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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. Since i used Menu Tl instead: https://imgur.com/a/8K7qYYt For the objective use FeWoD or Google tl Also a mini guide for general tips: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/146482711450746880/260107170329264129/thracia_776_guide.docx
  2. The Best: * CQ Gameplay and Mapdesign * FE5 elements like dismounting, Scrolls and Capturing * Multipe Factions the player can control ala Tellius. * Story ala Tellius or Jugdral gen 1 * Skill system a mix between Fates and RD. Personal Skills + Lvlup Class skills + Skill Scrolls. The worst: * no features ala gbafe * Gameplay ala FE4/6/7/13/BR/SoV * same turn reinforcements ala FE6 * ''kill la evil dragon'' ala most FE * Self insert ala FE14 * Gaiden chapters ala FE5/6/7
  3. Since i just played one yesterday and i remembered how much i hate em: Rout maps. Especially if they come with reinforcements. Nothing worse then wasting yourtime killing (ever spawning) scrubs I really wish for the rout objective to dissapear forever
  4. I am not so sure about that after what happened with Ys8 PC and NISA. It got alot of bad publicity because NISA truely fucked up.
  5. Errm. Fates removed the Gender lock on classes. If we now have a male Pegasi Kn., i am sure we can get a Female Warrior. (Although, Oni Chieftain is the 'Warrior replacement' in Fates, and Rinkah can be one)
  6. Seems like it sadly. Every Series tries to add popular elements, even if it doesn't fit the series. I wouldn't have minded these elements as much if the usual Quality wasn't being sacrificed by it, but in most Cases the Quality is sacrificed to push in those Elements somehow
  7. i like this one as well. Aslong as it doesn't reveal new information too (like in FoW) for example. It will allow for misclicks to go away forever.
  8. Challenge. Easier difficulties are cake walk. Turnwheel allows for challenge while making room for a mistake or two. Just limit it to 1-2 uses per map
  9. ch 20 and 24 were pretty good tho. Especially 24. The use of Dragon Veins in that map was pretty good. It's the closest thing we got to perfection however. The best gameplay in the series imo
  10. Sky 3rd Nightmare is the most balanced Nightmore tbh and the most fun i had in Trails gameplaywise. using a Trope in itself isn't bad. However if a character is more of a Trope then a Character (which alot of CS cast are, especially Rean-sama) that's where it gets ugly and cringy
  11. He kinda is a LN protag. Falcom tried to subvert the trope (as they alaways do) but it wasn't enough what they did with Rean imo. After 200+ hours of Rean one scene will not change my opinion of him. The biggest Problem with CS2's story is Act 2 imo. Playing Pokemon with Students for 60% of the game is.not.fun. The Epilogue can also go die in Fire.
  12. These links should help you ;) https://www.reddit.com/r/fireemblem/comments/3vnqgy/newcomers_companion_to_fe4_genealogy_of_the_holy/ https://www.reddit.com/r/fireemblem/comments/4zurm2/ultimate_fe4_pairing_guide/
  13. ugh you tell me. You don't know how many times i restarted Ch9 in Thracia because i kept clicking on Escape instead of wait. I had to activate Emulator rewinding so such missclicks don't keep happening <.< Sadly, there is no FE that is as good as CQ gameplay wise. However, even CQ had it's RNG mercy Moments (Fox, Ninja) which were quite annoying. I won't mind the turnwheel not returning if they atleast gave us checkpoints during big maps (ala FE7x or FE11). Restarting a big map because of a stray crit is super annoying.
  14. missclicks happen alot and have nothing to do with balance. Do you think it's fair to restart a whole map because of a missclick? Also, Crits is more of a rng thing, if your luck stat is screwed, hello 1% crits at the very end of the map
  15. you are gonna come across em naturally. Sky3rd is the easiest game to 100% all quests and side stuff.
  16. When a 10% hit 1% crit can ruin your whole day, or you want to redo an action on the same turn (due to missclicks for example) Nope, Mila's Turnwheel should stay and be a series staple.
  17. That Estelle & Renne Neno :3 Once i graduate i will try to get one myself, if they are ever in stock again, that is...
  18. stay in her original class until promo level -> Heart Seal -> Promo.... they were kinda low, but scrolls help https://imgur.com/a/NNkCFJv
  19. Magic swords are a thing, and Magic Knights, Troubadours and Karin are the only ones who can use them effectively. You don't want a flying Magical Nuke? Malig Knight Elise doesn'T sound half bad. Weapon Rank and Accuracry. Axes usually aren't the most accurate weapons, except if it's pugi or you are in Tellius. :thinking: BLD growth exists for a reason. I hate the con System myself, but BLD growths really fixes this imo. tbf, most non-prf weapons have crap accuracy in Thracia (not as bad as FE6, but FE6 is in a different level of bad), and the Iron axe is cheap, can be found everywhere, and has the same stats as a Steel sword (which is much more rare). I let Machua run around with Iron Axes after promo all the time.
  20. Well, since i just finished it last Night myself, here's what i would want: Obvious UI/quality of Life changes with the prep. Screen. Especially positioning. More Characterization for side Characters. More Interaction between Party Members that aren't Leif. a CBA-Support or Base Convos could help there. The 6 Month Time skip betwen Ch19 and 20 felt pretty weird. Add something inbetween. Maybe even a small Gaiden chapter with FE4 cast? Staves: *insert Nerf here* While it was fun to play around with unlimited Range warps and stuff, it's quite op. Also, Unlimited Range + Unlimited Turn staves was ugh... Not only does the restore staff come pretty late into the game, it's pretty abuseable too (and did i abuse it whenever i got poisoned). While one of my favourite Chapters (Ch.19) was built around the unlimted Range thing (Warping & ReWarping 24/7), this can be balanced some other way for sure. Also, do away with Staves that can affect allies missing. Status Staves can still miss though. XAVIER. Seriously, Ch18 is one of the worst FE chapters ever because of that guy. Make it so he can be recruited if all civilians and Soldiers survive the chapter. Dismounting is cool. Sword-Lock isn't. Even if it gave me my super Magical Myrmidon Karin. It was especially annoying because i couldn't use Lances inside at all (since after several hours of retrying i just gave up on Xavier). Making em locked to their highest Weapon Rank could Work. Or Make em Swordlocked only when they are a Class that gets Swords on Promo. Hit 1 - 99. AWAY WITH IT. Freaking missing 99s that should've been 175 or something <.< Variable Caps depending on Class and Character instead of uniformal 20. Same turn reinforcements: While usually done well (unlike other games *cough*FE6*cough*FE12*cough*), some instances were super offensive. Ch11x with Fred and Olwen (and her survival being entirely RNG dependant), Ch17a Same turn Sleep Saias (i expected the Authority increase, the game did warn about Genius tactician after all, but not same turn sleep) and Ch23 Random Reinforcements spawning all around the map (That one was especially triggering). In general, reduce the amount of reinforcements, too (The game has reinforcements sometimes spawning for like 30 turns, which then i abused of course (even if i already cleared the map in Turn 10 and just have to seize/escape), if the game is being mean to me, so am i gonna be to it). Speaking about Ch17a Saias.... The game should tell me in some way he isn't defeatable or captureable. First thing i tried after he put one of my units to sleep was Warp a Flier -> Capture (since he has no Weapons) -> Canto Out of Ballista Range/Rescue.... Only for him to be not captureable, or even defeatable. Promotions aside from Sages (which was an op promotion btw) and Hero/Swordmaster (they gain Stats, Skill and new weapon type), didn't really feel like Promotion at all. Make em feel like one (for example, Bow Knights could get Sword on Promo, while Lance/Axe Knights could go the RD way and gain Bows/Swords respectively. Sword Knights don't need it since they have the Advantage of not getting punished as much indoors. Pegasi could be Lance only -> Staves on Promo (like FE4/14), while Drago Knights Axe -> Lance on Promo to differentiate between em). One of my biggest Gripes with the game is how alot of bonus items, and in some Cases units/Skills only appearing after a certain turn count: For example, you only get Astra if you wait until Turn 11 in that one chapter, and Nihil when you wait unitl turn 20 so you can steal it from Conmore. It felt like the game was punishing me for playing efficiently. There are alot of that in the game, and alot of examples where i just have to press wait alot for civilians or to wait for a bridge etc... That needs to get changed imo. Just a minor nitpick, but make Saias viable. There is no reason at all to choose him instead of the most op FE unit in existence. +6 hit/avo are not enough of a replacement to Forseti. On an off-topic Side note: playing FE5 made me dislike GBAFE even more. Just... why? Why did they remove so much FE5->FE6 instead of fixing the cool (but imo not well implemented) ideas and expanding upon them? It's like FE6 tried to retain every frustrating thing FE5 had and make it worse, while removing all the cool stuff....
  21. There were no Mercs in FE5, however Myrms promoted to either Swordmaster or Hero (Machua only afaik)
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