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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. The whole gaming community is getting trolled right now lmao
  2. i mean, we play FE and there are alot of 90%+ misses, tho....
  3. Awesome news :D *goes to dl* >you cannot use the saves you have from previous versions. It will break. Don't do it. You must start a new game. Really. oh well, replaying a few chapters never hurts^^
  4. The real question is, which obsession is stronger... Illyana with food or Camilla with Corrin?
  5. I tought SRPG (except for Valkyria Chronicles) was a slow boring genre, especially since i used to be a RTS player, until i played the SRPG chapter in Evoland 2 and had tons of fun with it. Now i have thrown hundred of hours into the genre and keep searching for games to play xD
  6. It wouldn't be bad, but they need to balance it first + the whole 5 units limit was really too limiting. That + reclassing from Fates = welp
  7. Tellius or FE7x Let me clarify, in FE7x Bows always have advantage at 2 range, while always have WTD at 1 range. That, along the buffed WT in FE7x (+/-3 damage instead of +/-1) makes the Traingle matter, and makes Archers really good at taking down targets, because 3 Damage are nothing to scoof at, especially early game. Also, in FE7x Mages usually deal +5 Damage to each other unless they are at WTD, which makes the Magic Triangle really matter. Fates is fine as well, but i always find it idiotic how Archers have disadvantage against Mages and Swords.
  8. I, for one, wouldn't want Kanto remakes again. Kanto already gets the most recognition from GF and gets most of the new cool stuff. Wish they do the same with other Gens as well. As for expectations... Rumors either confirmed or denied. Tbh, i have a feeling Fjorm is gonna be MC of FE16 for some reason :hmmm:
  9. Gameplay Features trailer from Yesterday: And 2 Game play videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nuaezdGNtG8 and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sx5pkuEQfRk info dump from these videos/yesterday's Stream https://www.reddit.com/r/valkyria/comments/7mmr5z/massive_valkyria_chronicles_4_livestream_infodump/ have to say, i am pretty excited :D
  10. for me it's less the RNG and more the Hitrates. Early game if you are not using Swords or Marcus Emblem, you have sub 70 Hitrates, even with WTA, which makes the game unbear- and unplayable Just using Marcus and Rutger is not fun
  11. And would make much more sense, since who would want a Kid during a War? I can understand if it's an accident, but the Whole Army having kids?? hello??
  12. I wonder how old we are talking about here because even in FE4 you get enough money to use Forseti indefinetly. In Fe6 you get enough money to get shoes for everyone from that one shop. I never really felt pressured with money in the game (except RD). (Altough i heard FE5 is different in that regard. Still waiting for Tl) Even in Fates, i wouldn't use Armorslayers against Soldiers due nerfed mt. If you meant non boss generals/Knights in other games, you usually had enough durability to use it all game or enough money to buy new ones. The only thing Fates took away was hoarding, which is imo a good thing. Except i, and probaly 90% of the players, will hoard the silver Sword for later, except if it's a really critical situation. Since Irons you can get everywhere anyway. which is why i was talking only about Conquest xD I wish more people would be open to that idea, but all i see is just ''Bring Durability back'' when i think they should continue experimenting, and thus evolving the game.
  13. Ok, i know i am in the minority here, but can someone explain to me why so many people want Weapon durability back? I get if for Status staves or siege weapons, since they would be op otherwise and are usually limited to Treasure chests/drops, or 1-2 shops. But for Weapons, the only upside i see is micromanaging, but... -You usually have a shitton of Money, so it doesn't matter anyway. The only game where i really had to think about durability was Radiant Dawn (especially Part 3), but otherwise i had enough money to fill the whole convoy -Hoarding. Hoarding and hoarding. Leave all strong weapons to the end and keep using Iron/Steel weapons -Outside of Weight/AS loss, there is no use in not using the weapon that will bring you the kill. Except if it's a weapon you want to hoard and you think it's not late enough yet to use. Meanwhile in Fates (Conquest, due to limited income), if you ignore broken forging: -You can't buy every weapon because they get very expensive quickly, not to mention it's stock limited before shop lvl3/late game. (I am midgame in my current Lunatic run, ~17k Gold, weapon cost 2k-8k. I have to decide if investing in a weapon is worth it or not) -''Use Silver Weapon and kill, but lose stats, or Steel but no kill?'' ''More speed but less def? but i might get killed in EP then hmmm'' Or similiar choices as these affect units directly in battle (before i started forging ofc). -encourages the use of different weapon without hoarding. Tbh, i really think they should continue balancing what Fates brought us (nerfing shurikens/Knifes, no forging Irons/Steels so Silvers actually matter, Stat loss not so big, etc), instead of just bringing a mechanic that never really mattered outside of few games.
  14. I just hope i will be able to play Crossbell before CS3 Zero fantl is planned for 2018 afaik, and i doubt CS3 english will happen before atleast winter 2018, if even then. ... I should just learn japanese xD
  15. reminds me of this Thread on reddit like Half wants everything to stay the same, and the other half (including me) want anything gameplay related to change so we can actually enjoy it as a game
  16. -No Weapon Durability Outside RD from those i played it didn't matter anyway, and was just annoyance. Durability should stay in the past and never come back. Just continue balancing the Fates system (remove forging, for example, so Iron weapons +X aren't stronger then silver weapons mt wise.) -No Dragon (or dragon possesed) final boss enough is enough -No rout maps with reinforcements those should disappear, forever. Just remove rout maps from the series tbh. -No same turn reinforcements ala FE6/FE12 This shit is cheap and should disappear in the pits of history, even in remakes.
  17. Honestly, the only thing i liked about the Children are the customization, and this can be solved by having a Master/Student system or something like that, where you can get an ''Older'' unit teach something to a ''younger'' unit, or something like that.
  18. Japan is getting CS4, people are waiting for CS3, and i am still waiting for CS2 PC Port :/ And lookie who's coming back
  19. If something akin to holy weapons were to ever return, atleast don't bring back the +30 Stat Bonus, that was ridiculous. Just normal +5 to a stat like most legendary weapons is enough. Exactly what made FE4's gameplay so boring. Weak Unit spam in block formations.
  20. I don't really see how, considering you can finish the game without reclassing at all.
  21. That could only work if we got a very looooooooong game, and the only reason it worked in Tellius was because the whole 2 Games thing. you know what would be pretty cool? Maps with 2 Objectives, of which only 1 you can finish, and depending on which objective you finish, you go that Route. Above all, i want good & engaging gameplay. I don't care about the story, don't care about the chracters, don't care about anything else if we got CQ levels of Gameplay (or better ^^). Altough, i wouldn't want CQ levels of Story again, but i can tolerate that if the gameplay is good enough^^
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