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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. Honestly, i wouldn't want an Army of Dracoknights, all it takes is one Map filled with Bow users and it will be rip.
  2. It's the gameplay that goes to shit in RD Part 4 (those 5 maps before the Izuka map are ugh, FE at it's worst, thankfully Endgame maps make everything good again). The Story i still i find to be good then, especially since it's the only FE where the Fire Emblem is really well integrated into the Story, and
  3. That's not trolling, that's called stating an opinion, and pretty much popular/valid one, too. You like FE4 gameplay, sure, this is your opinion, and it's why this thread exists (infact, you are like, the 2nd person i see who does that, the other being a user on reddit on a ''what do you want to change upon FE4 remake''-Thread), but don't go call everyone a troll who doesn't like it.
  4. If FE4 is the best IS can do, then i don't want any story from them, since FE4 turns medicore once gen 2 hits. Tellius > FE4 by a mile, and is the only FE Story i can consider good.
  5. This may be offtopic, but: Ys series is one known for fast Action gameplay, while story usually pretty barebones (except for Ys8, where i heard they went all out for that one) Grandia (Turn based) and Tales (Action) do also have a pretty Solid gameplay So does Legend of Heroes: Trails (The only game Series where for me story really really matters), altough some people do find it slow, i like it. Valkyria Chronicles, which i already mentioned above. I am sure there are more, but those are the ones on the Top of my Head atm. And tbh, except for Tellius, i tend find FE stories to be generally medicore. And that's why i think they were just being lazy. Being Faithful is a good thing. Being too faithful without fixing the original game's mistakes is a very bad thing.
  6. When playing a game, the first thing i am looking for in a game is solid, fun enjoyable gameplay. Unless it's a Legend of Heroes game (where i am used to Top notch World building and Story, and would be mad if i get otherwise), i will gladly sacrifice Story for gameplay. That's the reason Conquest is one of my fav. FE, right behind RD. Good Gameplay can rescue a bad/non-existant Story, however even an awesome story can't rescue meh gameplay. Realistic and repitive Maps don't make for fun gameplay. And for a SRPG Map design is very important. I am playing Valkyria Chronicles 3 (a SRPG) atm for example, and while it improved alot upon the first game when it came to gameplay Mechanics and balance, the Map design is much much worse, and super repititive, that i am taking a lot of breaks so to not to drop it. The bad reptitive Map design alone puts it way below VC1, and makes me not wanna continue the game. And i never saw anyone praise FE4's gameplay. At most they praise the gameplay-Story-Integration and the big maps. And Atleast FE4 gen 1 Story isn't your typical FE ''Prince kill Dragon'' Story. You didn't play CQ or RD, did you?
  7. So, the game should stay an unplayable unbalanced mess just for the sake of older fans? From the gameplay problems (weak enemy spam, empty maps, general unbalance), to the worst Item management System ever created in gaming History, the game has so many Problems i wonder how i didn't drop it (i almost did at ch9, and started PoR while at it to have some fun at the side). If changes to make the game better will just make ''older'' fans angry, then it will be just nostalgia blindness, nothing else (tough i already see alot of that in the fanbase tbh) Big maps can stay, they just have to make them interesting. For Example, fix enemy Positions, make enemies stronger while reducing the Quantity, make the big maps actually matter and not just smaller maps tacked together, etc... That's just laziness tbh. Also, it seems outside the ''deeper'' fanbase, SoV isn't really liked, and not because of the lack of popular Mechanics, but because the dull gameplay. https://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/7i8ypd/fire_emblem_echoes_shadows_of_valentia_2017_game/ people are calling it out for the very bad gameplay. I would love nothing more then a FE4 remake with proper gameplay (since i love Gen1 characters sooooooooooo much), but i would hate nothing more then FE4 remake being just updated Graphics with minor improvements
  8. The way Fates did is the best so far imo. Durability has always been a no problem and the only game it mattered in was RD. Con is one of the worst things in GBAFE, and the nerfed 1-2 range weapons was pretty nice to indirectly buff Bows. Just nerf hidden weapons and we are good to go :D
  9. Honestly, my biggest Gripe with the changing themes is the enemy phase themes, since they are usually pretty bad.
  10. to add to what Slumber said, Marketing is pretty important. If marketed right, especially with the stuff already in newer games and new people like, and the fanbase hypes it up, it cam be a pretty major hit. Heroes can also be used to market the game, since FE4 Characters seem to be pretty popular there, and do get people to play the games (i mean, one of the reasons why i played FE4 was because Julia was my MVP in heroes). That, and fix the very bad gameplay FE4 has, and you have a winning formula.
  11. FE6 Early game hit rates make the game unplayable for me. That, coupled with the general unpolishness of the game, makes FE6 downright the worst FE for me. In general, i am not fan of GBAFE, and consider it FE at it's weakest. Maybe it's because i played GBA after i played 3DsFE, Jugdral and Tellius, but i found GBAFE too lacking in features (it's a straight downgrade from Jugdral. Where are Skills damn it), and have a lot of stuff i hate (The Con system, the X Chapters, etc..) that i just can't like em much. The only exception being FE8. I like Attack and Guard Stance (Fates Style) and would like IS to continue playing with em. FE7 started the whole Avatar worshipping thing, not FE12-14.
  12. First: NG+. Every Almost every damn RPG has those, except Pokemon and FE for some reason. Second: The Ability to replay Chapters after you finish the game. Sometimes i just want to replay Certain Chapter, but having to start all the way from the beginning is bleh (could also be solved by giving us 99+ Save Slots, like is the standard today, not just 3-6) Some Post game character Story and Challenge maps/Boss rushes could be fun.
  13. From Best to Worst: 1. Tellius: The only Saga in FE i consider to have a good Story. Even tough there are some negative Points, The majority of it was done well, the Clash of ideolgies and character Developments were amazing, and the World Building is Second to none when it comes to Fire Emblem and even alot of RPGs out there, and the only Saga to implement the ''Fire Emblem'' into the story in a good way 2. Jugdral (FE4 only, didn't play FE5 yet): While i really really love first Gen, 2nd Gen is typical FE medicore (''we good, you bad, go kill Dragon''-Story). If only 2nd Gen was as good as Gen 1 story wise, i would consider the Story of FE4 to be really good, amazing even. Alas, Gen2 puts the story down, alooooooooooooooooot, making FE4 story just ''good-ish''. (I consider Loptyr to be bad as Anankos really when it comes to destroying Stories really.) 3. Sacred Stones: Has some potential to be amazing if it's built upon and we see more of Lyon's/Grado's side of things. However, the Whole Demon King's body being revived and stuff is . Still, better then the Majority of other FE stories out there 4. Almost every other Fe: ''we good, you bad, go kill Dragon''-Story. I don't see it when some people say ''Muh Classic games had amazing Story'' because the majority of them definetly do not. It's just the typical safe good guys kill bad guys story. pretty medicore. 5. Fates: I don't think i need to say anything here.
  14. For me it's Easily Rebirth, followed by Tacomeme. The reason for that is that they are the only ones who felt like a Final Boss, especially Ashera. The whole map presence, the abilities they had, etc.. Other Final Bosses are meh, with FE4's being extra Meh, and FE8 is lol-one-turn-ko
  15. Something i would like to see in FE is something like (Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky Major Spoilers!)
  16. Honestly, i find SS one of the better FE stories out there. Atleast I haven't played SoV myself, but FE4 maps are just big maps, with shit terrain alot of times, and weak enemy spam. The problem isn't how the maps are big, but how the game doesn't use that. FE4 Maps problems are: 1-The Big maps are just smaller maps tacked together. Instead of fighting at multipe fronts at the same time, you just fight one Castle at a time, which makes the big maps feel useless. Add to that the Backtracking you have to do sometimes because your Main Caslte is between 2 different Castles and you only fight one at once while access to the other is blocked, and only the MC can seize, it becomes backtrack simulator. When i first heard about big maps, i tought it would be something like what FE:Warriors did, fighting multipe fronts at the same time and stuff, and not just small maps tacked together. I mean, sometimes your allies are fighting, but you are blocked from that part of the map and have to watch em die for Story reasons. So why the big maps again? Only 2 maps iirc used the whole big maps thing well. 2-Terrain is baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad. Ch1 has a whole Forest Segment the Size of a normal FE map, Ch5 has a big ass desert part that you may have to backtrack before you end for Inventory Management, because the game has one of the Worst inventory management Systems in gaming history, if not the worst one. Ch7 is a big ass Desert Map. Imagine RD Part 4 desert Map, Mulitplied by 10, with Mages not having the Desert Movement like in Tellius, and no Laguz, and only 1 flier. 3-Weak enemy unit spam. Seriously, i still have Nightmares about those block of enemies just coming like it was something out of Total War or something, only for them to be as weak as a FE8 trainee, accompanied by some op boss or something. It's boring watching 50 Enemy units die to your 1 Unit. Also, let's not forget the Staff and Ballista spam. Fun. not. 4-The game itself is one of the most imbalanced games i've ever played. If you tought Ryoma, Ike, Ephraim or Xander were op, then you didn't play FE4, because they are weak af compared to other units you have in FE4. Legendary weapons especially are so op, and the Big Maps favor horses just so much damn more then other units. 5-Also, Final boss is just one big dissapointment.
  17. It isn't Bias when it's well deserved and is the Series at it's Best (except RD Part 4 Maps...) ;) If we are gonna talk Story only, no Fire Emblem (except for Tellius) has what i'd call a good Story. Even FE4 falls on itself and becomes generic FE plot the moment Gen 2 rolls around. Yes, I'd rate Gen1 very high story wise, but that's only half the game, and While i know Fates story is a new level of bad, atleast Fates (Conquest) has a gameplay that makes it the most enjoyable/replayable game in the series. So imo, alot of the hate Fates gets is undeserved, and if it wasn't for the atrocious story, Conquest would be easily my undisputeable number 1 (now it's just my Nr.2 after RD)
  18. i am not spoiling anything unless you click the links :p
  19. So almost finished the game I have to say, it was an enjoyable ride, not as enjoyable as Sky however, mainly due to School setting and the whole bonding/choose your Waifu thing. And Rean just can't even begin to compare to BEstelle. Also, the final boss was a huge dissapointment. Still, it's an awesome game. But hey, that's the minimum i can expect from Trails :D
  20. http://store.steampowered.com/app/538680/The_Legend_of_Heroes_Trails_of_Cold_Steel/ It's out!
  21. I guess the +10 Crit ability with Ragnarok is bugged? The Crit during battle was 0 btw
  22. H Y P E should be in around 6 hours. Let's see if Cold Steel can stand up to the Epicness that was the Sky Trilogy.
  23. I lost my Ophie on a try XD even tough i wanted to reset anyway because i lost MVPNia the turn before That will be too much of an advantage for the player imo. BTW, i just read your Tactic for the Wagon and chapter and
  24. I don't think so really. While Chapter 4 was challenging, yes, it wasn't really unfair or much much more harder then Chapter 3. What i think should be changed however in this chapter is that the victory condition should trigger after the 12th Wagon is destroyed, and not wait until the Enemy Phase ends to trigger Victory condition (or is this a bug?)
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