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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. Atm i am on the final Boss in Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. Literally Trump
  2. Umu, umu! The next Poster didn't get Umu'd!
  3. Didn't play T776 Emperor of the Shrimps*
  4. So i just finished Fairy Fencer F: Advent Dark Force I've to say, i enjoyed my time with it, but sadly, alot of wasted Potential (i feel like that's always the case with any non neptunia IF/CH ganes) Pros: Gameplay is Super fun. It's the Neptunia Re;Birth gameplay, but refined & with difficulty Options. Hell difficulty is really fun. Not as good as MegaNep's gameplay, but for that it has the challenge i found lacking in MegaNep alot of times 😉 Interesting Setting. Kinda reminds me of Fate/Stay Night will Humans and their Spiritual Partner and stuff. There's also the Price of a wish for the winner. Midgame is really freaking good, with reveals, turns and twists. The transition from first half of the game to the 2nd half leaves you with a lot of wonder, and trying to figure out wtf is going on (especially in 2nd & 3rd route) Cons: Lacking Backstory: this something that really annoyed me & i thought i will be shown in other routes at first, but it didn't. Characters have at best, a minimal Backstory, with the Fang (the MC) having 0 Backstory. There are some hints thrown around that made me think that he does have one, but the game never goes into it. Unaswered Questions: You might have noticed me rating the routes higher at first, but that's because i thought unanswered Questions would get answered in other Routes, but they didn't, sadly Late game: This is something all routes share, but late game was usually lacking, in a way. since i already talked about the first 2 routes, i'd say that while i enjoyed the 3rd route the most until a certain point, it was also the one with the most Plot holes, especially with some stuff happening super late in 3rd route that didn't get hinted at at all in the other 2 routes or pre-rout Split. Stuff literally came out of nowhere, along with the 2 meh introduced Character. All in all, i enjoyed it however, and i'd rate it a solid 7/10. Agree with that. The whole Waifey thing was meeeeeeh, and that's her only trait. tbf, she's been a joke from Re;Birth 3 onwards. only in R;B1 and 2 was she the big bad. Even in Cyberdimension she's just an Eggplant seller lmao And enjoy FE16, both of you. I will catch up with you in a few months 😄 Next on the list: Finishing Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance and starting Tokyo Xanadu
  5. because it implies you are about to be eaten Why is the temperature the whole year around 20°C ?
  6. In a total shutdown mode due to heatwave
  7. Banned for unleashing the The NepuNepuNepu, Nepu!
  8. You got mine that somehow teleported to the US. Why does engrish sound cool, badass and cringy at the same time sometimes?
  9. Cold Showers are the best :3 but now i've to go out... because i don't have anything to eat at home. literally nothing. Weather should be atleast bearable now >still 30°C i should stick to the shadows
  10. Imagine thinking Australia exists Also, HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT I feel like i am getting grilled today q.q when i checked yesterday, there was rain forecast for tomorrow for over here now not anymore <.<
  11. OOF. That must be tough. I just checked the news, and it seems over here some City reached 42.6°C. And France had ~45°C a few weeks ago during the last heatwave. 46°C doesn't sound that farfetched anymore. Where i am it was only 34°C today. ''Only''.
  12. continuing my focus on FFF, it's exp galore atm I feel like should be finishing the game soon, especially since my Party lvl is in the 80s atm, and the story has been giving the ''ending soon'' vibe. I think by weekend i should've finished it, Monday at most. I've been enjoying it honestly, even though i have some gripes with the game in general, which i will explain later. 3rd route definetly feels the most like Canon route though. There's also a 3rd route exclusive Character that's freaking op. So OP, it makes the Hell difficulty feel like Cold Steel lmao xD. To explain why she's so op, i need to mention 2 Spells only she has access to: Spd up, Spd down. They act pretty much like Clock Up and Clock down in Trails (and are even named as such in japanese.). They increase SPD of Ally/decrease that of the enemy, however... Not only do they do that, they also affect the AT-bar. SPD up makes you character faster and also acts as AT advance (like Shera's whip), while SPD down slows down the enemy and AT-delays them xD Thankfully she's only NG++ exclusive, as i've already enjoyed some challenge in the other routes. Otherwise i would've been pretty annoyed tbh. I fail to think of one Character that isn't great in MegaNep tbh. Well, there's K-sha, but that's it.
  13. Man, the way to uni may have been hell, but the room i was staying in was climatized 🤤 It's not a question of IF anymore, it a question of 'when'. Wasn't there a report yesterday about getting ready for 46°C summer in the future? But hey, let's save the coal indsutry jobs or something.
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