Story is interesting. Basically, MC is a Witch hunter Knight, until he becomes a Wizard Witch himself -IF finally did it. You can save everywhere AND save points heal you. Finally πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„ -I really really like the music. pretty good & positive start^^
  15. One Piece Emblem! Anywaya, some Neps source: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/45119973
  16. Not Three Ships? Finishing Stella's dungeon though wew. I was always unlocky with it
  17. Huh. hacking? that's something haha. Because with 82 you will be 87-89 at LΓΆwe (my save file was 83 at the enterance, ~88 at LΓΆwe) Just make sure you get 4 xAction 5 πŸ˜‰
  18. Lvl 82. Up to par yup Also, pro tip: get Action 5 instead of those Action 4s. Also, i hope you found Cast 3 in Chapter8. While it does reduce your stats, it's very useful on support peeps
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