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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. Glad to hear you enjoyed it :D And if you liked Kevin, you are about to get a whole lot more of him!
  2. Myrmidon and Mercenary aren't the same tho. Myrmidon are speedsters with high avo and low def, and not so good str, while Mercs have more all around stats and are a bit tankier.
  3. honestly, i was going blind, too, and had to restart and redo my equipment. I did it without Kevin, but with Kloe... she revived my Team 5 times and dealt the most damage in this battle xD
  4. https://www.reddit.com/r/Falcom/comments/7vntbc/a_collection_of_cs1_clear_data_ready_for_ng_or_to/
  5. i mean i can link you one if you want Emma may not be best girl (that's Fie), but Rean x Emma is good civ. :3
  6. dw about this. Underlvld characters get waaaaaaaay more exp and will catch up in a few battles.
  7. huh. in PC FC it was also called Lichtkreis who is the best? i wouldn't call em tedious (as i find em pretty fun and challenging, but i do like my games hard), but i do remember Ch4 Boss being a Bitch. And another optional boss i had to bring the 4 Opest characters with me to win. even with him you had to be careful and think your steps or you will get rekt pretty fast. 0 AT attacks won't help of you go full yolo. nope. only when you have advantage.
  8. Correction: both xD But you don't have access to Sehai-kun all game long i would say Sky 3rd has the best and most balancd Gameplay in the series. CS games are not balanced in the slightest.
  9. The boss is weak to Earth arts iirc (except the one who is immune to Arts). just spam ALL Earth Art until all are dead until one remains. super fun imo :) Atleast it's rightfully called Nightmare and not CS where Nightmare is Easy mode. edit: I also see you are not using Kloe. That's Mistake #1. Pro Tip: Lichtkreis saves Asses. @familyplayer imo the only bs boss is the prologue one.
  10. Instead of Marth (because who cares really) we need more characters that aren't in the game already
  11. Re Weapon Ranks: Make Anima share Weapon rank, however, Specialization get +1 Rank while the others get -1 Rank For Example: A Wind Mage with D anima Magic can use C Wind, but only E Fire/Thunder
  12. The way Fates did it: Axes and either Lances or Tomes upon Promo
  13. ''PREPARE TO MEET YOUR DOOOOM HIYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA'' :3 with her super high STR + Aoe + awesome crafts? she would be op
  14. was there ever any doubt? How can anyone not adore this cute Loligineer? ----
  15. I know that FE4 pulls that. Also GBAFE kinda does? While Echoes doesn't afaik
  16. Tbh, playing right now, i wish. While i don'T remember ever getting hit by 1, i missed too many 99s for it to be a 99%. The game could use to be alot less rng dependant tbh.
  17. The only chapter where i felt like that so far was 11x (i am at 17A atm). That one was Total bullshit, especially with how Olwen's survival being completely luck dependant, Same turn Reinforcements of the worst type (spawning right where the player is, unlike all other instances so far), Siege + FOW. Salem's recrutiment chapter (the one where you get Mareeta) would've been also BS with Sleep + FoW... if someone didn't give me the tip to defeat/capture him first turn, leading to me warping Finn and Parking him somewhere while Mareeta was getting exp on the Throne. Green units being enemy was also BS, but that have been meme'd so hard in the community, i know about it by now xD
  18. tbh, it's the 90s game design. I am not saying it's good, since there are some stuff the game really should tell you, but that's how the games were back then. (And tbh, i don't find it that cryptic so far. Although i am playing with a minimal Guide. I found FE4 worse in that regard if i am gonna be honest)
  19. Have Fun :D Re: Alisa i blame Early CS1. Even if she got alot better (from hating her 200% -> i am okay with her now), Early CS1 she was just ugh.
  20. considering i am running out of Knight Proofs to use, i don't think saddled is the right word here. I am doing my first Run of T776 atm, and what's more annoying is Leif's Promo... I am at ch17a atm and he has been Lvl 20 since ch10 now....
  21. tbh, the main reason why Magic outshines Physical units so much is the insane Terrian bonuses. Like holy 10 Def fort/Thrones, really? However infront of Magic that doesn't matter
  22. I think it's a balance choice... and odd one, but then again, FE5 is has alot of ''odd'' balance choices.
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