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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. Nepu Nepu Nepu, NEPU! OOF. I hope despite that i don't need to grind, because i hate grinding. Is defeating every enemy on my way once enough? good! Faster = Better 😄 The ones from smash? Thanks for answering my Questions btw, you all^^ and how these kind of people are in control everywhere in the world atm. From West to East, from North to South <.< Politic discussions can be fun if it doesn't go toxic.
  2. @ArmagonJo our Xenoxpert. So decided to take a Sneak peek at XC1 as it will be most likely my next game. Definetly a Start that got my intention from the Story angle. Confused a bit about the Combat though So i auto attack whenever i am near an enemy, right? So the Combat boils down to evading & using Arts at the right time? And Arts have a certain down time?
  3. Nobody is saying Brazil alone is guilty of it, the whole world is guilty. But Brazil is making it worse and denying help. And Bolsonaro's intention has been clear from the very beginning, which makes it all worse, and makes everyone pissed off at Brazil for voting for him. True, but can you imagine current Murica, Russia or China doing anything? And does that mean you have to make it worse? if the Greens don't royally fuck up unit next elections, we will most likely have a CDU(Christian democrats)/Green government. Dunno if that will do much, especially with how CDU is very Coal friendly. It all depends on wether the greens will bend over (like the social democrats did) or not.
  4. IT'S SO FUCKING HOT ARRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH. Umm... Fridays for Future? (Which have been going on for quite a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig while) The raise of Green votes in Europe (and especially here Germany?) Greens taking the majority of the votes over here of those below the age of 60 in the last EUP Elections in May? Maybe it didn't reach you, but Climate change has been the dominating topic over here for a while, looong before Brasil choose their own Trump this year. The greens would've been happy to have 10% just a couple years ago, look where they are at now in the latest survey results. So yes, we do scrutinize our own policies, and there are alot of movements to change stuff. (wether they are succesful or not is another matter, especially since the whole world needs to cooperate. Impossible with the World having 3 Trumps atm and the current Russia and China) You guys have been getting all the attention in the last few weeks because the fire increased aloooooot compared to the last few years, and because your version of Trump has made his intention very clear from the beginning to cut down the forest. Not to mention he has been refusing help and is being openly antagonistic towards everyone also https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2014/12/04/watch-how-europe-is-greener-now-than-100-years-ago/?noredirect=on Just becuase Europe devasted the forests back then doesn't mean others should follow. That's grade A whataboutism. The Farmers being poor & ignorant doesn't excuse them, neither does it excuse the government doing nothing to stop them.
  5. I need a Switch, fast. can't be worse than the few oneshots i wrote here and there.
  6. she doesn't just resemble her. She looks exactly like her and even has same VA afaik. OOF. This might be a deal breaker for me, since i do value gameplay alooooooot (much more than i do Story). Especially considering Nep's normal gameplay is one of my favs rpg wise. Might wait for a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig sale then and then play the game on super easy or something to enjoy the Story.
  7. 3 Houses? more like Legend of the Emblem: Trails of Fire
  8. because he is oc duh Why did my youngest bro delete my cq lunatic save file?
  9. It's amazing. VC4 is my favourite SRPG. 1,3 and 4 happen at the same time, but from different point of views/factions. 2 happens after them, but might as well be non-canon since the end of 4 implies 2 didn't happen. 2 is also the worst game in the series. 2, 3 have a big problem with the maps. Since they are on portable console, instead of having normal sized maps, they have tiny maps connected to each other, and they keep recycling these maps over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. you can start with VC4 no problem. However VC1 is much cheaper afaik. I'll say it like this: VC1 has better Story/Characters, while VC4 has superior gameplay. The Objective variety in the first quarter of VC4 alone puts most FEs to shame
  10. tfw your young brother deletes your conquest lunatic save file
  11. FE16 was suppossed to be the chosen one! unite the fanbase! And not create Edel wars right after uniting elitists and newbies
  12. @Hekselka 1. When i get to play FE16 eventually and land in the anti-Edel faction, will our current B-support go back to C-support? Will the A-support be locked away forever? 2. If i land in the pro-Edel faction, will it be enough for A-support? 3. No matter what faction i choose, should i join in the Edel wars, or just watch from the side with alot of popcorn? 4. Select a random Track from this playlist. What do you think of it?
  13. You know who's a winner? me. Not you, you or you. ME.
  14. i took one from every game + Fanarts i found online xD >Pudding of course hahaha *high fives*
  15. are you perhaps my long lost dark twin? Is your Nep folder like this?
  16. I spot new Wallpaper material for my NepNep folder
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