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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. The only chapter where i felt like that so far was 11x (i am at 17A atm). That one was Total bullshit, especially with how Olwen's survival being completely luck dependant, Same turn Reinforcements of the worst type (spawning right where the player is, unlike all other instances so far), Siege + FOW. Salem's recrutiment chapter (the one where you get Mareeta) would've been also BS with Sleep + FoW... if someone didn't give me the tip to defeat/capture him first turn, leading to me warping Finn and Parking him somewhere while Mareeta was getting exp on the Throne. Green units being enemy was also BS, but that have been meme'd so hard in the community, i know about it by now xD
  2. tbh, it's the 90s game design. I am not saying it's good, since there are some stuff the game really should tell you, but that's how the games were back then. (And tbh, i don't find it that cryptic so far. Although i am playing with a minimal Guide. I found FE4 worse in that regard if i am gonna be honest)
  3. Have Fun :D Re: Alisa i blame Early CS1. Even if she got alot better (from hating her 200% -> i am okay with her now), Early CS1 she was just ugh.
  4. considering i am running out of Knight Proofs to use, i don't think saddled is the right word here. I am doing my first Run of T776 atm, and what's more annoying is Leif's Promo... I am at ch17a atm and he has been Lvl 20 since ch10 now....
  5. tbh, the main reason why Magic outshines Physical units so much is the insane Terrian bonuses. Like holy 10 Def fort/Thrones, really? However infront of Magic that doesn't matter
  6. I think it's a balance choice... and odd one, but then again, FE5 is has alot of ''odd'' balance choices.
  7. As a Trails fan, it's definetly worth it, however... (Structure spoiler, no story spoilers)
  8. i don't know about that, as i usually take my time when playing rpgs, and in the case you see here, i was going for a 100% guideless blind run, so yeah xD
  9. errrm, I finished CS1 and 2 both on Nightmare. With the right buffs and Quartz combination, you can pretty much finish any boss fight with S-crafts. Especially in CS2. I don't even need op combination like Taurus + Domination to do that. (Taurus + domination Laura or Millium is topest of the keks). not really.. hmmm ^how the system works in CS. Quarts either give stats or Arts (with some some rare quartz giving both). There is no more Quartztetris or customization with different Quartz combination and how they work with each other. in Sky they don't stack, they override each other. In CS (and afaik Crossbell) buffs stack up to 50% however
  10. CS gameplay is also worse. Much worse imo. While it's faster, it's way too easy and boils down to S-break spam (which can one shot Bosses <.<, but they can also one shot you). Basically, CS Nightmare is Sky normal (or even Sky easy). They 'simplified' the Arts system (no more Quartztetris), and the status effect balance is way out of the window (they stack now..) Honestly, i wouldn't have minded it if it was FE-like and other characters could also bond with each other. But nooo, only Rean gets that privelege <.< While CS fails at Main Cast (half of them should've been relegated to side cast) & gameplay, the worldbuilding is still as strong as Sky, npcs and side characters are still interesting (they shine more then the main cast), and the behind the scenes/non-school stuff continues upon what was built in Sky.
  11. Best - Ch3: One of the only maps in the game where defending your castle is important, and where the big maps were really used gameplay wise. If you don't have good defence around your Castle or you didn'T send Sigurd back fast enough, you would get a good Eldigan coming for ya. Worst - Ch7: Fuck that desert and whoever thought making a huge desert map was a good idea.
  12. Tbh tbh >Ike >Romance like, i could see PoR Ike in a romance yes (Ike x Elincia or Ike x Lethe), but not RD Ike xD Also, wasn't Ike x Mia suppossed to be a thing before it got scrapped? I mean, while i do ship Mia x Rhys, Ike and Mia are both swordheads, so Ike x Mia also fits xD
  13. Ike x Lethe isn't that rare, but too many people are busy turning BFFs into fujoshi dreams
  14. It was never localized afaik because the Future of the Series in the west was uncertain and because Falcom pushed for CS localization before the PS3 dies. Estelle is BEstelle after all ;) One of Falcom's Biggest Mistakes. In a series as consistent as Trails, playing ''choose your Waifu'' should not be a thing. Not to mention locking Character development behind it. Also, it makes Everyone only interact with Rean, and not with each other (which also one of the main reasons i can't stand the guy.)
  15. Bracer Notebook xD it isn't about the heal here, but about turn order Manipulation. Tear has a pretty low Cast Delay, allowing you take a turn from the enemy if you don't want him to take it and you don't have S-Break ready. Each Attack and Craft has a different After Delay. Each Art also has a different Cast Delay and a different After Delay. You have to experiment a bit. For Example, S-crafts have pretty huge after delay, while heal Arts have a low Cast Delay. Some Crafts will even have a lower After Delay then normal Attack (example: Estelle's True Hard Break) Area ALL arts will help with this SC onwards.
  16. @Slumber While i understand where you come from in regards to Cold Steel (because i do have quite a few problems with it myself, especially CS2), did you play Trails in the Sky the 3rd? It does build up the conflict & ''the behind the scenes''-stuff in CS quite well (especially in regards to a certain Troll.)
  17. yup. And wow, the psp version looks awful. No wonder you were confused with the S/M/L thing. Also, the PC is the original Version. Falcom used to be a PC developer back then. Actually... It was mentioned in the Bracer Notebook xD. Iirc The whole Tutorial is also in the Bracer Notebook if you need to refresh the basics ;) Re turn Bonuses: In later games you will get more tools to manipulate the Turn order. so it develops nicely then
  18. because it was OP xD I cleared the Penguin dungeon before even going to Zeiss thx to Chaos brand xD I just checked, while i didn't say in the Notebook, it did say on the Guild Board you see here Long and short Term quests. Short term should be finished asap! it's the same in SC. Thing is, you can use S-craft anytime and break the turn order/steal bonus from enemy, that's why it costs extra. To balance it. No no. S-break isn't a bonus xD. S-break = using S-craft when it's not your turn. You can use S-breaks for example to steal an enemy Crit or something. Yes. The battles are usually pretty easy, but they take alot of time because the Boss has too much HP. Also, i see you didn't use Earth Guard, if i have to guess xD It doesn't ;) you can also get em on Steam. You don't need a Powerful PC for them since the games are pretty old. Also, Ys 1&2 are quite different, as they use the bump System. While i love them (especially 2), i know it's not to everyone's tastes. Still, you gotta try em to know if you like em or not ;)
  19. Welcome to the Club :D Glad to have another Fan on board :D enjoy it while it lasts xD It got nerfed to the ground in SC (40 EP, 8 x Mirage requirement iirc, and everyone and their Mother resists it) XD You'll hear her name pronounced in SC. this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WnlX39kvWwg or yes. Especially in Cold Steel. couldn't you just sell the old equipment? + End game you get alooooooot of Mira. Didn't the Bracer Notebook usually give you a time term? Short Term -> Finish asap. It's usually a good idea to do side quests before main anyway. I also see now why you had Money troubles. S-breaks ;) wrong actullay. 200 CP S-craft deals 1.5 x Damage 100 CP S-craft yeah, that's something i am not a big fan of as well. Sadly, it's a series thing with the Ton of HP final boss... Unless you are burned out, i recommend finishing 3rd after SC. Glad you liked FC and Welcome to the Series :D Btw, which Ys game do you plan to start with?
  20. I like FE5's the most, but tbh, aslong as it isn't FE4's, i am fine with it.
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